Closed Grieving Grandma

Giovanna Del Vecchio

💰💰💰 | Mother Dearest of Three
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
46 (5/2016)
Giovanna had thankfully put Hera down for a nap and was able to enjoy a few moments of peace. Making her way into the living room, she softly slid onto the couch, kicking off her heels, bringing her legs up. She had forgotten how draining funerals were, having been to so many growing up of her parents' friends or colleagues. Yet, here she was having just finished her own mother's service. "Gin on the rocks, Aubree," she called to the woman in the nearby kitchen, thankful that the help had been paid through the end of the month which meant less work for her. At least, for now.

Vanna's face was only slightly puffy from where she finally cried during the service. It was a selfish act, reflecting and regretting leaving Italy to pursue wealth and success on her own. Yet, if she had just stayed in Stresa, she would have been set financially for life, and probably with a decent husband that wouldn't have provided her with problem children like Seraphina. She could only hope Hera would turn out better. Maybe, Hera would be just as disgusted by her sister's actions and realize it was no proper way to act within their society. Taking the beverage from the maid, she resituated herself on the coach and took a sip, noticing her daughter in the doorway. "I don't have time for any of your antics right. Just spit it out."
Seraphina felt like her heart had shattered into a million pieces. No. Whatever the largest number was, times that by ten, and that would be only a remote fraction of how she actually felt. She hadn't even been allowed to attend the funeral fully because her mother had made her go to the nursery with Hera once she became too disruptive. Leave it to Catholics to be upset about a natural behavior among children. As Hera got older, she felt less contempt towards her sister, but seeing as she was only two, there wasn't a ton she could do with her. All Hera wanted to do was bring her toys for Seraphina to hold until she decided she wanted them back. And then she would scream bloody murder.

When they returned back to her nonna's home, she immeadiately went to her room. While it had been updated slightly, it still reflected the bedroom of what her nonna had assumed an eight year old would want. And while she normally was disgusted with the stuffed animals and gaudy floral curtians surrounding the room, she felt a sudden comfort as she held onto a giant bear and cried. It was cry full of grief, regret, heartbreak, and fear. Now, she had no one. Her mother, who was supposed to love her unconditionally, seemed to regret her meer existence, was the only one she had left. And even if she did know her father, she had no idea where he was and had no relationship with him. He could easily have another family and probably didn't care about her either.

Seraphina had been holed up in her room for an hour when she realized that she hadn't eaten anything since the night before. Splashing some cold water on her face, she found her way to her mother. "I just want something to eat, and I hate it when that maid tries to cook. Everything tastes burnt," she said, looking down at the ground. Part of her wanted takeout, but she figured that would easily be a no.
Giovanna stared at Seraphina as she swirled the drink around in its glass and then took another sip. She didn't understand why her daughter couldn't be grateful for what she had. Like a maid in the mansion. "Well, that's too bad," she strained as she pulled herself up, finishing off her gin. "There's leftovers from last night in the fridge," she started as she walked into the kitchen, pushing past Seraphina. Vanna emptied the rest of the gin into her glass, adding fresh ice and some bitters. Turning around, her daughter was still eyeing her, and Giovanna took another drink. "You are old enough to make dinner for yourself. Jeez, you're almost thirteen." Walking back to the couch, she realized that it hadn't been a while since she'd eaten as well. "See if there's anymore chicken in there while you're at."
Seraphina didn't understand why her mom just wouldn't let them get takeout, but she gave a hearty sigh as she went to the fridge, pulling out what was left of a roast chicken. There were some carrots, which Seraphina thought had just tasted like mushy dirt, and a few roast mini potatoes. She took apart some of the chicken, putting it on a plate for her mother and taking it to her with a fork.

"What? Do you expect me to eat it on my lap?"

Turning her back before, she rolled her eyes, she pulled out a tray table and placed the plate on their, quickly returning to the kitchen to scarf down what was left of the potatoes. It quickly filled her, and she could hear Hera starting to fuss through the baby monitor. Hoping she would quickly go back to sleep, Seraphina returned to the living room and found a spot in a nearby chair. Her feet didn't touch the ground, and she pulled them up under her, realizing how dry her face felt. "How long are we staying here?" she asked.
Vanna had just taken a bite of her food when she snapped at her firstborn. Maybe it was from exhaustion or hanger, but the mother had had enough of Seraphina's constant questions and backtalk. At least when her mother was alive, Giovanna could send her daughter off to Italy for a few weeks. Now, she'd actually have to handle things on her own. "We are not staying here any longer. You and Hera will be going back to Auckland. I've hired a new nanny," she finished, as her daughter said the last word at the same time. "I don't appreciate backtalk, Seraphina," she growled at her, taking another bite of her food. "I have some things to attend here. Selling the estate. Finalizing the finances. You two will be leaving by portkey the day after next." She held up her hand as she saw Seraphina attempt to speak, knowing what her daughter was going to ask next. "This," she said, gesturing to the mansion around them, "is not our home." As much as Giovanna would have loved to just easily return to her previous life, she knew it wouldn't be that easy. Neither of her daughters would have any social standing unless she lied, and seeing as most of her mother's friends were aware of her transgressions, Giovanna knew it wasn't a viable option. The best chance was to take the money and make the life she wanted in New Zealand.
Seraphina was frustrated with her mother more than usual. How could she just sell her grandmother's home when they could live here? And all her nonna's things! Her nonna had collected so many things in her over 100 years of life, and just giving them away to random people didn't make sense. Seraphina could feel her eyes welling up with tears and quickly hid her face as she looked down at the ground. "Can I at least take a few things that remind me of Nonna?" she mumbled, realizing that her mother would probably say no. But there were secrets that her grandmother had showed her in the house she didn't want anyone else to ever know about. "Actually, no. I'm going to take things because she was my grandmother. And- And more like a mom to me than you ever have been!" she shouted, quickly running upstairs to her room and slamming the door.

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