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Justin Cliffeton

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I just have a couple of Gradebook suggestions.

On the student grade breakdown page for classes, is there any chance we can get a small field that says the grade they'd currently get based on grades that they've been assigned so far for the year?

Also, is it possible for us to get the lesson links hyperlinked to the Lesson One | Lesson Two, etc things?

This page, for reference:

Hi Zach,

Regarding your first gradebook suggestion, there are actually already two areas where you get that field with the recommended grade:
[member]Here's the first place[member] and[member] Here's the second place[member] [note]Thanks to Nick for the screenshots.[note]. So, a third place is not necessary. If you don't see either of these when you're grading, that's a more personal issue that you can PM me about.

Regarding your second suggestion, the links have been added in. It'll only appear after students are notified of lessons, so the link would need to be added to the gradebook first before you'll see them in the area that you provided the screenshot for. Only professors have access to seeing these links as students receive notifications about lessons and can use those to reach lessons in addition to going to the proper forum area.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Just to clarify, for the recommended grade, I'm talking about giving the students the ability to see the grade they'd currently be given :)
A couple of things:

The links only appear in the professor marking view for an individual student. I realize now you could have been asking for them to show to students when reviewing one's own grades. However, since the links in the system are only ever for the most current class and "first year potions" happens every year, with every student getting a grade for it, we don't want links for this year's class appearing when a fifth year goes back to review their grades. There's also really no point in it showing up for prof's how I've set it up, in my opinion, but it was a simple enough change to make so I made it when Cyndi let me know about your suggestion.

Secondly, ah - that could have been a lot more clear in your original post. xD Now that I understand what you're asking for, that could happen - but I'm not sure if it will be very useful to people (it's really pretty obvious how the system works, IMHO) and I'm not sure how many students regularly review their gradebook grades. Finally, it could discourage some people from finishing exams/lessons if it's obvious after say lesson 4 that they'll likely receive an O for the course (and then we'd have to amend the formula again). Or it could give others false hope (as final grades are recommended grades, but it's up to the discretion of the professor a certain amount). Ultimately, however, this one is Cyndi's call.
Thank you for the response Nick! You've summed it all up nicely (and I admittedly had most of the same thoughts as I came up with the idea).
Nicolas King said: could discourage some people from finishing exams/lessons if it's obvious after say lesson 4 that they'll likely receive an O for the course (and then we'd have to amend the formula again). Or it could give others false hope (as final grades are recommended grades, but it's up to the discretion of the professor a certain amount). Ultimately, however, this one is Cyndi's call.
This is the part that concerns me the most. We already have enough characters that do not complete lessons; I don't really want to give another reason to not complete lessons. :p
I'm also all for people communicating with each other. As was mentioned, professors already have access to the recommended grade, and considering that it is just a recommended grade, I'd be more comfortable with a student PMing the professor if they are that curious rather than having them see a grade that might not be entirely accurate to what they'll receive at the end of the semester. The professor would be able to give them a more accurate answer since, as indicated by Nick, grades are left to the discretion of professors in the end. Also, that conversation can happen IC as well - another chance to RP with each other! ^_^
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