Graduation Garlands | WPC Y47/S2

Daria Bright-Root

sweet 🌺 kind 🌺 curious searching
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Yew Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
8/2045 (18)
Every time Daria was reminded that her time at Hogwarts was nearly over, it shocked her all over again. The real world was a matter of a few exams away now, and she wasn't sure she was ready for it. Her whole time at school she had hardly accomplished anything, and would be leaving with more questions than answers, questions she didn't know where to seek answers for. In the short term she at least had a job lined up, thanks to her brother, but beyond that... there was nothing but a thick fog, and a future too hard to see clearly.

The sensible thing, maybe, would have been to use the Wild Patch to take her mind off it; to organise a club event that had nothing to do with the future, so she could carry on pretending everything was normal. But what Ravenclaw was really capable of not overthinking things? With the gardens of spring, summer, and now autumn behind them, Daria had been collecting flowers as the year went, Professor Castillo helping to suspend them perfectly as they had been when she picked them, and now those flowers were laid out in front of her, tables heaped with blossoms organised by colour and type, a whole rainbow of flora. Behind Daria were a few vases of different sizes and styles, as well as a few wire forms, for anyone who wanted to get ambitious. As the club began to arrive, Daria braced herself for the part she dreaded, and once everyone was present she couldn't put it off any longer, breath barely more than a whisper. "Um, h-hello everyone..." She mumbled, hiding partly behind her hair. "I thought, um, since... since it's almost the end of the year, we-we could all work together, and... make some nice flower arrangements for, for graduation. So, um, I saved flowers from our garden all year, and we've got these vases and frames, so..." Daria gestured around weakly. "Um, you can make whatever you like, just... have fun?"
The year was coming to and end and Eli didn't know what to do about it. He was hoping he could take the break to help Jonah catch up on anything he felt he might be lacking in - Rose was a solid A student, so it didn't really matter with her, and well, Sayuri was pretty much in the same boat as him so it didn't really matter too much with her either, she could probably just ride it in like Rose was. Well, Yuri at least studied, he didn't think Rose did a lot of that, she just missed a lot of class, because she couldn't handle the crowds. He listened to Daria a she mentioned doing something for graduation and he was happy to do it, he liked working with plants, he'd discovered and it was something only really Hina was doing so that worked out too. He looked to his sister and gestured to her to help him with one of the floral arrangements, picking up some roses and hyacinth to wrap around a frame that they could work on together.

@Hinata Edogawa
Ruto made her way to the Wild Patch Club event, wondering what their leader had in store for them. She enjoyed being part of the club as it was actually quite relaxing. It was a good way to get her mind off her studies for a while and immerse herself with nature. If she wasn't part of the club she would feel she would be doing a disservice.

As she made her way there, she smiled softly at Daria who ran the club and listened as she spoke, or rather mumbled. There was really not much else to say anyway and Roo was happy to just be making bouquets of flowers. She began by collecting some sunflowers and some pink hydrangeas. She wanted hers to be very bright and happy. The teen used her pruning shears to cut away all of the leaves from the stems.
Even with electives this year having kept things a bit more interesting this year, Briony still found it hard to focus in her classes, mind always elsewhere. One place she never had trouble staying on track though was in the Wild Patch, and she was glad they had another meeting before the year ended.

The mention of graduation reminded her that Emery'd be leaving at the end of the year too, which was a funny thought. Maybe she should try to make something he'd like? What flowers looked the most gobstones, she mused, grabbing a few particularly round looking blossoms and haphazardly tucking them into a vase.

Taking a step back to consider the mess, Briony noticed Ruto nearby pruning her stems far more carefully, making a thoughtful noise.

"Oh, that makes a lot more sense, I've never done bouquets before that weren't just stuff I pulled out of the garden with dandelions and stuff. I do like those though but these should probably look nice," she said, admiring the prefect's beginning arrangement and casting around for a spare set of shears. @Ruto Vernier-Raison
Ruto turned to the younger girl as she began to speak to her. She thought perhaps it was a compliment, so smiled slightly at her words. "Thank you, Briony." she said, cutting one of the longer stems so that it was even with the others. She then held her shears out to the girl as she noticed her looking around. "Looking for some shears?" She wasn't sure, but was happy to share them with her. "What are you going to put in your bouquet?"

@Briony Mettlestone
Naveen couldn't say he was particularly impressed with the Wild Patch's leadership this year. Last year hadn't been much better and if he was being honest he spent most of his time doing what he wanted to make sure the garden was doing well and thriving. He knew he was only a second year and had no real power but he stood off to the side with his hands on his as he waited to hear what they'd be doing for the day's meeting. He couldn't exactly complain about making arrangements for the graduating seventh years without sounding like a jerk. But he never had much of an artist eye when it come to flower arranging. Still he was at least going to try and grabbed a vase and a few stems to get started.

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