Gotta kill em' all!

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Brock Germanotta

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood, 9" Unknown Core
Haii guys! :erm:
I was just browsing the forum, looking and studying on the rp that had been presented and reading upon the rules and had a thought.
Why don't we have a free kill area?
Yes, thats right. A free kill area.
I looked at the hassle of having to PM an admin and such to request to kill somebody, which really defeats the purpose of a surprise battle ^_^
So, can we maybe,possibly, pretty please, have areas in the RP area that may have a FREE KILL area sign where anybody can be killed without warning if they are there, certain rules of course should be applied (More then 4 lines, allow dodging and blocking etc. )
So, replies and constructive critism please, if this idea has already been posted just tell me and yell at me just a little bit :p
Thanks guys- Brock
Hey there Brock,

The problem with implementing your suggestion is many-fold.
I should note that, generally, the plot request form required for death is just a quick formality. Especially for death via natural causes, accidental death, etc.
However, there are many types of deaths which need to be controlled. For instance, student deaths. If we allowed deaths to occur on a whim, there would easily be 5+ student deaths every year. In character, at one school, that is a horrible statistic and the school likely wouldn't be open long.
There are also other roles (such as professors) where, if they are to die, we require a heads up as there is responsibility which will need to be transferred/taken over.

There is also the consideration that every forum is an in character location - so what location would be one where a death can occur without admin approval? Or without the character's necessary consent?

It should also be noted that there are two areas of the site where minor godmodding, injuries, etc. is allowed. These areas are the forbidden forest and The Borely Mansion. However, who is allowed to godmod and in what circumstances has to be restricted severely. While there is some excitement in the unknown, some people would easily abuse said powers and plenty of roleplayers would be upset to see their characters harmed in ways that would have a direct effect on the their character's future.
Make a new area? I understand that the current areas in use are all commonly used but if you make a 'Valley' that has warnings on it

for free death etc then nobody that doesen't wan't a fight would go near there, example students.

I just thought it would spice up the fact that I see barely any battles happenning and the DE's and MoM is really doing

nothing in the fact of the DE's doing nothing. I hate to butt in so early of joining the forum but I thought

It would be a good addition to the game? Another suggestion that I thought of is like at different times an area can become a free

kill area, but this would have to have warnings before and after and that would be more of a hassle I guess.

Anyway, sorry to bother you but I just thought it might be a good thing to add.

- Brock -
That was my question, what would the area be.

Also, you've missed my point.
There are times when we require a character to stay alive despite a roleplayer's wish to stop roleplaying with that character. Or we can't let a death occur because it would have effects reaching far outside the scope of that one character. Or we need to know in advance of a character's death to plan for new people/characters to pick up the extra responsibility.
What you've proposed would, put simply, allow everybody who decides one day that they're tired of a character to get them killed in a second. It would throw the axis of the site way off (in that there would be far more death eater activity than is realistic for so long after the fall of Voldemort, and in one small island nation no less). It would cause at least five student character's deaths a year, and I don't want to have professors have to post a memorial service every other week.
People are fickle with their characters, unfortunately, and I do not care to recount the number of times when I have had to deny an application for a twelve year old dying (often committing suicide) just because the roleplay has grown tired of them, only to find out that a month later the roleplayer wants their student back in Hogwarts. A death is really quite permanent, even in the world of roleplaying, and it has great influence over many other events - even in the world of roleplaying. So, once more, I find it quite beneficial to ensure that such plots are given a go-ahead before they happen, and I know countless others have benefited from this system.
What you are suggesting would entirely defeat the purpose of anybody ever having a character's death approved. Why bother? Just get them killed the messy way in two seconds and regret it the rest of your time on HNZ. Students would be killed off in their first year regularly. Death Eater activity would be out of control. Professors would simply be killed and we'd have to suddenly find replacements for them with absolutely no warning. Within the confines of one forum with a looser set of rules, anybody could get around any rule if they really wanted to - and that would throw the whole set up of this site out of its loop.

I'm always open to hearing new ideas and suggestions, and I'm quite glad that even this new on the board you've thrown an idea out there - but in this case, I just can't see it benefiting the board in any way which would counter-balance the undeniable negative effects it would have. I could be missing something, in which case I welcome you to point it out (and of course any other member who sees this and agrees/disagrees is more than welcome to chime in), but as things stand - this idea does not seem like it would work for this board, and this community.
I see what you did thuuurrrr.

Yeah, It took me a while to see your point but I see how important it is now. Sorry about wasting your time and all and sparking

other people with their suggestions. I'm hoping you see my point though, it would be funner but it would of course have more

con's then pros. Just a question, is injury and attacking perfectly allowed aslong as we don't kill? And is like destroying a certain area

(not proposing anything here :lol:) but like if it fits into the scene get into a battle, would that be allowed?

Once again, sorry about all the things I have already caused and made you waste your time.


- Brock -

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