Godbye, London.

Claudia Rhoden

New Member
"You'll never ever see me again, you filthy liar!" Screamed Dia, tears running down her face, as she dragged her suitcase down the stairs and out the front door. All of her life, twenty seven years, she had believed that she was a pureblood. A beautiful, pureblooded Slytherin witch. But tonight, she found out that her mother was a lying blood traitor, and that her father whom she had always believed to be dead, was in fact a muggle. Disgusted by the thought of this, shuddered every time she thought of it.

If mother had really been in a relationship with a muggle, and even had a child to one, why did she raise me to hate mudbloods and blood traitors? Dia thought to herself, sickened by the thought that the blood of a muggle ran through her veins. She was no longer the perfect, pureblood she had always thought she was. She was now just a half blood. And there was nothing to be proud of any more. She couldn't even be proud to be her mothers daughter anymore, as her mother was nothing more than a blood traitor.

Associating with muggles.. falling in love with and having a child to a muggle.. The thought sickened her. As did the fact that her whole life, everything she believed in had been a lie. Her mother had always said; "Be proud of your herritage Claudia, there aren't many pureblooded families left" That hypocrite! Her mother had contributed to that! Her mother was a liar, her life was a lie, and she had nothing to believe in anymore. She had to get away, start a new life. Where was the furtherest away place she could possibly get to?

She remembered once reading about a small place called Obsidian Harbour in New Zealand, way over the other side of the world. That sounded good enough, her mother would never think to look there for her. Dia had packed up all of her belongings, using magic to fit everything she owned into one suitcase, and was ready to leave. Although it was done by magic, it made Dia sad to think that her whole life could be packed into one tiny little suitcase. But then again, her whole life had been a lie. Was there any point in even bringing her belongings with her if she was going to start fresh? Well.. she couldn't live with nothing, and she didn't have the money to buy herself a new life. She would have to deal with it and slowly replace everything se owned with something new and better, as she built herself a new life.

She stood on the path outside her mothers house, and took one last look around her.

"Goodbye, London" she whispered, a lone tear rolling down her cheek. It was a crisp autumn evening, a gentle breeze blew brown leaves around her ankles.

"Obsidian Harbour" She said to herself. She shut her eyes, and thought of nothing else. A new life in a small, faraway place. Why not? And with that, Dia disapperated, leaving her old life and all of it's lies behind her.

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