Graduation 2029: Spectators/Guests

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Gabriel Lloyd

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
OOCOut of Character:
Spectators and guests will post here.
Muriel looked around in amazement as her niece Aurora pushed her wheel chair through the giant doors to the castle. It looked nothing like the plain white walls she was so used to at the hospital. "Aurora its so big!" she whispered excitedly to the younger woman. For the last week all Muriel had talked about to anyone was how her Dannii was graduating and that she was going to be able to attend. She was so proud of her. When the pair entered the great hall Muriel made sure that they were sitting at the very front. She wanted to be the first person to congratulate Dannii after she stepped off the stage. As the hall filled up Muriel couldn't help but tell anyone that would listen that her Dannii was head girl.

Soon though Aurora motioned for her to be quiet as the head master stepped on stage. Muriel tried to sit patiently through the head masters speech but fidgeted a little in her chair. Finally Dannii stepped out on stage. Muriel stuck her hand up in the air as far as she could reach and waved to make sure that Dannii saw her. Her niece looked so beautiful in the outfit they had chosen together over Christmas break. She listened intently through her speech and clapped the loudest when it was done. Now she just had to wait for Dannii to get her diploma and she could see her up close.
Daisie sat with the other Professors. A soft smile on her face. She couldn't believe that another school year had passed already. It felt like time was moving much faster than it used to. Daisie looked down at her flat stomach. By the time the new school year started. Daisie would be showing, she hopped couldn't stop thinking about it. If time was passing so swiftly now. What would it be like once she was a mother? As the head girl and than head boy made there speech's Daisie clapped for them both. She had never had them in her class but she was still proud of them. Clapping for each student as they walked across the stage and received there diploma. All to soon it was all over. The next day the students would be back on the Hogwarts Express heading back to there homes. The castle would be empty and Daisie would have almost nothing to do with her time.
Although last year she had given the speech and handed out the diplomas at last year's ceremony, Professor Kingsley was more than happy to sit back and simply watch the festivities this year. She couldn't be happier. Today she would get to watch another class graduate and .move on into the Real World, and tonight, she would be sleeping in her wonderful husband's arms. As the Headmaster finished and welcomed Dannii Merrythought to the stage, Cyndi applauded. The young woman's speech was short , but it was also extremely sweet. Clapping for her again, the smile widened on the Gryffindor Head of House's face as one of her own took to the stage to deliver his speech. She couldn't be any prouder of Landon and Cyndi joined in with the others, clapping loudly, when he had finished.

As the rest of the students began to take the stage to receive their diplomas from Deputy Headmaster Blaze, Cyndi clapped for each student. She knew that today was a new beginning for each of them and she hoped that they would take advantage of it.
James went and found Daisie in the large room then sat next to her. He approached her from behind and gently placed his hands onto her shoulders. "Hey Babe. James whispered into Daisie's ear before he leaned-over and softly kissed her on the cheek, taking a seat next to her. James clapped for each and every student. He didn't know many of them, as he only taught Years 1-4, but never-the-less it was always good to see the students proudly-graduating, having reached the end of Hogwarts with flying successes!!!
Briar was sitting with the rest of the prefects (except the seventh year ones of corse) was she watched the graduation ceremony. the last couple of weeks had been a blur to her, she didn't know how she had managed to get through her exams, she had felt like she had been on auto pilot ever since the news of her adopted farthers death and the discovery of the cause she had felt so bad for her sister Madlyn. she herself had been ripped in two, because her family, the margeras had lost so much, in the hands of the centaurs the race that had brought her up from when she was a child. her alliances had been broken so instead she lay the blame on Professor Blaze, the man who had seen it happen. she knew one thing she couldn't spend the holidays with the margeras. Every time she saw herself in the mirror she would remember what happened, she was sure that they felt the same, instead she had her bags packed. she would leave the castle today and find somewhere that she could spend the break away from people, she would return next year but she needed some time to clear her thoughts. the words of the ceremony blew straight past her, only the odd word now and then would pause to enter her brain, the only ones that stayed there for more than a second were spoken by the head boy there have been times I have been so close to giving up hope, I have always had my friends to support me. she paid a little more attention for the rest of his speech and his closing words stuck to her Never give up, never lose hope, and always have faith in who you are, regardless of upbringing. As long as the world keeps turning, you will always have Hogwarts as a friend to cherish., she knew that he was right, she wouldn't give up on who she was, both sides to her past. she still needed some time out but she knew that she would work things out. she clapped when the leaving class got their diplomas. she was still unable to smile like she knew that she should be, but inside she felt a little better.
OOCOut of Character:
sorry for this being so self centred and depressing during someone else's graduation
After managing to being an Auror, Adrian was really getting some things done and changed. He was invited by Ariah Rowan to come and attend, which surprised him because Adrian did not think that Ariah would even acknowledge of him anyway. He had been a real jerk, and already, he was changing. It was probably a good thing though, seeing as he was finally growing up. Maturing, and even now, one can see the seriousness that was being pounded into his mind. Right now, he was walking into the school, his blonde hair as perfect as well. His mint green eyes looked over the crowd before he took a seat where he was needed. His eyes narrowed as he looked for his baby sister. Then he found her, and the first thing he noticed was her attitude, she did not seem as happy as she should be. He wondered what was going on. He looked over for his other brothers, seeing as they had made it too, and they were all sitting together. Once she got her diploma, Adrian clapped for her, smiling broadly while showing off his glittering whites. Adrian could not wait for her to get down here, because he wanted to embrace her and tell her how proud he was that she had graduated. Maybe they all could go out to eat or something, and that would be amazing for the young Slytherin Alumni. She had become prefect like the rest of them, and she was not Head Girl like they had hoped, but neither was Adrian.
Having a newborn child was hard to take care of, and he knew this by experience now. Colton Dalek Kovac walked into Hogwarts New Zealand looking like he had just woken up, which was slightly true because Gavin kept him awake most of the night, and working at Saint Mungo's as well and making up for the lost time was not something that he wanted right now, but he loved his little family, so he would not replace it for the world. Gabrielle was watching Gavin because Colton did not know if infants were allowed in the school. Colton walked up and he took a seat next to Adrian. Even though Adrian was an Auror now, Colton could tell that there was a difference in him, like he was more serious. Colton found Ariah Rowan easily in the crowd, but he saw that she was deeply hurt or something. What happened? He looked around to see if he could find that boyfriend of hers, but considering that Colton had never met him, he did not know what the boyfriend looked like. Colton turned back and he stood up and clapped when Ariah was given her diploma. She graduated with something that most could not say that they had, a loving family to support her, she had titles behind her, and she was able to do anything she wanted with the grades that she had received, which he was sure that she had gotten some good grades. Ariah was pretty smart, and Colton believed that she had a lot of him in her, which meant, she had a lot of their dad in her. At least, that was what Colton thought.
Kamaria Zhefarovich walked into the Great Hall, dragging her brother and another Prefect in another house with her. Though he did not want to be here, Kara was demanding. She took a seat and sat him down next to her. Kara did not know why they had broken up when it was pointless, because well, they were going to get married, have children, lest they suffer the consequences. Kara did not want to see Leviathan and Ariah hurt. She loved them both. Levi might have told her to stay out of it, but Kara just could not help it when she had a feeling that everything could be worked out. So, instead of talking to either of them, she went straight to Axel and his brothers. Only Chavdar had answered back with saying that he did not know but he would try to think of something. Axel and Benjamen did not answer back at all, and she was sure if anyone could help the two, it was one of them. Hell, one of them was her own father, and one would have thought that he would want his son and daughter-in-law happy, wouldn't he? Kara looked over to see Ariah graduate, and she clapped with three men that seemed to be supporting her. Levi just grumbled, and then he ended up storming out, and Kara let out a sigh as she stood up for follow. Kara looked down at the ground as she hoped that there was something left to salvage. Whatever was going on, there was nothing she could really do about it.
One of the perks of being a prefect was that Jeremy actually got to attend the graduation ceremony. Today, he sat in a seat in the back more out of curiosity about the ceremony than any interest in a particular student. He noticed quite a few prefects sitting in the front awaiting their diplomas, however, so he realized that he did know more people who would be graduating than he thought he would. Listening quietly, Jeremy clapped along with the other guests at just the right moments. When the graduates finally began crossing the stage, Jeremy imagined himself up there receiving his own diploma. He couldn't wait to do it, though he was still not ready to graduate. He'd only just gotten used to being in an actual school and he was really beginning to enjoy it.

Clapping with more enthusiasm when Jeremy actually recognized a face or a name, Jeremy wondered what would happen to each person. He figured that like graduates before them, several of them would become quidditch pros, others would be Ministry Officials and some he had no clue what they would do. Jeremy still wasn't exactly sure what he wanted to do, so he often wondered if the older students knew. Was it something he would be more clear on after he'd taken his OWLs? The teenager sure hoped so.
Considering the Slytherin hated all forms of school event the fact she had even chosen to attend this one was a little weird. But, for once the Slytherin was actually feeling sentimental. She was going to be in her final year. A seventh year. And while her attendance at the school had been sketchy to say the least there was no denying that she was fairly sure that come the end of the next year she could very well, actually be upset at leaving the school. After all, she had been made a prefect so she had to count for something. And after everything, she did try her hardest to be best at everything. Today however was not a day that she was meant to think of herself. As she did most other days, but it was in fact the day where she could watch her peers graduate from the school, and go on with their lives. Losing the safety net of the school they cherished. Having lived on both sides of the school, at times in it at times not, she understood how odd it would feel to wake up on September first and not have a train to catch. It completely baffled the Slytherin. She didn't know what to expect from when she actually left the doors for the final time. She quickly got dressed into a smart outfit for the ceremony and made her way into the hall. She took a set at the back of the room, where it appeared most of the other prefects were seated. She always thought that out of all of the prefects she always managed to look the nicest. Perhaps maybe the Ravenclaw female was a pretty close second, but the gryffindor female was just not. Lily Fossil wondered that at her own graduation if her father would attend. If her brother would attend. She'd at least take the time to make sure that he looked proper. A fossil always had to do such a thing. Even if he was really only half Fossil. Lily didn't care. He would always be her brother, no matter how much they fought.

However, she didn't have much time to think about it, the head boy and the head girl made their speeches. What pressure that must be, to have to stand up in front of so many people and give a speech about graduating. Lily was pretty sure she would not be able to do it. She was also pretty sure she wouldn't have to considering that she was a Slytherin and muggleborn and had only made prefect that year. Still there was no harm in thinking about it. She enjoyed the Head Boy's speech a lot more than the head girl's speech, but both of course had their merits. It was always true that Hogwarts was a home. That it would always be a friend. And this much was clear. She knew that no matter what she would end up doing after school was over, Hogwarts would aways hold a place in her heart. No matter how much she claimed to have hated it in her first two years. Hogwarts was just that kind of place that would always hold some form of importance to her. Lily clapped polite with the other people in the hall as each was called up to receive their diploma. It felt truly amazing. It really did. And there was a smile on the SLytherin's face.Graduations are fun. Upsetting for some, but Lily thought it looked fun. However almost as quickly as the ceremony had begun it was finished and she could now technically call herself seventh year.​
Elijah Tine had never been one for sad occasions. And while for some, something like graduation was a happy occasion, it was overall quite a sad one. It didn't really matter that people were moving on and that was a good thing. It was more than everyone was just attempting to come to terms with the end of another term. Eli hadn't ever attended a Graduation before, so he was fairly surprised that all of the prefects were invited, it wasn't like he actually really knew anyone that was in fact graduating. He'd never really been openly friendly towards them. He wasn't cold, and he wasn't distant, the boy just had very little reason to ever be nice to them. He could just go about his day and not really notice them. This was partially due to the fact that he longer had Kynleigh to help him. He no longer had the Gryffindor girl by his side so that he could feel safe. So that he could feel confident and Awesome. It was just not something that happened to the Hufflepuff. He had problems talking to girls without his guitar now. It was just him back to his old ways. Ways he wasn't sure he still even had. It was why his plan to leave Hogwarts was now fully in motion. He just had to wait until he was 17 and then, he could gather his stuff and go. Leave Hogwarts behind, and follow his musical career. There would be no need to say any goodbyes and no need to get up on stage and tell the world about graduating. He'd slip out the back door and no one would notice that he was gone. Not exactly a heart warming tale, but the one he was willing to take. If he actually went down the road of music, was a completely different matter. but for now, his plan felt full proof. it was why, he was actually attending the graduation. He was actually going because he knew he would not be able to attend his own. And that fact was something that Elijah was a little annoyed about.

Dressed smartly in a smart suit. However still wearing the hufflepuff tie, Elijah made his way into the hall and took a seat at the back of the room. Sitting down next to the Ravenclaw prefect that was in his year. It was fairly certain in his mind that, he would make the Head boy status once they got to seventh year. And Elijah was pretty much okay with such a thing. He knew that him as head boy would be disaster. Smiling to himself the boy listened to the speeches. He smiled as the head boy and head girl spoke. It was odd, how most of the sentiments that they had about the school were ones that he also had. Of course he'd spent time away from the school with his so called family. But, that was over and here he was at Hogwarts looking towards the people leaving the school. It was almost bittersweet. He wanted his guitar in that moment. But, he knew it was incredibly bad form. So instead he let his mind think of the guitar while applauding all the leaving students. Cheering a little more for each of the Hufflepuff's. He smiled to himself as it was brought to a close and thought that it had been a wonderful graduation. He had nothing to compare it too, but that didn't matter. He wondered if the graduation he would be meant to be graduating from would be as nice. Or if even though he'd no longer be at the school, if they'd let him return to see his classmates graduate. Eli didn't really know. He was just happy that he could at least claim to have gone to at least one graduation, and more to the point say that he actually enjoyed graduation.​
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