Going back to Korea

Dervish never noticed the phone. Even if he had, he wouldn't have known what to make of it. He didn't have a clue about most muggle objects. "Thanks." The word sounded weird coming out of his voice. It was a word he didn't use very often so he wasn't used to it. "There's a feud between my family and hers and seeing as my brother and sister are the only people in the family who are in the school, she beats them up on a daily basis." Dervish shrugged. "Her name's Shaylah Rouge. It shouldn't be too difficult to find her. Basically everyone in the school knows her because of her reputation."
"But why would she beat them up?" Sally asked curiously. She could never understand why bullies happen. Violence will never solve the problem.
"Shaylah Rouge? Never heard of her before... What does she looks like?"
Sally start imagining she would be someone who is quiet big and scary. But we never know.
"By reputation, you mean...??" Sally raised her eyebrow wishing Dervish would complete the sentence.
Dervish nodded. "She's known for going around and beating up anyone and everyone who gets in her way. Most people avoid her but the teachers don't have a clue because she threatens to do it again if they say a word against her." Dervish had to admire Shaylah's intelligence. She definitely got that from her father. Dervish had been good friends with Jay until he got sent to azkaban. That's when everything changed.
That's a wierd reputation to beat people that get on her way.
"To be honest, I think beating people physically is dumb. Debate is way better than beating, the smarter you are the better you are. But when you beat people for no reason, that's just stupid" Sally thought. She could never tolerate violence, what if the opponent die? Sick?
"Why would she do that tho?" Sally said particularly to nobody.
"It's just the way she is." Dervish shrugged. He knew Shaylah very well as the girl used be practically his little sister. "My mum blamed her mum for the fact that my dad got killed and his best friend went to azkaban. Her mum took it worse than expected and told Shaylah and because Shaylah's stuck in the school, she's been taking out her anger on my brother and sister. She's cunning but she isn't smart. She knows how to get around people but her grades in subjects that require a brain a terrible. The only sibjects she's any good at are the ones that require strength." Dervish hated how Shaylah thought she was so much better than Lily and Jerrod when both of them were getting good grades in almost everything and she was practically failing.
Hearing the word his dad got killed and Azkaban, Sally felt like a lighting struck her. She froze while looking at the man suspiciously.
"What?? Your dad got killed by his best friend? Who wouldn't do that except the..."
Sally then think and murmured something really soft nobody could listen "the bad guys... or perhaps... death eaters?" She murmured too soft.
Sally look at the man once more, she was scared at him seeing too many violence in his family history.

"Who... Who are you?" She asked softly stepping back a little.
Dervish shook his head. "He wasn't killed by his best friend. He was killed just after his best friend got sent to azkaban." He shrugged. "My mum took it as a result of Jay going and blamed Shaylah's mum-Tracy." Dervish heard the words come out of the girls mouth and was ready to deny every word of what she threw at him. "I already told you who I am. Dervish Green Jr." She may have agreed to help him but that didn't mean he was going to tell her his secret. Only his family and other death eaters knew that he was one and that wasn't about to change.
Sally look at the man with her narrowed eyes plastered on her face. Who is he? She thought yeah of course she knew that his name is Dervish Green Jr. But... Why on earth would his dad be killed for no reason? And his best friend got sent to Azkaban? Why is his family have a good relationship with those who are in Azkaban? Sally took one more step backward and gulp.
"Uhmm... Perhaps I'm not the one that could keep an eye on your brothers and sisters"
Sally regreted that she had agreed on helping him. She may look brave at that time but she's scared.
"Uhmm... Or maybe I could" She look down at her feet one more time and face the man.
Dervish frowned. "Is it a yes or a no??" He couldn't understand why she was suddenly desuaded just because Dervish's dad was dead and he knew a man in azkaban. Neither of those led to him being a death eater. If the girl found out that bit of information then he would understand her wanting to say no but there was no way of her knowing that.
Perhaps there was no harm on saying yes tho Sally wanted to run away as quickly as she could so bad.
"Uhhh.. That's a ... Yes?" Sally plastered her goofy smile on her face not knowing how much trouble she would be in or no trouble at all.
"So what do you want me to do exactly? Just watch them being harass or fight for them or what?"
Sally really hope that what she should do is keep an eye on them and tell the man about them. She wouldn't want to fight someone else. That's just wrong.
Dervish was glad that she said yes. "Just keep an eye on them. If you see Shaylah start on them then get her away in any way you possibly can and then just tell me whenever you see anything happening." Dervish thought this was a simple enough task. It shouldn't be easy to muck it up because there wasn't really any way to muck up unless it was on purpose.
Sally didn't know that this Shaylah girl is that bad. But let's just wait and see. She can't wait until she got her self to Hogwarts but she's definitely is not looking forward to seeing the girl named Shaylah.
"Alright" Is all that Sally mutter to this strange man.
"I'll see what I can do" Sally force her self to smile even tho her face was sour. It seems that the favor that the man ask isn't that easy but Sally had agreed and there is no turning back.
Dervish gave the girl a nod, He wasn't about to say thank you to the same girl twice in one day. It wasn't the kind of thing he did. Even members of his family were lucky if they got one thank you in a day. "If you don't get into Hogwarts then don't worry about it because you wont be able to do anything from a different school. I just need someone inside." He shrugged.
Sally tried to smile at Dervish "Alright, I'll see what I can do" But why would he ask her? Not the headmaster? Dervish could actually do something to prevent those actions right? But asking a little girl like Sally wouldn't be as effective as asking a professor. "But don't you think it's better if u ask an adult? They know what to do" Sally shrugged.
Dervish shook his head. "I'm not exactly the best friends with most of the people in that school." Truth was the fact that most of the people who worked at the school hated him because they thought he was a d!ck. He didn't care though. He just wanted protection for his family and seeing as everyone had told their mum that the fighting had stopped-mainly because of her stress levels-it was up to him to do it.
She look at the man in confusion "Alright?... I'll see what I can do and I will inform you as soon as possible if I get to go to Hogwarts" She smiles at the man. She couldn't understand why he didn't ask one of the professors. He doesn't have to be best friends with the professors in order to save his family.
Breaking the awkward silence, Sally then started to speak
"So what kind of business are you doing here in Korea?" She try to break the silence.
Dervish shrugged at the girl's question. She was certainly nosey. Someday, that would get her in trouble. For now, he was just going to tell her a half truthful answer. "I'm just here to speak to a man. There's some stuff that needs sorting out and he has the answer as to how." It was mostly truthful. The difference was that the 'talking' was going to be torturing. Maybe killing. Depended on whether the man gave Dervish the information he needed or not.
Talking... Sure... Sally think sarcastically. "Alright" Was all she could say. As she see the the heaven got darker, she felt that time is too fast. "Hey would you like a tour? Or do you prefer to go back to your family?" Sally asked nicely. She had always wanted to give a tour to other people but it's all up to the Dervish.
Dervish looked down at his watch. He still had a while till he had to go back to Cloe and if he didn't accept the girls offer then he had a feeling he would end up going back drunk and then he would end up in another fight with Cloe for no reason. He shrugged and put on as much of a smile as he could pull onto his face. "Yeah, sure. Lead the way."
Sally walk around the city with this strange man who is named Dervish. As she walk through the city that was full of people, she stopped in front of a wall that has a picture on it. It looks like death-eaters symbol on the wall. She didn't know why it's there tho "Hey do you happen to know why there's a picture of dark mark?" She touched the picture softly and wish to know the answer of her question.
Dervish frowned slightly when Sally asked him why the dark mark was on the wall. He didn't know. There had been loads painted in different places by wannabe death eaters. "Why would I know?? Those are everywhere." He shrugged and rubbed the part of his arm where he one day hoped to have one. As he was only a death eater in training, he wasn't allowed to have one yet. He had to be at least twenty five before that happened.
(OOC: oh my gawd what on earth is death mark)

She starred at the dark still rubbing on the wall.
"What do you think of them? Death eaters?" She asked opening her little eyes and widen it. Curiosity hits her again she wanted to know everything about being a death eater and aurors. Do they fight against each other? Such kind of questions. "What do they do everyday? Meeting the others all the time? Isn't that wasting?" She asked cheekily.

Dervish was starting to get extremely confused by this girl's behaviour. It was throwing him off guard slightly and that was always a bad idea for a death eater. "Why are you asking me all of this?? It's not like I know them at all." Dervish couldn't keep the frown of confusion off of his face as he spoke.

((Sorry about the bad post. I haven't slept and it's 6am))
(OOC:oh my gawd.... go sleep then :) thx for posting anyway)

Sally wasn't please after hearing what he said. She was expecting an answer that would stop her from being curious.
"I don't know maybe you knew?" She starred at the dark mark. She had wish to know more about them. "Haven't you seen one in your entire life? I've seen one" She stare at the man in confusion. They're everywhere how could he not know what on earth they're doing? Even her father knew what they are but Sally was too scared asking her father.
Dervish shrugged. "Yeah, I've seen them. Who hasn't?? Nobody knows anything about them though. If people knew about them then the whole lot would be i azkaban." Azkaban was the one thing that made Cloe worried about the fact that Dervish was a death eater. She said how she didn't want their sons to be fatherless.

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