Graduation 2032: The Ceremony

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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
As the students, family members, and staff gathered in the tastefully decorated Great Hall, Cyndi was lost in thought, thinking of the many graduations she had attended in this very room. She couldn't remember all of the speeches and couldn't remember the faces of every student who had collected their diplomas across the stage, but she could remember the sense of pride that emanated from each student as they crossed. She had felt that pride when she'd walked across the stage herself nearly a decade ago and knew that the students who would walk across the stage today to shake Headmistress Davershire's hand would as well.

Once all of the students had made their way to their seats, Cyndi stood up from where she'd been seated on the stage. She straightened her navy dress and headed to the podium that was set up at the front of the stage. "Good afternoon everyone. I'd like to welcome you all to this ceremony where we will be honouring the class of 2032." She smiled down at the graduates and continued. "Today is the start of the rest of your lives, and I hope that you are all proud of what you have accomplished in this school. I know that we professors didn't always make things easy for you, but be confident in the fact that we have done the best we could to prepare you. The rest is up to you and I am sure that you all will be just fine." The Ancient Runes professor was surprised at her ability to hold back her tears as she went on. "I'd like to now welcome your Head Girl, Ostensia Romanes, and Head Boy, Dymetris Kozlov, to the stage." She stepped away from the podium, clapping as she headed back to her seat.

OOCOut of Character: Important Information
This thread is for Graduates and Speakers to post in. Graduates please do not post until the Head Boy and Head Girl have posted. Guests and Spectators can post in the 'Guest' topic.
<COLOR color="#000">Ostensia Romanes was full of nerves and jitters today. Today was Ostensia's last day at Hogwarts. It was the last day she was going to see this hall, the faces of her peers, and even the last day she would have the right to wear that Shiny Head Girl badge upon her uniform. Ostensia would miss all of it. She owed Hogwarts everything. Throughout the years she had been taught not only magic, but important life lessons. Now it was all ending within a of minutes. Only, Ostensia had one last test left. She had to make a speech. In front of everyone. Ostensia may have been a people person, generally she got along with everyone. But the thought of speaking in front of so many people she didn't know kind of frightened her. "At least I have Damian and Colton out there." Then again, they could always laugh at her too. She couldn't blame them too much for wanting to laugh either. All she could hope for was that everyone would forgive her for her poorly thought of speech. Ostensia tried her hardest to work on it whenever she had the time, but she could never manage anything more than a couple of sentences. It felt like it should be something easy. But it wasn't. Was there truly anything that Ostensia could say to her peers, that hadn't been said before? It had to be something they would remember. Even after they left the Castle to pursue their dreams. Ostensia sighed and listened to the Headmaster give her own speech. Ostensia hoped a part of it would inspire her since it was quite lovely, but nothing stuck out to her. She was on her own for now. It wasn't long before it was time for both the Head Girl and the Head Boy to give their speeches. Ostensia felt her mouth go dry. It was her turn to give a speech. "Here goes nothing." Ostensia thought to herself as she stood up. The blonde approached the podium and bit her lip. There were just so many people sitting out there. What if they laughed at her? Ostensia would have given anything to hide in a corner right now. But she had to make this speech! She had to leave her class with some kind of wisdom. Ostensia let a small smile grace her lips. "I tried to write speech for today, at least a dozen times. None of them really came out good enough to read to you guys, so I think I'm just going to wing it. I'm not so good at giving speeches either, so I apologize in advance for anything rambling you're about to hear." Ostensia's smile faded awkwardly. She could already see some people smiling, or laughing. Either way, it made her nervous. This was just cruel. She hoped the staff was happy with themselves for this. It wasn't like she could back out now, though.

"When we first came here seven years ago, we knew nothing about what we were getting ourselves into. We were nothing more than silly little kids who dreamed of the magic we were going to learn, or the great people we planned to become someday, or even finding that one special person we couldn't live without." Ostensia let her eyes drift to Damian briefly before she smiled again. A part of her felt like she had dreamed of all three. She loved the idea of magic, she loved the idea of the future, and she had found the guy of her dreams. "I came here with all these expectations in my mind. But my time here didn't go as I pictured at all. I learned a lot of lessons. some of them were harder than others, but I'm glad that I took the time to learn them. Without them, I probably wouldn't be standing here today. So I give my thanks to each and every one of my peers and Professors for taking the time to help me find my way." Ostensia wasn't finished yet. She was merely only getting started. Or so she thought. The Head Girl was planning on speaking until she thought she had said what she had to say. "To be honest, I never thought I'd be standing up here and giving you this speech today. I always imagined it to be my sister doing this. She was always the one that was really into school. But I guess the people that chose me saw something in me that I didn't see in myself." Ostensia looked down at the podium. When she first found out that she was given Head Girl, she was confused. Surely Isabella had deserved this more? Even Faxen might have had more of a right to be up here than she did. Yet here she was. It took some time for her to get this through her head, but she realized that there was something in her, much more strong and powerful than she might have ever imagined, and she was going to utilize this. It was going to be something she used to make herself happier, as well as the others around her. She just hoped that the others in her life would be willing to accept the change Ostensia wanted to bring through herself.

Ostensia brushed aside some of her hair, and started up again. "But this is kind of the message I want to leave all of you with tonight. You make feel like you're lost, or scared, or that you don't have a reason to live. But what you need to remember is, that there will always be someone who see's more in you than you'll ever realize. Whether it be a mother, a friend, or even a lover, you should make it your mission to continue on for them." Ostensia thought of her sister, she thought of her brothers, and she also thought of Damian. Damian was the one that played most vividly through her mind. He was the person she wanted to be her best for. Damian had asked her to move in with him, and she quickly agreed. How perfect would it be for her to live with the one person who made her smile every morning just by hearing his name? They were going to be reunited once more, and Ostensia was going to do her best to continue on, for Damian. To show Damian that she was willing to be the best she could be. "So, class of 2032, this may be our last day together. But I want you all to do a favor for me. Live. Live and try to be the best you can be, for all the people out there who have faith in you. Congratulations guys we did it, and we should be proud!" With that, Ostensia finished up the last of her speech. She gave a cutesy little smile to the crowd, hoping they didn't think her speech was a complete mess. Osa tried not to talk too much, but she tried to get her point across. Ostensia went back to sit down, where she would wait for the Head Boy to speak, and for the rest of the ceremony to begin. Ostensia couldn't wait to get her diploma and get out of here. then she could go back home with Damian, and get to work on the rest of their life together, no matter what that was supposed to be.​
Professor Kingsley stood after the two speeches and clapped her hand as she headed back to the front podium. Their speeches had been delightful and Cyndi was sure that their Head of House and their families were proud of how well they had done. Waiting until the clapping had stopped, Cyndi glanced over to the students who were seated awaiting their diplomas. She gave them a small smile and spoke. "Thank you for those wonderful words, Ms. Romanes and Mr. Kozlov. Now, if you please, let us get to the part that you've no doubt been waiting seven years for." She looked down at the long list before her and began to read off names, watching as the students stepped forward one by one to accept their diplomas.
OOCOut of Character: Information
It's time Graduates. You can now RP your character coming on stage, getting his or her diploma and then sitting back down until the end of the ceremony.
Isabella Dragonov could not believe what was happening to her right now. She was graduating. Finally. Isabella loved Hogwarts but there was only so much she could take. Isabella was sitting with some other seventh years, soon to be graduated. Isabella hated the fact that she was all dressed up right now, since she thought that her getting all prettied up was rather pointless. However her husband was here in the crowd, watching her graduate. Oh she could not wait until they moved in together and started a life. As soon as she was done with school, she was moving away. Isabella could not wait, because her and Demeter agreed over the various letters that they ought to move away. Isabella missed Italy so much, but she needed a job, and here was the best bet when it came to jobs. She was going to be an Unspeakable, well, she hoped anyway. That was what she was dying to be since she was a second year. She made the grades for it, so she believed. Isabella had so much to look forward to, and this was her step out of there. Isabella listened to her sister's speech, and thought that Ostensia was adorable, since she was not one of those that prepared for speeches like Isabella would have been. Isabella heard her mention her, and she looked down. At the beginning, even Isabella didn't know why Ostensia was chosen over her, but her temper was explosive at the time, and she was not exactly Head Girl material. She handled so much, another title would have crushed her. She was proud of Ostensia regardless. Ostensia was the oldest of the Romanes clan. Well, excluding Colton, whom came from their mother's affair. Isabella clapped loudly for Ostensia when she descended the stage, and then it was time to get their diplomas. One by one, the seventh years were called, and not too long after, it was her turn. She still flinched slightly when someone called her name by her new last name. She got up, and carefully walked up to the stage where she shook the headmistress's hand, and retrieved her diploma. She walked down the stage, making sure not to trip, and regained her seat. Her magenta eyes were glowing, she was that happy.
Nadia Kaster had finally come to the realisation that this was her last day at this beloved school. She had been expecting this for weeks, but it had only now dawned on her what it all meant. She wasn't sure she wanted out of life. She did want to be a Journalist, but she didn't think she had gotten the appropriate marks in each of her classes, which she was rather upset about for the moment. She wasn't ready to go out into the world yet. She wasn't ready to leave her place of safety and security and go out into the real world. A world where she was no longer protected by the magic of the school. It was with a heavy heart that Nadia walked into the Great Hall. It was true that she had found so much comfort and happiness inside these walls, whilst most of her time spent outside them tended to end in sadness, but she had to also admitt that living with the Kaster's had done her so much good in the end. Even though Tamalia was unable to Graduate with her, she atleast had Koboshi to keep her company. They had spent alot of time together since Tamalia's departure and had gotten to know each other so well. They enjoyed the company of each other and could quite often be found in the library or other places studying or enjoying each others company. They would finally be Graduating after all these years and the many times Nadia and Tamalia had talked about Koshi's likelihood of joining them on the stage. As it turned out it should have been Tamalia that they worried about.

Nadia walked over to a seat in the room and crossed her legs, waiting patiently for the proceedings to start. She was more then alittle surprised to see Professor Kingsley on the stage instead of Professor Davershire. She had thought that is was customary for the Head of the school to speak, but she didn't mind, she liked Professor Kingsley, though she supposed that she could call her Cyndi now that she would only ever see her if she was out of school. Though admittedly if she by chance, which would likely never happen, ran in to Professor Styx, there was no way she was going to address him as Kalif. He scared her too much, she would rather just stick with Professor Styx, it would be much safer for her health. Ostensia's speech brought her out of her thoughts and she smiled as her classmate spoke. She had never really gotten to know Ostensia. Which was rather a shame. She knew that Ostensia was a rather nice girl. Sammy had said as much, though he didn't know her well either. Never-the-less, Nadia was rather disappointed that she never made an effort to speak to the girl. She was sure it would have been a nice talk after all. Her speech was sincere and heartfelt, she could feel a tear starting to form and she quickly proceeded to wipe it away. It was too much right now. Standing with the rest of the school, Nadia clapped her to her seat and smiled as she looked around the room and saw Sammy, sitting with the other prefects. She was sure he would have a packet of tissues with him. He was of course always prepared for these kinds of things. The only thing that would have made this feeling any better, would have been the presence of her mother. But she could feel her in spirit. That was what mattered the most.

After Ostensia's speech, it was time for Dymetris'. Nadia knew only about as much about him as she had read about in RHI. That was definitely one of the few things that Nadia was not going to miss. RHI and its wicked rumors and gossip. She had spent many nights wondering how Sammy was coping, or how Tamalia would react to the next issue. She had been expelled soon after version four. Her and that stupid Annalie girl. Nadia sighed when it was time for the diplomas. Her name was going to be somewhere in the middle she was sure, because that was usually where it was. Though she didn't mind so much, it gave her alittle time to think about everything. Though when her name was called, she breathed a heavy sigh and made her way to the stage. Once she was up there and had recieved her diploma, she had a good vantage point to seeing the room and was very happy to be able to see Freddie. She was glad he had come. She smiled straight at him, hoping he would notice before making her way back down the stairs and back to her seat. She wanted to run straight to Freddie but right now was unable too. She suddenly felt that she wold be able to do this. That this was not the end of the world, but the beginning of a new life and she couldn't wait.
Ostensia couldn't believe it was almost time for her to be officially Graduated. She was proud that she managed to give a decent speech, Dymetris gave a nice speech too, but she was still more proud of her own. When all the speeches were said and done with, Ostensia was left with one thing and one thing only to do before she would be done with this place, grab her diploma and walk across that stage. Ostensia smiled when her sister was called up. It was weird having Isabella have a different name. Pretty soon she would have her own place with Demeter too. Ostensia let her eyes fall out to the crowd for a moment before she bit her lip and looked back at her peers. Sadly, this might be the last time she would seem many of them. When Ostensia heard her name being called she arose from her seat and walked over. She carefully took the diploma and walked across the stage and back to her seat. Well, here she was. An official Graduate. Now she could focus on her career and possible future with Damian.
After staying and studying for seven years in Hogwarts New Zealand, Cosette Mayfair finally reached one of her goals and that is to graduate. Even though her parents mother couldn't be here, she felt grateful for the presence of her own father. It's not like everyday their child would graduate, except when he or she's a muggle. Dressed in her ravishing cocktail dress, that she spent the whole day looking for the perfect one. Cosette couldn't be any happier now that she'll finally have her own freedom after graduation, still she couldn't decided whether to stay with her boyfriend or return to Paris. It's been a month since she received Raffaelo's letter and up to now she isn't sure if she'll accept his offer to live with him. It was too much to think of right now, especially their Graduation ceremony starts in a few minutes. Fixing her hair, and putting it up. Cosette made her way, passing by the corridors for the last time as a student of Hogwarts New Zealand. Years of being a prefect long gone, after the ceremony. Of course she'll leave a name and perhaps a legacy but it made her feel gloomy down under, knowing it would he her last time. It felt like yesterday she was sorted as a Hufflepuff with her fellow brother Armand, meeting new people and making new friends. The times she spent will always be cherished and never forgotten. In her high heels, the seventh year entered the Great Hall, hoping to see a lot of familiar faces today. She also heard that Raffaelo's cousin, Enzo would be here, not for her but for someone else. Cosette wasn't sure who it was though, but surely his presence is not for her, she didn't bothered to invite Raffaelo. Knowing that he wouldn't show up anyway, why would he come at his girlfriends graduation and not attend his? It was pointless to argue, so other than making up an issue, she decided to surprise him tomorrow. It's either it means she'll stay or she'll go to Paris and just visit him instead.

Waiting for the graduation ceremony to start, Cosette approached her seat while letting her golden eyes wander. Is Jake here? or her other friends? With the spectators and guests piling up, she couldn't see the rest of her schoolmates. Though she was hoping to see Jake at least, knowing he's a prefect and he's allowed to attend. She didn't too see her father, perhaps he's late or outside talking to someone with his phone. Typical of him to do so, crossing her legs as Professor Cyndi finally began saying a few words. Her eyes lifted as she listened to every speech of the Head Girl and the Head Boy. Well, mostly she listened to the Head Girl more, Ostenia. She never even got the chance to get to know her, Isabella too. Though she did remembered Nadia during her early years in Hogwarts New Zealand, before and after sorting. It's like every memories starts to rush back into her head, she kept her mood still. For this day, she wanted to be herself, and let her real color shine, Gold and nothing more. Different careers started to circulate inside her mind, the pressure started to burst once it was her turn to get her diploma. When her name was called, Cosette stood up and went up to the stage to get her diploma, shaking a few hands here and there. Above the stage, she finally saw her father and perhaps a business partner or his secretary. Cosette let it slide for now, as long as he's here then it'll do. As her other classmates got theirs, Cosette remained on her seat clapping and cheering for the rest of the graduates. She really couldn't believe that their years in Hogwarts is over, time indeed flies so fast. And as she sat there, waiting for the ceremony to end, her thoughts started to spread out like cards again, letting her choose which future she'll take on.
Faxen Lowart couldn't believe that today was the day that she was finally going to graduate. After seven years at Hogwarts New Zealand, it was hard to imagine that she would not be returning to this place in September. Faxen was excited to begin her new life of pursuing her dream of a musical career. Graduation was bittersweet. Hogwarts had given her some of the best memories of her life. It was where she had first met Dymetris. It was where they fell in love. She had been sorted into the best house. She had been made a prefect and been on the Quidditch team. It was hard to leave all that behind, but she knew that she would do wonderful things with her life. The stunning brunette had dressed in a sparkling silver and gold sequined mini-dress. Her hair was tied up loosely at the nape of her neck. She was radiant and glowing with happiness. The graduates filed into the Great Hall where the guests waited. Faxen looked around for her mother and Enzo, the only two people she had invited. She spotted her mother and waved to Emer. She knew her mum was extremely proud of her. Faxen wasn't sure if Enzo would come or not. She had invited him even though things had been tense between them ever since she started dating Dymetris. The Gryffindor girl knew that Enzo didn't care for Dymetris. Of course, Dymetris didn't exactly care for Enzo either.

Faxen smiled as Professor Kingsley started the graduation. She welcomed them all before introducing the Head Girl and the Head Boy. Faxen listened as Ostenia spoke. It was a good speech, even if a part of Faxen still wished it was she who had been named Head Girl. However, Ostenia was a nice girl, and she had done a good job. They had never been close or anything. In fact, Faxen wished she had been closer to some of her classmates than she was. Faxen clapped as she finished her speech. Then, Dymetris stood up, giving his speech. He had not told Faxen what he was going to say. The slender brunette glowed with pride for her lover. She thought she clapped the loudest for him. The graduates began to go up and get their diplomas. When it was her turn, Faxen walked up the step the steps and crossed the stage confidently. A beautiful smile graced her face. The Headmistress handed her diploma and shook her hand. Faxen exited the stage with a bright grin on her face. She was an official graduate now! Faxen stood with her classmates, clapping until everyone had received their diplomas.
Today was chayton atearas last day at school. This year had been his favourite by a long way. He was so glad that he had transferred from Orion to hogwarts New Zealand for here he had made friends as well as started to date the girl he had loved since he had first met. That morning he had woken a little late and horridly packed the last few things into his trunk leaving out the suit that he was planning on wearing that day. He showered and dressed. He looked at himself in the mirror before taking his glasses off and putting them into his pocket. He headed sown to the great hall. Those who had known him at the start of the Vera or at his last school would have noticed several differences to his appearance. Firstly he no longer slouched instead he stood almost straight. And his expression wasn't one of timid avoidance, who,se not emitting the sense of confidence he still at least gave. Bit more of a sense of presence than he would have done the precious year. As he entered the hall he saw one of his friends sapphire and waved at her wishing her a quick congratulations. Before heading to his seat.
He was sitting next to madlyn at the end of the row so their several extra feet in height would not obstruct anyone else's vision. "congratulations madlyn" he said putting his arm around her shoulder. They had been dating ever since the Yule ball and he didn't know why she had agreed to date him but she had. He wondered what would happen to them now she hoped that they would stay together he actually hoped to marry her but he thought it would be too soon ask as he still wasn't sure what she saw in him but hoped that there was something.
The ceremony was beginning and chayton listened to professor Kingsley and the head boy and girl spoke the head boy had been his dorm mate and they had gotten on pretty well they were both mixed species. He half giant and dymetris half veela. The head girl was also in his house though she didn't know her that well. He smiled and clapped politely when they each finished. Then it was time for each of them to cross the stage and collect their diploma. With the last name ateara he was one of the first. When his name was called he got up and headed across the stage. From that vantage point he was able to see the audience he saw the professors and prefects as well as more importantly the guests. He saw that his dad Harry was sitting near the back and next to them he saw iris margera he saw his dad smile and cheer as he saw his sone graduate. Chay smiled to. He returned to the seat and watched his classmates graduate clapping them each, clapping harder for madlyn.
Soon the ceremony was over and chay made his way over to his dad to mrs margera and the other girl with her who may have been one of madlyn a friends or even the girl she talked about her adopted sister. He smiled and greeted them both as his dad slapped him proudly in the lower back (it would have been the upper back or shoulder if he could reach). He was so happy finally be out of school. The next while he enjoyed spending time with some of his favourite people before they had to go and collect their things and get ready to leave just before he did he hugged madlyn. He had gotten over blushing every time he saw her but still as he hugged her I front of their parents. Thankfully he was able to excuse himself before they saw the glow at the back of his neck.
It was that time now. The time for Koboshi Aiko to Graduate. She placed a smile on her face and couldn't believe she had actually made it this far. It seemed like it wasn't too long ago that Koshi was getting into trouble for picking on and teasing all the younger years. Being secret friends with Nadia and Tamalia and refusing to admitt when she was wrong. She had been a total b!tch back then. These days though, no-one really knew who she was, she had kind of faded into that background, which was a good thing in her honest opinion. She didn't mind too much, she didn't like attention that much anymore anyway. She shook her head and took her seat in the front row. Considering her name was Aiko, she was going to be one of the first called. She hadn't invited anyone to the ceremony. She and Noboru weren't speaking presently and she didn't really want to be around her parents right now. The only one she really had here for her was Nadia, but she didn't mind. She settled quietly and waited patiently for the proceedings to begin. It was Cyndi hosting, which had shocked her alittle, then of course was time for the speeches and she clapped along as the Head-girl and Boy each presented a speech. They were both good. She then waited patiently for her turn before standing nervously and walking up the stairs to receive her diploma. She had gotten any special honours or any appealing grades. That didn't really matter to her though, she was going to create amulets for a living, that was fun. She smiled at Nadia before walking down the other stairs, tripping over her shoes once, but not falling and headed for her seat, hiding her embarrassment behind her diploma.
This was it. Isabella White was graduating. She couldn't believe this day actually came. Bella's first surprise came in being made Prefect a few years ago, but couldn't believe she was graduating. The Slytherin couldn't help but grin the entire time. She felt like she learnt all she could, and was more than ready to leave and spend as much time as she could with Rephael. It had been awhile since she had actually seen him in person, but loved receiving his letters. As Isabella entered the Hall with her fellow Graduates, her hazel eyes flicking around, hoping to catch a glance at the Matthias boy she invited. He had been the only one invited, as Isabella was sure her father was away on a business trip, and much too busy.
The happiness she felt wasn't something that happened a lot to Isabella, a few younger students may have not even recognized the smiling blonde; as it was usually a scowl that had it's place on her face. Isabella nervously twirled a piece of her curled hair as she took her spot. For once in her life, Bella listened whole-heartedly to the speakers on the stage, and even applauded for Ostensia once she finished her speech. It seemed a life time before Isabella's name was called. In the mean time, she only clapped for the few friends and acquaintances she had made during her seven years at Hogwarts. When it was finally her turn, Isabella gracefully made her way up onto the stage. Isabella shook the Headmistress' hand before returning smoothly to her seat, a beautiful smile lingering on her face.
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