( wait. Did she actually stomp her foot on Alex's or very tempted to..?
Alex looked at her wary as he saw what he thought was a glint of anger in her eyes for a split second. But as she said it was nice to see him, he smiled in relief. She obviously got that he was giving her a compliment on the dress.
'No, it's better to see you than it is for you to see me.' He loved playing with words, one of his favorite things to do to annoy people. Though, this time, annoying wasn't really that high on his priority of things to do.
He let out a laugh as she said he must of been thrilled.
'You got me right there. Do you know how long a couple of months seem stuck in these 4 walls? I'm so glad I can finally get out of here for good.' he told her, meaning the truth. When he was out, he could finally start making something of himself like he had done before. Not too mention, travelling and seeing people would be so much easier now. Just then, Andy came up to him, telling him congratualtions. He smiled at her, thanking her before she went off speaking to the rest of them. He would her. He felt sorry for her having to stay in this jungle though, she'd manage no problem, with her attitude towards life.
A slight hurt expression passed over his face as Moko told him to go away practically. Stepping closer to her, he shook his head, confused.
'Moko, I- I didn't invite anyone else here.' he told her sincerly, his voice low. He sighed before the frown lines faded. 'Besides, I'm sure you want to sit some more after my awesome speech,' he added, being sarcastic. How could see think of sitting some more after all that sitting already done? She must be crazy if she meant that.
'Come on. Let me show you off to some of my friends. Can't let your amazing efforts just go to waste like that,' he smiled, holding his hand out to her. His eyes swirled with happiness at speaking to her again, making him forget all his other problems at the moment. With her, he could be at ease no problem.