Graduation 2028

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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Cyndi Weasley sat on the stage, fondly recalling her own graduation and the many others that she had witnessed in this very room over the years. As she watched the graduates and their guests file in, Cyndi realized that she'd been to every single graduation the school had ever held. She'd been a member of the school's first graduating class and had attended the other graduations either as a guest or as a professor. She was fairly certain that there were not many other people who could say that. She figured that this was probably one of the chief reasons why she had been named Deputy Headmistress though she hoped that other factors also played a part.

Once the room seemed filled to capacity, the newly dubbed Deputy Headmistress Weasley stood, patted the sides of her teal dress, and walked to the front of the stage with her stomach feeling as if a bag of chocolate frogs had gotten loose inside. She looked around for a moment and found a friendly face. It helped to calm her nerves slightly and a slight smile crossed her face as she began to speak. "Welcome proud parents, family members and friends. Thank you for joining us today as we get ready to honor the graduating class of 2028" she addressed the audience. Turning her attention to the rows of graduates (it was one of the largest classes she'd seen), Cyndi continued. "I know you are all eager to walk across this stage, but first I'd like to welcome our Headboy, Azerail Varius, and Headgirl, Arianna Tipley, to the stage." She stepped away from the podium and clapped as the two students made their way to the front.

OOCOut of Character: Important information
Graduates, you may not post here until the Head Boy and Head Girl have given out their speeches and I have posted once more. At that point, your character can be roleplayed hearing his or her name being called, receiving a diploma, and sitting back down to observe the rest of the ceremony.

Guests may only post in the guest thread and any threads that graduates begin after the ceremony.
--Remembering the first time Azerail Varius entered into the Hogwarts New Zealand school, it was a magical moment, and he thought that the Sorting Hat was rather right about putting Azerail in the right house. At the time, he was bitter, and he was mean. As the years grew on, Azerail himself started to change into a quiet, yet nicer boy. He was getting better. Azerail lowered his eyes to the floor as he continued to think. He had not bothered to write up a speech because he did not think it fair to write up something beforehand because it did not come from the heart from the heat of the moment. Azerail could barely breathe in his tight dress robes. Azerail felt rather nervous, like that first year seven years ago. He had invited his closest friends, and also he was unaware that Theodore had chosen to be a Death Eater. And then there was Kaleb who transferred whom also seemed to be rather tense about something. Then there was his girlfriend Dannii Merrythought, and he smiled a bit. And he remembered that Grezhen was here, a werewolf that was the best father and brother that one could ask for, even though Azerail and Grezhen were not really related at all. Professor Styx was also here, and that was his Head of House, although he had been through many Slytherin Heads of Houses, including Professor Manteia, Professor Black, Professor Mercer and now Professor Styx. It seemed as though Professor Styx was here to stay as well, which was one of the best things that one could ask for in the school, that was constantly hiring out professors left and right. Azerail had seen so many professors back and forth, and it would make others' mind spin. The thing that he would miss about the school most, was seeing sorting, and being the Head Boy. He was the head of all the Prefects, and the leader of the school with Arianna Tipley at his side. He was a little worried at first though, because he did not think that he would have been a good Head Boy, but that was not true. Azerail was not the best, but he was going down in history of this school because every Head Boy and Head Girl were remembered. Azerail would probably be remembered for his constant studying, and his kindness that he displayed to everyone.

--When Professor Weasley told both him and Arianna to come to the front to give out their speeches, Azerail felt his heart literally stop, and his breathing halted for a few seconds. Azerail let out a sigh, and looked over the crowd before he stepped to the podium. He rested his hands on the sides for a moment, and he stared over the crowd with his liquid silver eyes that seemed to reflect in the light for a moment. He cleared his throat and he spoke clearly, "Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. To be honest, I pulled a Theodore Snow and did not plan out my speech. Winging it is what I do, so wow, really don't know what to say." Azerail paused and he felt more nervous, but he refused to let it show on his face. He would not let his thoughts of public speaking go against him because now was the time to prove himself as a good leader for the school. That he was the best choice. He gazed over his friends, some being a little grumpy to be here. Oh well, they would get over it though. "Starting off with a quote would have sufficed, if I had someone I idolized. Like everyone, every seventh year walks through the Great Hall, for the first time, not knowing where they will be placed - or who their buddies would be. I was one of them, and never expected to be sorted into Slytherin. At first, yes, but now I don't know if the Hat made the right choice. I study more than most Ravenclaws." Azerail glanced over at the Ravenclaw soon-to-be graduates. They all looked rather stunning, though one looked like she was still a second year or a first, but Azerail would keep that rather quiet. Azerail paused for a moment, and he turned his eyes to the crowd once more. "I grew up around the time I was a second year, and it was not too long before I tried out for the Quidditch team. I became the Keeper, and it amazed me. I had something, something that meant something more than just studying and making great grades. Then in my sixth year, I received the Prefect title, and that meant so much more than a Quidditch position. Being Prefect was hard, it was earned somehow. I don't know how I earned it, but it happened."

--The speech was not preplanned, but winging it seemed to be doing a great job anyway. He was the Head Boy for a reason, and he was proving that he was good for the job. Azerail Lucas Varius was the sixth Head Boy, and second Slytherin Head Boy. It was a repeat of what happened last year, with the Head Girl being in Hufflepuff twice in a roll, and same with Head Boys. Only Azerail did not have the Co-Captain position for the Slytherin Quidditch team. He kept his position as Keeper, but anything other than that was not in his forte. He did not want anything other than what he already had. Azerail continued on, "So, I'll wrap this up. Fellow graduates, we have survived the OWLs and NEWTs. However it is just the beginning, because we have to get out there in the real world - create families, have jobs and sometimes follow a path that you will never see coming your way. I assure you all that most of us will not see each other again as depressing as that sounds. The memories are good, and some are bad. They will never be forgotten, and as we separate, we will remember each other, whether it was from what we did in the school or at least from perhaps the face. Sometimes the obstacles are hard to face, but with positive thinking, we will get past it." Azerail was almost finished thankfully. He was ready for his closing here soon, and he had to take a deep breath. There was a long journey ahead and there were three paths, the path of wrong doing, the path of complete mutual, and the path that would bring down the wrong doers. Azerail stared at the crowd as well as his fellow classmates-no-more, "Graduates of 2028, it is just the beginning of a long journey in front of us. And we won't have professors to teach us anymore. We are on our own soon. Good luck, and maybe we will see each other again." Azerail stepped from the podium, and he met eyes with Theodore for a moment, and he wondered if the boy even enjoyed his speech. It was not too long, but no one had ever heard Azerail talk that much in his life. He would never really talk that much unless he had to. He was the quiet type so who could blame him? Azerail went back to his fellow classmates were he stood with those that he knew and soon to receive his diploma. Taking a deep breath, he smiled when it was Arianna Tipley's turn to give the speech, her own. He knew that it would be good, because she was the best girl in their year, and that was why she earned the Head Girl position to begin with. It was a close tie with her and Taylor Mercer actually. Both were good candidates.
Even though Azerail's speech was unplanned, Cyndi enjoyed listening to what he said. She hoped that his fellow graduates would heed his final words. The graduates really would be on their own once they left the school and every choice and every decision that they made from here on out would be all on them. When the HeadGirl had completed her speech, Cyndi rose from her seat and clapped enthusiastically as she approached the podium once more. "Thank you for those great speeches" she said as they returned to their seats.

Turning to the entire graduating class, Cyndi spoke once more."I wish you all nothing but the best of luck and a warm congratulations for your accomplishment." The deputy headmistress smiled brightly at the graduates and then told the students to listen for their names. This was it: their big moment, and she knew that it would be an event they would remember for years to come. She didn't know what the future held for them, but she wished them all good luck as they came on stage, shook hands with her and received their diplomas.

OOCOut of Character: It's time
Graduates, you can now RP your character coming on stage, getting his or her diploma and then sitting back down until the end of the ceremony.
--After Arianna's speech, the words being remembered as any other speech given. Azerail knew that he would be one of the last to receive his diploma, but he did not mind. The thoughts were still there, of what would happen to him when he left the school. In his dreams, he could feel a sense of dread, nothing like a seer, but more or less like dreams that just seemed too scary to be real. Yet, they seemed extremely real. Seeing himself covered in blood, but in his dreams, he had dark eyes, and he was covered in someone else's blood. But it did not seem like it was himself, but that was his worst fear. Azerail could not help but listen as others received the diplomas, and then he stepped up with the others and then he heard his name. "Varius, Azerail!" He took a deep breath, and he raised his head. Azerail stared ahead, and he stepped forward to receive his diploma. He took it gently from Professor Weasley's hand, and smiled at her warmly, even though she was a Gryffindor and he was a Slytherin - natural rivals it seemed. He shook her head before he stepped off the stage with his diploma. He was amazingly relieved. He had done it, they were done with school. The NEWTs, the work, everything would be finished. Azerail let out a sigh, and he thought that things were going to be better from now on. Everything was going to be in his favor, and he was glad that he could get his life going. First things first, leaving the school, and heading to Bulgaria, a home where he needed to learn more about his true heritage.
--Austin Devearux too was wearing his dress robes, and he was glancing around to see that everyone that he knew was graduating and here. His father was, his mother was dead so he did not really have a reason to think about her. His green eyes shone, and then he realized that his last name began with a D so he would be one of the firsts to get his diploma, well, after the Head People gave their speeches. His girlfriend and the one that he loved so dearly was the Head Girl. His uncle - more like cousin anyway - was Azerail and he gave out a good speech as well. Austin clapped loudly for both. Now he had to remember through his years of being here, going through anger issues and then punching a Hufflepuff, becoming friends with him, having a girlfriend, losing her, and then gaining Hilde as a girlfriend, and then there was the whole fight with Shane. And everything got corrected because the one that he was meant to be with was Arianna and now he was the happiest boy on the face of the earth. Austin glanced up when his name was called, and then his lip went numb from his teeth nibbling on it. He took a step and it was like entering into the Great Hall for the first time. Going to get Sorted and then the hat sang out "RAVENCLAW!" Austin took a deep breath and he remembered where he was, before he would end up tripping over the steps to get to the Deputy Headmistress. Austin stepped forward and shook her hand as he took his diploma. A broad smile as wide as Russia appeared on his lips. He walked back to where he was before, and he smiled with relief. He was finished with school. Austin Yves Devearux was no longer the Ravenclaw Prefect or anything, but he was a Hogwarts New Zealand Graduate.
Eden felt her heart racing in her chest as she got up and walked to the stage. This was the last thing she would ever do as a student here at Hogwarts. Fixing her dress robes Eden stood up straight and let out the breath she was holding. All the long nights of studying to exams and worrying about grades didn't matter anymore because Eden had done it. Eden heard her name called and she walked across the stage. Taking the diploma from Professor Weasley, Eden shook her hand and than leaned in to give her a hug. She would miss Hogwarts but most of all the friend she had made in Professor Weasley. As Eden walked off the stage and back to her seat she realized that as a graduate of Hogwarts New Zealand she was not only no longer a Slytherin but she was also a full fledged Seer now.
The day came like no other to Vic, besides it being the day he will no longer be at Hogwarts, he felt like he hadn't accomplish a whole lot while he was here. That was why he made the decision to enter college once he was out of here. He will miss some aspects of Hogwarts, but entering college next year will be a brand new start for him. Victor sat with the rest of his classmates when the ceremony started. He listen when the head boy and girl gave up their speech, take a words in mind and heart. They were worthy advice to follow by. Than the times came, his name was call and Victor went up to retrieve what's last of Hogwarts that belong rightfully to him. He smile thanking Professor Weasley, he continued on and when the rest of his classmate were done and finished he departed from the rest of the group. He saw his parents and went to greet them. "Hey, time to move on" he said with sighed, his mom embrace him and his dad join patting his back. He made, that's all that counted. He made it in the best way he could.
The day had come. Today would be the last day Elvera would wake up in her dorm in Ravenclaw tower as a student. Her trunk was packed and her dress was laid on the chair. along with the rest of her things she would be wearing that day. she dressed laughing with the other girls. as she made her way down she saw her mother and cousin in the audience. she smiled as she took her seat near the middle of the class. she listened as the head boy and girl gave their speeches and, clapped as her classmates made their way up to collect their diplomas. Finally they reached the L's when her name was called she made her way up onto the stage. to receive her diploma from professor Weasley. she was glad that it was professor Weasley handing out the diplomas as she was her favourite professor at the school. she returned to her seat and congratulated the ex students next to her. she would be sorry to see the castle go. but she was looking forward to what adult life had to offer her. she clapped as each of the others went up on stage.
Indianna had been chiselling away at herself all morning long, making promises to herself that she wouldn’t be reduced to tears in the midst of the graduation ceremony. She couldn’t be because well, what reason was there for tears? They would all be free! But evidently promises weren’t the only pep talk she’d induced. Lying had also played a part as she’d attempted to convince herself that tears weren’t necessary. Because as the school year came to a close, what had been the most amazing twelve months of the eighteen year old’s life was also being wrapped up with it. Hogwarts New Zealand had been more than good to the young Hispanic girl. Not only had it been her home, but had kept sacred all the precious memories she’d shared with the people she treasured most. Now as her gemstone eyes flickered away from Professor Weasley and out over the graduates, the classmates, the friends, Indianna could feel the threat of tears begin to prick at the very corners of her eyes. No, no crying. She thought determinedly to herself and allowed her eyes a very particular path back to the podium. If she even so much as locked gazes with anybody, she’d be sure to break into tears.

As she sniffed back her grief and dabbed gently at her eyes with her dress robes, Indi tuned in to Azerail’s speech and could not help but to disagree. Well to some extent at least, when that extent was one extremely beloved boyfriend. All this talk of separation and never seeing one another again was enough for Indianna to reach back a delicate hand, right where she knew Sam was standing, and slipped her fingers in between the longer length of his without taking her eyes away from the speaker on stage. Ever so gently she squeezed his hand as the matter of separation was raised to the graduates once more, a gesture that told the unspoken: they were the exception to the norm. Just because everybody else was parting with such sweet sorrows didn’t mean they had to. In fact she was adamant they wouldn’t. Let the wonders of the world break up the rest of the graduates, let their career paths carry them in separate directions, let them resort to memories. Because if there was one thing in Indi’s life that she could choose not to change, it would be their relationship. Sure, they’d have to make adjustments, and a hell of a lot of them at that. But even though she was no longer just a table away from eating breakfast with Sam, or living a few floors up from him, they’d manage. Where there was a will, there was always a way. But even so as Arianna rose and made her own reflections, despite the assurance she’d turned to that she and Sam would be okay, Indi could no longer keep the tears from welling up in her eyes. Beneath the enchanted candles of the great hall, Indi’s eyes lit up and sparkled as they glassed over with tears. There really were just so many wonderful memories they’d all have to leave behind. She turned to Sam for a moment, painting him a smile through her tears, and squeezing his hand one last time before letting it go as she attempted to whisk away her tears.

Past the majority of the first half of the alphabet and the butterflies in Indianna’s stomach fluttered into a frenzied storm. What if she tripped on her way up there? What if she threw up what was left of her breakfast all over Professor Weasley? What if – “Lee, Indianna”. The girl gulped and drew in a composing breath, breathing it out only as she shook the hand of Professor Weasley and received her long-awaited diploma. Momentarily she cast her eyes out over the guests and saw her mother burst up from her seating, applauding so loudly and commending her in fluid Spanish that it caused Indianna to turn a humoured shade of crimson. Having not been able to finish school herself, despite having been even brighter than Indi was, nobody could blame Abegail Fuentes for being so enthusiastically proud. “Para ti, mamá. Te amo.” The ravenclaw graduate mouthed lovingly to her mother before turning to walk offstage and into the arms of the other graduates.

Hilde was excited. It was graduation day. She was leaving school behind and heading out on her own. The sad part is that she would be moving on alone, not with her sisters, but truly by herself for the first time. She really hadn't had a chance to talk things over with Shane too much, but she would be heading to England to continue her education. Being a healer was her dream and she was going to accomplish that in a few short years. Then she hoped to work at St. Mungo's in London, or maybe move to the States and work in a similar facility there.

Before long, she heard Hannah's name called and knew she was next. Her eyes turned to the stage where Professor Weasley was handing out the diplomas. Moving swiftly, she followed her sister to the stage and across, accepting her diploma. Hilde smiled wide as she descended the stairs and walked back to her chair. She was done. She had graduated. It was a marvelous feeling!
Riley had tried to pretend that it was just another day the morning of her graduation. She didn't get up early, though she didn't sleep in either. It seemed an impossible task as the seventh year girls that she shared a dorm with bustled about the room, applauding eachother's outfits in that all to familiar high pitched girl scream that the young woman swore she still hadn't learnt to translate. The seventeen year old had dove further and further under her duvet cover and bunched her pillow up around her head, she wanted to savour every last bit of rest and what little peace she seemed to be allowed. Unlike the screeching young women that surrounded her bed, Riley had not even yet decided on what she was wearing to her graduation, vowing to herself each day leading up to this that there was still time, and that she didn't need to choose just yet. But now the morning had come and there she was, snuggled so fondly up in her Hufflepuff pajamas, pretending that there was nothing at all she had to do that day but pull on her Quidditch gear and head down to the pitch, just like any other morning that she wasn't occupied with classes. But, eventually as her dorm mates, more specifically Jennifer, prodded her beneath the covers, Riley finally responded with a groan as she pulled herself from the security of the morning and right into the insecurities of the day.

It seemed like a cliched thing to do, but as Riley dressed herself and ran her trusty vanilla chapstick over her lips, the seventeen year old could not help but remember all of the things she had gone through in that very castle, but more importantly how far she had come since the day she stepped into it, as a fourth year and a transfer. Her first three years had been spent rather fondly at Beauxbatons, honoring the meagre amount of French blood she, her sister and her mother had in their veins. But when the end of her third year came around, Riley and her twin sister Kalani had decided that being together as identicals was not what they wanted from the rest of their lives. To be truly treated as separates and not a pair, or a 'buy one get one free' they had to separate, however painful it was the twins had parted and Riley had arrived at Hogwarts New Zealand as a buzzing young thirteen year old, with no friends yet to speak of. There were not many drastic changes in the way that the seventh year looked since Hogwarts, sure her curves had become more defined and her hair a few inches longer, but the changes that she would remember were the friends that she had made along the way, the friends that as Azerail spoke, she thought that she may never spend each day with ever again. When she had first arrived and joined the Quidditch team as a seeker she had met Sam Prince, and then through him Arianna, and another younger girl who had left Hogwarts, Leia. But the one friendship that she was certain would stay with her forever was the one she had with Jennifer Wilkonson, they seemed an unlikely combo, but the two blondes over the past year had become the best of friends and were now going to make a trio with Kalani, and flat together after the graduation.

Jennifer was the only person at Hogwarts apart from herself that knew of Kalani, part of the agreement that the twins had made to stay separate, but as Riley stepped into the Great Hall and let her eyes glisten to the light of the enchanted candles, she spotted the one person she wanted to squeeze tighter than she ever had, she had missed her sister ever so much, and now that Hogwarts was over the Hufflepuff saw no problem in letting the whole world know that Kalani Alexandra was her identical twin sister. Leaving Jennifer (who seemed to be looking for Amaryllis anway) Riley ran as fast as her dress robes would take her and wrapped her arms tightly around what seemed to be her mirror image and rolling her eyes along with Lani as her mother began to cry at the sight of her daughter all dressed up and being sent off into the big wide world. Yes, many things had changed in Riley's year at Hogwarts, but the biggest change was within her family, a change she had had to learn to adjust to the idea of, having a step father was going to be an entirely new experience, the three blonde Alexandra girls were no longer going to be just that. But before getting a chance to get too sentimental, she heard the two words that were her signal to go up, for once Riley wasn't all too pleased about her surname being so close to the top of the alphabet. "Alexandra, Riley" It was quite possibly the last time she would hear her name said just that way after much coersion from Kalani to take Tamas' surname when he finally married their mother.

Stepping up to Professor Weasley, a cheeky smile spread across Riley's face, right as she stood up to recieve her diploma, her twin sister had stood with her and squeezed her hand and the seventeen year old had noticed that at least a handful of people had noticed that it seemed as though Riley had been copied and pasted in the spot next to her, but the young woman was pleased, this was the last time the three blonde Alexandras would truly be just three, and Riley was savouring every moment of it. As she shook hands and took her long awaited diploma Riley May Alexandra looked out over her friends, over at Arianna, at Jennifer, at Amaryllis and lastly over at Sam and Indianna. It had taken her a while to warm up to them, and the blonde was almost sure that her ex boyfriend's spanish girlfriend was still frightened by her after their run in. But what she really was sure of was that no matter whether she was Riley Alexandra, Riley Mauven or any other name for that matter, she was who she was, and she would vow to herself to see all of her friends again once they truly left Hogwarts, not the vow that every graduate made but never stuck to, a real vow, one that she would choose to live by when she resided with Kalani and Jennifer, and more importantly one that she would never try to forget.

"I love you." she mouthed as she stepped back to her seat, she said it not only to her mother, her twin sister, her friends, but to the building that she was stood in, because after all was said and done, she loved Hogwarts, she truly did.
Thomas, like many seventh years, thought that this day would never come. It was scary and almost daunting that as he got dressed that morning it would be his last day as a student at Hogwarts New Zealand. As he put on his gown and cap and looked himself up and down in the mirror in his room he knew that while he would miss this place that he had called home for the past seven years he would be going on to bigger and better things. He knew it would be difficult to get accommodated to the rather long winter break that Graduation would bring but he knew that it wouldn’t last long as he was hoping to get a job not long after Graduation. He still had his hopes to become an Auror, he knew his grades were enough to get him into their training programme but he knew that he would need a lot more than just good grades to get into that programme. Trying not to think of that right now he finished getting ready and made his way down to the Great Hall. He saw his mother and Ivan and waved over at them before taking his seat and talking to Joce and Autumn before the ceremony began.

Thomas sat and listened to all of the speeches and clapped along with everyone else. It was beginning to sink in that in a matter of minutes he would be graduated and wouldn’t have to sit another exam or do anymore homework, nothing like that – that was probably the only good thing about graduating. “Smith, Thomas!” He lifted his head as he saw his name being called out. Taking to the stage he collected his diploma and at that he knew this part of his life was over, it was strange, he didn’t feel any different. Sitting back down again he waited until the ceremony was over and went to see his mother and brother and talk to his friends some more to give his own personal congratulations because Merlin only knew how many he would be able to keep in touch with after graduation as loosing contact was something that so easily happened.
Seven years ago Joceline Richarde could not wait for this day to come. She was such a bitter little 10 year old and didn’t want a single thing to do with magic and hated that she was being made to go to school in the first place – a Wizarding school at that. Although today, Joceline was a little sad that her time at Hogwarts New Zealand was coming to an end. As much as she hated being here at the start she had made some good memories and friends while she was here – along with some bad memories but she much preferred to not let them ruin her day. It was hard to believe how things changed in seven years, she was positive that she would hate magic for the rest of her days but she had to admit that it wasn’t exactly the worst thing and while she still wasn’t completely happy with having to spend seven years of her life in a place she was glad that she had the opportunity to do so. While she wasn’t completely against magic now she knew that she had her fill of it and needed to get back to what she liked the best; the muggle world. She was so happy that she had been accepted to Cambridge to study English, it was her dream and she’d even got an intern for the University Newspaper – things were really looking up for her.

One part of her happy and the other part sad she made her way to the Great Hall, she didn’t invite any guests today but she knew Ivan would be there so she was happy enough with that. Taking her seat beside Thomas, about the only person she would miss she waited for the ceremony to begin. She listened to the speeches and clapped along with everyone and awaited her name to be called out. “Richarde, Joceline!” Walking up to the stage she took her diploma and with that she knew she was no longer a student at this school and felt a great sense of relief wash over her. Once everyone has their diplomas and the ceremony was over Joceline went to talk to Ivan and his ad Thomas’ mother who she had taken a liking to ever since she stayed at their house most of the time. She took the most of what she could now to say her goodbyes to anyone that cared because she knew she would probably never see them again.
Today was a much anticipated day for every seventh year at Hogwarts. Today was graduation day. Today they would each walk across the stage and descend as adults ready to take on the world. Today Lola Mason was graduating. It was a little bittersweet for her. She'd spent so much of her time holed up in her room because she'd been so shy for the first five or so years of being in school. If only she'd been more outgoing perhaps she might have enjoyed her time at Hogwarts a little bit more. Luckily enough for her she'd found Daniel and that boy had brought her out of her shell in a way that no one else had ever been able to. She played her music for people now and had even attended the Yule Ball this past year on her own steam, without any persuasion from her cousins.

When her name was called she smiled brightly as she walked up the steps and across the stage. As soon as her piece of parchment was in her hand made her way to the other end of the stage and her face turned beet red when she heard her cousins hollering for her. Grinning sheepishly she merely shook her head and took her seat once more and waited for everyone else to receive their diploma. Today she was no longer a student at Hogwarts New Zealand, now she was an adult and had a very bright future ahead of her.
After so many years wishing that she wouldn't have to wake up in the morning and go to class, it would be expected that when freedom was given Jennifer Wilkonson would do anything to have it. She was feeling the opposite, however. Getting out of bed and facing the day had been like the Hufflepuff's very own Everest but she knew that if she wanted to make the Reed's proud she had to get the day going. Jennifer had invited Jess and Amaryllis to her graduation and even if she had wanted to invite at least one of the people who had taken her in and been the family she never had, she just couldn't choose between Paul and Claire because loved them both and knew one way or another it would hurt them so she had explained it to them through letter and insured both that many pictures would be taken, begrudgingly so. But there was no avoiding it because she knew that they would want as many pictures as they could have of her on her 'big day' so during breakfast, she had asked Amaryllis to take a few snaps here and there for her and was thankful that she had done her this favour.

The rest of the morning Jennifer had spent alone with the castle, every so often seeing her professors and thanking them dearly for all they had done. There weren't any professors that had stuck around for as long as she had been at Hogwarts, as far as she could remember, so she wouldn't go as far as saying that they had shaped her as a person but they had taught her ad she was appreciative of that. From the first time she had walked onto the Hogwarts grounds and had the sorting hat placed on her head, Jennifer had known that there was something special about this school (aside from the obvious) and it had proven to be throughout her six years of schooling here. She had been given great friends, as well as enemies, and she would be forever indebted to the school. It was impossible to show her gratitude enough but Jennifer walked through all the corridors and stopped at all the spots where something significant had happened in her life and shared a memory with a smile and a few tears.

It wasn't until the very last moment that Jennifer had returned to the dorm room that she could hardly recognize with walls so bare. Mulling through every emotion she inhaled and exhaled deeply before she changed into her gown which she had gotten sent to her by her mother. There had not been a letter but she knew that it was that woman just from the look of the dress and how perfectly it had fit her own slim figure. Somehow she had been checked up on and although there was still the looming temptation to send the dress back, she put it on and swam her fingers through the silk as she looked at herself in the mirror. It was unlike anything she had ever worn and would ever wear but it suited the occasion just perfectly so she put her blonde hair up in heated curlers and did her make up as she stayed silent in the room.

Jennifer and her dear friend, Riley Alexandra, were a clear juxtaposition of their dorm mates who were squealing and bouncing about at their new freedom. It was enough to make the Chaser wonder if in the back of their minds they thought of how much they would soon miss or if how they thought of the fact that now they were adults. It was terrifying to think of but it was true, the minute they stepped into the Great Hall they would cease to be children anymore and would become proper members of society - careers and all. However, she was not the type to burst people's bubbles so she put down her hair and let her soft curls fall on her back and brushed her fingers through them placidly before she stepped out with her best friend and walked down to the Great Hall in an anxious silence.

It was little surprise to the Hufflepuff that when she walked into the Great Hall she could immediately see the work that the wonderful House Elves had put into the occasion so she glanced over to her girlfriend and smiled nervously before taking her seat beside Riley, Sam, Scorpius and Indianna. The speeches were said and Jennifer was annoyed by her Head Boy's, he had not represented anyone but himself today when valedictorians were to speak about the whole group with as many corny, cliche metaphors as they could think of but this was not about that so she shook it off and listened to Arianna speak and clapped kindly for her as she did when her peers got up for their diplomas. Although Indianna was the newest of the group, it was clear that she meant a lot to the fivesome because as she got up to get her diploma they had all smiled and clapped genuinely for her, just as they had done for everyone else until it was her turn to go up.

"Wilkonson, Jennifer." It would be the very last time she heard her name uttered on the stage so Jennifer breathed in heavily before she walked up to Professor Weasley and smiled as salty tears spilled down her cheeks that were getting splotchy already from the warmth. As she looked into the crowd, she searched for Amaryllis and mouthed the words 'I love you' to her before she stepped down and returned to her seat.

When all was done, she squeezed her best friends hands and gave Scorpius a brief hug before she went to find Amaryllis and smiled through her tears as she looked into her eyes. "I love you, Amy," she breathed before enveloping her girlfriend in a hug and crying softly into her shoulder. Maybe it was because she was emotional but Jennifer did not care that she had just shown the school that she was dating a girl or had told said girl that she loved her for the first time. It was what it was and all she could do was peck her lips softly before she pulled back and looked at Jess and gave her a tight hug too. "Jessie. I've missed you so much," she grinned at one of her closest friends from Salem and the girl who she had lived with for so many years.
Vivienne Esquire felt strangely calm as she dressed for graduation - the last day she would ever find herself at Hogwarts New Zealand. Looking back seven years, Vivienne had truly changed in so many ways. While she had once been that naive little girl in the crowd of eleven-year-olds; the one that wore the preppy clothes and talked like she was everyone's mother, the one that had no idea who she was and who she would be. But now, a graduating student of 2028, Vivienne had grown to be a fairly secure and wise young woman. Though of course, she still possessed many of the qualities and faults she once had, like not knowing when to shut up and act her age. Evidence of which was apparent when she had taken great joy in jumping on her bed one last time just that morning. It was either that, or sulk as she took in the emptiness of the dorms that had been her home for the last seven years. And sulking just wasn't her thing. Positively, her independence had increased tenfold, tested when she had said goodbye to one of her best friends, Arisa Havishmen, a few years earlier. Vivienne no longer felt it necessary to hide behind nicknames, to be constantly trying to fit in or change who she was to please others. At the end of the day, "Esquire, Vivienne" was an odd little imp of a girl, though not so little anymore. While she had for a long time tried her best to be a lady, today she really was one.

With an unsure breath, HNZ's newest alumni crossed the stage to accept her diploma. "Thank you very much," she whispered, shaking Professor Weasley's hand; a professor who had been a fellow student when Vivienne first came to Hogwarts. She glanced at the rows of guests before her, expecting only to see Noah fidgeting uncomfortably in his little-worn suit. But when her parents' smiling faces came into view, well, she very nearly burst into tears. The Hufflepuff had come to expect familial absence after all these years of phone calls and letters, so to see Elizabeth and Adrian clapping along with the other mothers and fathers was a heartwarming surprise. The family had grown in closeness over the past couple of months, and their presence on this day only helped to solidify the knowledge that the Esquire's would surely not drift apart as their daughter entered adulthood. Vivienne grinned and gave her family a thumbs up, though anyone looking closely would've noticed the young woman wiping away a few tears as she returned to her seat next to the other graduates.

Vivienne had tried terribly hard not to cry, but as she witnessed each classmate end their seven-year journey, she found her vision fogging further. Though friends had come and gone, every one of them had a place in her heart, directly or indirectly. Viv clapped and gave a smile to everyone, having been lucky to not really make many enemies in her years at school. However, none received greater applause than Arianna Tipley, the girl's best friend since the very first day, now Head Girl. They'd had their ups and downs, what with family issues and the like, but at the end of the day, there was no one Vivienne was prouder of than Ari. If only Arisa had been there, then their first year plans of graduating together would have been complete. And then there was Aeon, Kida, Sam, Riley, Liberty, Hoshi, Jennifer, Scorpius, and all the other kids she'd crossed paths with and considered friends. Realistically speaking, Vivienne knew that she would in time lose contact with most of them. However, that didn't stop her from wishing them all the best, and giving many hugs throughout the day. The future was looking bright for Miss Esquire, who was leaving for three months work experience in Rwanda with her boyfriend that weekend. She was certainly enjoying life. It was only just beginning, after all.
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