
Pixie Cyclone

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
10 inch driftwood with glitter and sparkles
So I don't usually do the big hello on rp sites, I just tend to keep to myself and write but this seems like a huge community that thrives on the ooc as much as the ic from what I've seen over the past two days of trying to navigate everything. Great site btw.

I'm pretty old in the way of roleplaying, I've been doing it for a long time. Long before it was trendy I think xD sweet emoticons btw
Not entirely sure how plausible any eleven year old will be that I create but will give it a go all the same.

I was recommended this site a few years back actually by a friend of mine but was already a member on about four other sites that slowly came to a grinding halt as most sites do; except for this it seems :cool:

I don't give much of my personal details out, call me paranoid but that's me :p
Am really loving these emoticons, am a huge lover of emoji so these totally rock!!

I keep swerving off tangent don't I?
Anyways, I look forward to writing with all of you.
Hello there and Welcome to HNZ!
I'm glad you've found our little corner of the internet! You've also joined us at a great time with the birthday celebrations currently going on!

I'm Emzies, and I am one of the GMs on this site. Here are the some site information stuff, that will help you navigate around the site as you get started. Feel free to PM me, with any questions, concerns, or if you just want a chat.

Once again, Welcome to HNZ, and I hope you have a lovely time with us!
Hi Emzie, thanks so much for the welcome.
I've already had Raze welcome me in pm and answer a whole host of questions, so you're off the hook there right away. ;)

I do have one though, I know I found it earlier but can't seem to find it again.
What year in game are we so that I can determine what year my character was born.

Happy Birthday ^_^ and thank you

oh call me Pixie it's pretty much my nickname anyway. Not very original for my character I know xD
Hey there, Pixie, and welcome to HNZ!
I'm glad you ended up joining us (even if it is just because we've outlasted other communities :( :p ) and quite glad that you enjoy our emoticons! I think they're pretty awesome, too. :nick:

Like Emzies, I'm open to helping you out with whatever you may need help or clarification about on the board - so don't hesitate to shoot me a PM if that's ever something that you need.

As to your question about the current IC year, it's 2036 (and the year is always identified in the house points section at the bottom of the board). :)

Happy roleplaying!

Welcome to HNZ! I'm glad that you remembered us and decided to check us out (again). :cool:

I'm Cyndi, one of the admin, and I'm always around if you have any questions. It looks like you're already getting and have been offered help though.

I hope you enjoy RPing here. Feel free to send me a PM if you'd like to RP. :)
ohmygosh! so sorry, I didn't mean for it to come across like that but isn't it nice that you guys outlast many other HP sites? ;)

I totally didn't even notice the points board or the little print underneath, thanks a ton. Appreciate it Nick.

I probably will be sending a pm, all are really helpful and sensationally nice here. I've inundated Raze with a ton of questions already and he was fantastically helpful, so it's probably no harm to unload on someone else for a change.

Am embarrassed now. At first I didn't remember the site at all but googled Hogwarts Roleplaying Sites and got a whole load of blah to be honest that I've already either rp'd on or could not be bothered with. It was only going through my bookmarks ( I delete nothing, I swear it's a curse ) and saw the name among a few other HP sites I had there. I clicked into it and browsed as much as possible in my wee time frame.

Pleasure to meet you Cyndi and you too Nick.
Thanks so much, I was wondering what I do with regard rping. Am quite nervous about starting out really. I'll most likely do up my character development form before getting underway but I would love to rp most definitely. Thank you Cyndi.
Welcome to the board!

I am Kaitlyn, one of the many site staff. If you have any questions or want to RP (I have a couple of potential students in my collection), feel free to throw me a PM!
I hope you enjoy your stay with us.

~ Kaitlyn
Thanks so much Kaitlyn.
Must say the site is so organised and dare I say it - fun!
I could happily get lost with the emoticons all day and almost forget to rp altogether xD

OMG! that would be fantastic, thank you.
I just started a post in the unsorted area but am certain people may find it ridiculously long. My introductions are often epic size, though I try to tame it back a little after that so as not to frighten too many people away.

Expect the Spanish Inquisition :p

I haven't said hi to you yet. Dearie me. That is a problem. Hi! Hello! I'm Teigan, as you already know and I just thought I would stop by to say a quick WELCOME TO HNZed! To you! It's lovely to see you around the board. I too have a potential student in my collection and I may even traipse over to the unsorted section to check out your roleplay. Long ones don't frighten me, though I may not be able to match you. I tend to limit myself between 400-600 words when I can, just so its not too much. Anyway, ADIOS!

Hello Pixie!
Welcome to the site, it's nice to see that you have grown comfortable with us. You can call me Tenilee, and while I have told myself that, since I am currently off the site for personal reasons, I will not make new characters, nor start or plan rps. But, to be frank, I always promise such things and it's never stuck yet. Why change now!? :lol:
Anyway, I'm glad you like the emoticons, I too love them. :wub: if you ever wish to chat or plot, I'm always willing, although may be slow currently. I don't have an unsorted at this time, therefore cannot join your rp, but when the new year swings around, or if you decided to have another character join, I'd be happy to plot and rp some time! ^_^
Hi Teigan, Hi Tenilee ^_^
awesome names by the way.

my own nickname or one of many at any rate is Pixie, I wasn't very original with my character name xD

Thanks for the very warm and awesome welcomes :wub:

this site is just awesomeness :woot:

yeah, the emoticons are wicked :lol: Nicolas told me to do one of the emoticon stories because I was so stricken with them, so of course I did! =)) balmy much :p

Oh, I can definitely wait until the new school year for rpage and never worry about long or short posts. I match mine to what I get or what my brain can cope with at times. There was a time I used to write one paragraph posts and thought I was awesome for it =))

Welcome to HNZ! :hug:

Glad you decided to join us! Haha I read your read your emote story, it was awesome! It looks like you're already fairly settled here and stuff, but I'd still like to say welcome! My name is Jessye, I have a lot of characters so you'll probably see me lurking around at on one or another! I hope we get to RP sometime!

- Jessye
Hi Jessye,

thank you for the welcome.
Actually I've read a few bits about the board with some of your characters.
You have the current Minister of Magic who's retiring :)

I think I've run into quite a few of you and Kaitlyn's rp's about the board. I like to read when I've nothing going on myself ^_^
love the way you both write and love your characters, so :woot: YES to rping anytime xD

so glad you liked the emoticon story, it just may be the way to rp in the future =))
Pixie Cyclone said:
You have the current Minister of Magic who's retiring :)
Actually...Seraphine is my character.
Jessye owns the guy she is married to, the deputy minister. xD
my mouth doesn't normally hang open first thing in the morning but :o
so what are all the little books beside some of those names for?
I figured them out, biographies ^_^

*takes my two wittle characters and huggles them* =))
It can take some getting used too, but you'll get there.

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