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Takuya Blaze

Wizengamot Interrogator
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Hey guys,

Due to some recent events, I have made myself grounded. :erm: I have no idea when I will return. It could be a month, it could be a week, it could be a lot longer. It's all down to how good I am, and how nice my parents feel. All I know is it won't be anytime soon. :doh:

I am deeply sorry to anybody whom this affects, and am doubly sorry to Linda for the fact that we had just got Justin and Trinity together. Basically, I will try and get on, if I can, at school, but I doubt it will happen. :(

This affects:

Chase Blade
Alex Blade - His classes are my priority, I will try and get on to post in them.
Robbie Masters
Takuya Blaze
Blaise Masters
Dimitri Blaze
Marcus Blade
Eli Adams
Marcus Adams
Justin Davis
Neodis Summers
Chris Mitchells

So sorry, again. :erm:
I'll see you all, when I can... hopefully..

- Zach.
That is super poopie. :(
Well, I hope it can be soon! ^_^

See you, Zach - and thanks for always offering to help around the board. It's appreciated. (And now you'll be missed. :( )
Zach!!! :hug: don't even give it another thought ;)
Trinity will wait patiently for Justin, never fear :)
Don't worry about your DADA lessons either, you can always play catch up in the make up section or if your grounding goes on longer then there's no worries joining next semesters second year group ;)

Your own professors lessons will also be taken care of ;)

just behave yourself from now on in :p
we'll miss you terribly :hug:

Lol Zach, what'd you do, Grounding sucks, and just when I made Mikki too. Lol, don't worry, we wont go anywhere :p
Just an update.

I'm ungrounded, on Thursday afternoon. :woot:
But, I leave on Friday for the weekend. So, I will be back full time on.. Sunday or Monday. :woot:

See you all then! :hug:
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