Good morining Starshine, the Earth says hello!

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Kyra Alexandros

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
So Kyra is a beautiful, cold-hearted woman who is in need of someone to warm up to. This challenge is not for those who give up easily, but for those who can handle it. Are you up for the challenge? Let's see.

1. You need to be able to stick around long enough to see her humor. Kyra will not open up right away, she may say few words, and shrug off anything else you say. So if you get frustrated easily, this may not be the jub for you.

2. You cannot hate any blood. Besides people who give up easily, she hates nothing more then blood haters. So if you are biased in that way, please step outside the room.

3. Lastly you need to know how to handle the side affects (nausea, upset stomach, headaches, and possibly a broken nose) Okay this one is just a joke... i mean it is... and it isn't. You'll never know.

So who wants to try it out? i'll give you cookies.
Challenge? :o lol
I have Alaian Brooke, if you want to RP with him. Hes reasonably nice and gets along with most people. In fact the only thing he dislikes is Death Eaters etc. I havn't really RPed much with him... but....
Ooh my first poster. I will have your cookie soon :D

Anyways... That would be wonderful, can i have more information on him though?
Ummm...... I haven't really decided yet. I made him one day coz I was bored, and haven't really thought about him since :o . He lives in Australia, in Mount Isa. He hates alcohol and caffene. And.. I'm pretty sure Kyra will like him :erm: . Other than that I'm unsure as to other details. (Sorry I'm really indecisive :o just made up a pile of stuff on the spot :r )
Hehe, sounds like me when i write. Anyways, that's fine; do you think you might be able to set it up for me though? Thank you ahead of time!
Danke.... i mean Thank you
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