Good Times Ahead

Leif Odegard

norwegian • charmismatic transfiguration 1-4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 Inch Flexible Rowan Wand with Boomslang venom Core
3/2032 (29)
To say Leif had been excited to attend Hogwarts would be an understatement, the boy had been absolutely thrilled. He was glad to finally get away from the house and to not have his mother being his teacher anymore. He had never enjoyed learning, but he was sure that now that he was there things were going to change. Especially now sorting was done with and he actually felt like he belonged at the school. Sorting had taken him by surprise though, the boy never had a preference for any of the houses but to be placed in the same house as his sister was something he hadn't expected. When they were younger they were never much alike, but then again they had both changed as they grew older and now he was thinking about it again he started to see the similarities. Perhaps this was a good thing.

As he made his way outside Leif couldn't resist but to smile. He ha always enjoyed being outside far more than spending entire days inside, whch made him glad that there was plenty to see around Hogwarts. However, he didn't feel like exploring every inch of the grounds in his first week, or in the seven years he'd be at the school as well. The boy felt like it wasn't necessary to try and figure out every corner of the school because in his eyes it couldn't be done anyways. So why bother? No, instead he just made his way over to a spot on the lawn that he deemed nice enough and sat himself down, ready to take on whatever Hogwarts had to offer in the next seven years. However, it would be nice to do so with a friend.​
From so far Therese had enjoyed her time at Hogwarts pretty much. She was the most curious at the students and she had met some nice people already. April was one of those and she really showed the girl as a friend. Therese loved to have many friends, she was all in for some activities with a whole group. She heard from Beaubelle the view was pretty beautiful so Therese wanted to show herself outside today. There must be a lot of people outside and she was excited to meet new potential friends. Until this day she had saw only Hufflepuff people and that wasn't a bad thing. She really liked the house and was glad to be sorted into the same house as her father had been. Her siblings would follow still and she couldn't wait to see where they would end up. What she did know was that next year Liam would attend hogwarts and she had already some thoughts of where her nephew could end up.

As she made her way outside she felt the sun on her face. It was lovely weather, much better than in Sweden. But she loved her country very much though. Therese would spend seven years on this school, so she would be around here for a while still. She missed her parents and siblings ofcourse but already had writed them about the outcoming result with the sorting ceremony. She knew her parents would be proud, they didn't matter which house she would be in as long as she would do good and be happy everything was fine. As she made her way over to a spot at the lawn she noticed a boy sitting that she saw before. She knew he was a first year and a Hufflepuff but didn't yet spoke much to him. '' Hi! Do you mind if I join you here? It is so lovely around here.'' she asked friendly to the boy. Therese wasn't scared of talking to others, even if they would say she wouldn't mind. She would try to speak to the other more, but if they wouldn't she would respect that. But she had a feeling the boy wouldn't mind.
Leif had been wondering whether or not it would be a good idea to go look for his sister that day or the next, or if he should wait untill he would bump into her in the common room or somewhere around the castle. He figured it would probably be best to just wait untill he'd see her somewhere, because looking for someone in a castle this size seemed like a mission that was guaranteed to turn into a complete failure. There were so many floors, hallways and rooms that he wouldn't even know where to start, which was why the boy decided to stay right where he was, enjoying the fresh air for a little while.

The first year Hufflepuff hadn't even noticed that he was staring at the ground untill a voice snapped him out of his thoughts. Looking up he noticed a girl she had seen before, both at sorting and in classes. "Sure, sit anywhere you like." Leif smiled at her, gesturing at the grass around him with a small wave of the arm. Ofcourse he figured she would either sit next to him or somewhat opposite of him, because those were the only logical options. Still looking at the girl he tried to remember her name, he was sure he had heard it before and the boy had always been good with names so he figured if he thought about it it might come to him. Once she had sat down Leif send her one of his typical big smiled. "Your name's Therese right?" He asked the girl, hoping that his mind wasn't betraying him right now.​
<SIZE size="50">sorry dit's niet zo goed
Therese had saw the boy a few times now and could remember his name again. She was quiet good with names and after hearing it one time she could remember it pretty well. She took a moment to appreciate the beautiful view here, because that was rather something special. A lot of places around Hogwarts seemed nice but it was so big that it was hard to choose which you wanted to see tomorrow or the day after that. As the boy didn't mind as Therese already thought she smiled friendly to him and went sitting carefully on the ground next to him. '' Thanks, I really like the view here it is way better weather than in my country.'' the Swedish girl said with a smile.

The brunette was suprised that the boy remembered her name, but perhaps he was good with names too just as she was. She was curious if April already had meet the boy and what she would think of him. She couldn't really imagine that April didn't liked anyone, that was why she liked her so much. She could tell right now that April would see positive things more than negative with people. Therese didn't really liked negative things, she wasn't really getting happy from it. Ofcourse she had moments where she wasn't feeling happy and nice too. For example when her favorite aunt died a few years ago. The Hufflepuff nodded confident at the boy. '' That's right, and your Leif right? Do you like being in Hufflepuff?'' the brunette asked at Leif while putting on her curious face.
Leif smiled when the girl told him that the weather around here was better than in her home country, which ofcourse immediately made her wonder where she was from. Her name didn't give a lot away, as to him it seemed like a name that could be used in many countries. For himself he had always felt that besides his accent when speaking English, his name would be the biggest thing to give away that he wasn't from around there. "You're not from here?" He asked the girl, growing more and more curious about where she was from. "Me neither, but that mustn't have been hard to tell." Leif chuckled, he had made peace with the fact that his accent would probably never fade and to be honest he didn't want it to. He was proud of his country and felt like a part of him would always belong there.

Once she confirmed that her name was indeed Therese, Leif felt relieved. It would have been quite embarrassing for the boy if he would've been completely off about her name. "That's me!" Leif smiled as she seemed to have remembered his name as well. Perhaps it wasn't a difficult name to remember, but for some it might be one that's difficult to pronounce. However, Therese didn't seem like she had a lot of trouble with it. "I do, I think it's great." He replied to her question about their house. It had him confused at first, but he was slowly starting to understand why he had been sorted into Hufflepuff. "My sister's a Hufflepuff too, never thought we'd be placed in the same house though." Leif chuckled, before returning the question to Therese. "What about you? You like it?"​
Therese could really tell she liked the boy already. And something in his accent made her wonder where he was from. She herself had some Swedish accent around her and she didn't hated it but it was always obvious that you were from somewhere else. Although the brunette had taken some english lessons from her family that lived in England and she was getting better at it everytime. '' I'm not indeed. I'm from Sweden.'' Therese answered the boy friendly as she did to everyone she first met. It was a fact that people were showing some interest if they asked such things and she liked those people. And indeed Therese could tell that the boy wasn't from around here. '' I already thought to hear a accent, but I didn't want to suggest that much. So where are you from? Your name sounds also Scandinavian.'' It would be fun if Leif came from Sweden as well, she wanted to meet more people from her country. But a lot of children from her age went to Durmstrang as her father did also. Therese wouldn't mind but her mother had the last word and she went to Hogwarts as well and sorted into Ravenclaw. The Swedish girl could agree with her mother she really liked it at her.

Therese was glad that Leif was his name indeed. It would be a bit strange to say the wrong name, but what did people expect? They were all new and making mistakes wasn't that bad. But the Swedish girl was quiet sure with names mostly, and could remember them pretty quickly. As she listened and enjoyed listening to Leif she was smiling as he mentioned his sister also being a Hufflepuff. '' That is so amazing! Does she likes having you with her in Hufflepuff you think? And is she new this year or older than you?'' the brunette couldn't help but think about April right now. She was acting a bit the same way, April had asked her so many questions at the same time but she could understand why. She was feeling excited to talk to Leif and wanted to know more about him. As Leif returned the question Therese looked at him with a smile. '' I'm really liking Hufflepuff so far! The people that I met are so nice, so I'm happy.'' Therese didn't had a sibling or family member into Hufflepuff but she didn't mind. Alice was the next sibling to come to Hogwarts but that wasn't pretty soon, she was still six years so had to wait until her being eleven. '' I don't have a sibling or family member in Hufflepuff, but got a lot of nieces and one nephew around the school. Two are in Gryffindor, one in Ravenclaw and one in Slytherin.'' She was wondering if the sister of Leif did know a few or hadn't yet.
As soon as Therese told him she was from Sweden Leif felt a feeling of happiness spread across his chest. What were the odds he would get to meet someone who was from his neighbour country? He had already had a feeling that he would get along with the girl and that perhaps they would become friends, but this changed everything. It wasn't even a feeling anymore, it was almost as if they were destined to become friends. "No way!" He enthusiastically exclaimed when she had stopped talking and had returned the question. "That's unreal, I'm from Norway! I guess now we have to be friends." Leif smiled widely at her, before coming back to the topic of his accent. "Yeah, I don't think the accent's ever gonna leave." He chuckled, still secretely wishing that in fact it wouldn't.

Ever since he was younger Leif had been comparing himself with his sister, never really to see if one of them was better at certain things, but more in search of aspects in which they were alike. Funny thing was, the older he grew the more he found. "I'm pretty sure she's more than okay with it, and otherwise there's not much to do about it." He answered Therese's question with a slight chuckle. He knew his sister was glad that they were in the same house, because now she would probably be able to see him a little bit more. "And no, she's not a first year. She's a fourth year." He answered her question, finding it funny how for them fourth year seemed so far away but how he remembered Freya being send off Hogwarts for her first year as if it was yesterday. Mostly because he had missed her a lot more than he could have imagined at the time. "Hufflepuff's great." Leif agreed with Therese. They had only been at the castle for a little while, yet he already felt as if he had always belonger there. "Well if you spend a lot of time with your cousins they're practically your siblings, right?.W" He smiled, not being able to imagine what it would be like to have no siblings. Sure he'd hoped to get a brother when his mother was pregnant, but to be honest he loved his sisters and he would do anything for them.
Therese had a feeling Leif would be a soulmate with Scandinavia but when she heard his reaction after she told him she was from Sweden she laughed. He was funny and she really liked the boy. As Leif told her he was from Norway she started to smile brighter. '' OMG that is amazing!'' Therese said happy and started to jump a bit. She had visit Norway one time with her parents since it was so close to Sweden. The brunette agreed when he suggested they have to be friends. She wouldn't want anything else, because making friends was something she came for at Hogwarts beside following classes. '' I totally agree! But besides being neighbours I think you are nice as a person.'' the girl said with a smile, joking a bit. Ofcourse Leif seemed nice but the fact they came from neighbour country's was a big part in the beginning friendship. They could visit eachother in vacation and Therese thought that would be fun.

As she listened to the answer if he his sister would be fine with him being in Hufflepuff she was glad. She was wondering where her sisters would end up in the future.
'' Ow that is good to hear.'' she responded at him with a smile. Leif his sister was a fourth year so she knew more about Hogwarts. That would be pretty handy. But Therese could ask her siblings that were second years right now if she needed anything to know. '' I like most of my cousins so that is right. And I like to make friends so I will not be alone.'' she said with a confident smile. She liked being in Hufflepuff since they were doing a great job too with house points. Winning wasn't that important but it was good for the house spirit she guessed. '' So do you like Hogwarts so far and the classes?'' the brunette asked while looking around the great lawn.
Leif couldn't quite believe what was happening right now. What were the odds that one of the first people he'd meet would be from his neighbouring country? The boy had never believed in faith or anything, but what else could this be? Hearing Therese's reaction he was relieved she seemed just as happy and excited about it as he was and he couldn't help but chuckle about what she said next. "I wouldn't be too sure about that." Leif replied, trying his best to look serious when there was no way he could even come close to that at the moment. "I mean, for all you know I could be a cold-hearted bully or something."

Talking about his sister Leif secretely hoped he would bump into her in the common room later, but it seemed like something that didn't happen when he wanted it to, but did when he didn't have time to talk to her. Not that it was bad, he was already glad he could see her every once in a while. "Well you've already got me. Did you make any friends outside of our house already?" Leif smiled, having a feeling that this would be a friendship that would last for a long time and he was hoping Therese would feel the same. "Are you kidding? I love Hogwarts!" He exclaimed with almost the same enthusiasm as a few moments ago when he had found out that Therese is from Norway. "I mean most of the classes are interesting and there are so many people! I just plan on meeting as many as possible. What about you?"​
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