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Katalina Harker

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Mixed Blood
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Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Just going to let you guys know that I will be gone for a few days, actually I may be gone till after Christmas (though I'm hoping I won't be gone that long). I'm having surgery tomorrow to have a mass removed and biopsied from my back so I'll be bed bound for a few days. If I don't get to talk to you all before, then I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas! I will miss you all and hope to get back and kicking on HNZ ASAP!!

Lots of Love
:console: OMG Kat

Good luck with your surgery and we will miss you terribly.

Merry Christmas :-h

See you soon.
So sad to hear about your surgery but I hope all goes well and I'll be praying that it does! :)

Have a Merry Christmas and we'll be waiting for you back here! :-h :hug:
Sorry to hear about the surgery. I hate surgeries.

I hope to catch you around, and be feeling better real soon! :lol: :-h
Thanks for the good wishes guys ^_^ I'm sitting here waiting for my mum to get her arse out of bed and get ready so we can leave (though I don't have to be there for another hour and a half). Been up since 430 this morning so I thought what better way to spend it than to hop on here for a little bit =)) Miss you all!!
Hi everyone, this is Katie's sister, Mandi. I just wanted to let everyone know that my sister's surgery went well. She's in a considerable amount of pain right now, but I'm sure that will pass in time. She's having to lie on her stomach on the futon downstairs since she can't climb up. She said she hopes that by Monday she will be able to get on here and do whatever it is she does for hours at a time :oy: Next Friday she goes to have her stitches out and the doctor will go over her pathology report with us all so if you could just continue to keep her in your prayers (getting the path report has always been the hard part of her surgeries...we never know when/if it might be bad news again). Anyways, she says to tell you all that she misses you and can't wait to get back on here to do her thing.

Thanks to everyone for being such a good support for her! You all make her smile on the worst of days!

Hoping that you all are well,
Mandi (aka Serena and Lola)
=] I'm glad she's okay Mandi, and thanks for keeping us informed. Of course she will be in my prayers. Your whole family will be. Should you come on before her, please do tell her that Angelica sends her love. And tell her that I miss her so much already. =[

Hope you get better soon Kat! We need your lively soul on HNZ. Take care of yourself, in case I don't get to talk to you soon. =]
Thanks Angelica :hug: :wub: I'm back on, but am only able to stay on for a little bit at a time as typing on ones stomach is hard and it hurts to sit for much longer than about 30 minutes at a time. Thank you all for your kind words and prayers...now just to wait for the pathology report to get back =-/ Anyhoo, trying to catch up on RP's and lessons!!

Thanks Again Guys!
Katie (and the rest of my family)
I'm glad to hear your surgery went well. I hope the news is equally as good about your path report.
Hope you have a Happy Holiday!!

Oh kit kat, get better!

Thanks Mandi for letting us now.

And glad to hear that you are doing okay girlie! Hurry up and heal and get back to us!

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