Go The Distance

November Albertson

• Miro <3 • Mother of a boy growing up to fast •
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Bisexual)
Sexual Orientation
June 4th, 2030
November trekked along the edge of the castle looking for a girl she had only a vague knowledge of. April was in her house and she had seen the girl at many of the feasts and events, but she hadn't spoken to her ever. This would be the first time. Handing out the roses was harder than November had dreamed it would be. Finding the people was tough when she hardly knew where they would be during the off hours from classes. Looking around she finally spotted the girl out on the Great Lawn. "Hey April Ward, right?" She asked quietly as she came up to the younger girl.
April loved Valentine's day, but she was taking a small break from rose deliveries. Or... well, honestly, she hadn't really started yet. It was exciting for sure, but also a lot of work. It wasn't until now that she realized just how many people were at school that she didn't know. How exhausting to find them all!

As she wandered around outside, enjoying the late summer weather, she heard someone say her name. She whirled around with a big grin, glad to be recognized. "Sure am! I don't know you, though." She told the older girl. Then her eyes fell on the roses and she gasped, before jumping up and down in excitement. "A rose?" She asked her eagerly. "Oh oh! Gimme!"
November thought it was cute this little Hufflepuff girl got a yellow rose, it made her wonder if she was going to get one this year or not. She had intended to send out one last year but forgot and hadn't gotten any in return. This year she just sent two, and hoped to at least get back one. The girl was really pretty friendly it surprised November. "I'm November, a 4th year...in Hufflepuff," she said stumbling over her phrasing.

November pulled out the yellow rose that had a tag attached with April's name on it. Inside would be a letter from a friend and November thought it was really cute. "This one is for you," she said hold the rose out.

Dear April,

Your amazing! Thanks for being my friend. I love your happiness and you always make me smile.
I hope we will be friends for very much longer.

April laughed in delight when she heard the older girl's name. November, really? That was hilarious. They were both months. "Wow, really? As you know, I'm April. We should make a little club about being named after months." It was a joke she had often used on her friend/nearly step-sister October, though the Ravenclaw rarely appreciated it. "Thanks!" She said as she plucked it from her hand. She unfolded the note and read it, a wide grin spreading over her face. It was from Therese, one of her best friends. She had sent the other Hufflepuff one too, though she felt like Therese's was more thoughtful than hers had been. That was typical for the two of them, though. "Do you have many more to deliver?" She asked the girl curiously. "I have to as well, but I haven't started yet. Don't think I have any for a November though."
November smiled at the girl as she commented on her names. "I actually didn't think of that, both months huh. My siblings and I are all named after months actually. But let's not invite August, he is a jerk," November said a slight frown on her face before she brightened back up. "I just have to deliver six, it's a little harder than I thought. People are all over the place. I even had one for a Professor. But I gave that to him earlier outside the great hall, and one for my roommate, so I knew where she'd be...in front of the mirror," November said trying to make sure she didn't sound too rude when she said what she said about Amber. "Granted the mirror is by her bed, so she usually just happens to be in front of it," November added feeling bad about what she had said already. "I don't think I'll get any, I only sent one, and I'd be surprised to get one back, the friend...he well hasn't really been talking to me since the Yule Ball, I don't know why," November said looking down at the ground suddenly feeling very unsure of herself. She wasn't even sure why she was sharing so much with this younger girl but it felt nice to open up about things. She hadn't talked to Noemie in a while.
April laughed in delight when the girl said her siblings were named after months too. "I know an October, she's... well, sort of my step-sister? Our dad's are dating, but not married yet. Though we're all moving in together soon." She told the girl, feeling completely at ease to share so much of her family information.

She giggled. "A professor? Really? I never thought they would send roses to each other." Then she suddenly gasped, covering her mouth. "Oh no! I could have sent one to my dad! He's a professor." She groaned. "I didn't even think of that." She scowled at her own idiocy. She noticed the girl talked about one of her roommates in a sort of negative way, and she was curious about it but didn't really push it. She didn't know the older students, and April wasn't really one to gather gossip about people she didn't know. She frowned when November said her friend hadn't been talking to her since the Yule Ball. "That doesn't sound very friend-like to me." She declared as she crossed her arms. "He shouldn't stop talking to you for no reason."
November was actually really surprised to hear their was a living October walking the halls of the school, at least she figured the girl was at the school she might not be. "Really? I was born of three, two girls and one boy but my brother his name was October, he did not live very long," November said gently unsure how April would deal with the talk of death. She knew many did not like the talk of death but it had never truly bothered November. She nodded as April responded to how her Aunt was a Professor. It was quite exciting for November as well.

"Your dad?.....Wait Professor Ward, that's your father? I'll have him next year!" November said excitedly. She didn't know what it was about April the girl was one of the most friendly of their house she had ever met. "I think it won't be a big deal if you've forgotten. He probably won't think about not getting from you so as long as you don't mention it he won't even notice!" November said trying to comfort the girl. She seemed rightly upset about not sending her father one. Truthfully she hadn't even thought about sending her Aunt one either, she should have sent her one and also sent some to her friends and not just Flavio. "I should have given one to my Aunt. She'll only be here this semester, as a temporary Professor," November said with the shrug of her shoulders. Listening to the girl more she nodded her head lightly as she responded to the news of Flavio. She had to agree, he hadn't been very much a good friend leaving her practically friendless for the beginning of this semester which wasn't very fun. But Ainsley had reached out to her and that was nice, she really wanted to be friends with Ainsley, she was very sweet. "I'm going to mention it the next time I see him, but I shouldn't rely on him so much I suppose, I have other friends," November said trying to make him not seem so bad to this younger girl.
April was sad to hear November's brother passed, and she bit her lip. "Sorry." She told her with a small shrug. She wasn't really sure how to handle this information, as her usual cheer didn't feel appropriate. She was glad when the conversation moved to her father, and April grinned. "Really? That's awesome. He's the bestest! Though I don't think his subject is the most interesting." She said with a small shrug. She knew it would make her father sad to hear it, but she just couldn't care about things that happened long ago. Still, she did her best for his sake. She nodded when November said it probably wasn't a big deal, taking in her wise words. "That's true. And I'll just give him a big Valentine's hug instead!" She said, nodding with conviction. Hearing the girl had an aunt that was a Professor made April excited again, and she held up her hand for a high five. "We're now the girls-with-month-names-and-professor-relatives club!" She exclaimed with a giggle.

Hearing the girl had other friends and didn't just rely on the one made her happy, and feel less worried for her. "Let me know if you need a friend to kick his butt, I have been practicing soccer." She said with a grin. "So I could definitely do it for you."
It felt nice to speak to someone from her house and actually get on with them for once. She did enjoy speaking with Ainsley, but with Amber always around her it was hard to keep up a good friendship there. This might be a girl who had nothing to do with Amber, which was a nice change and it made November think she might have better luck finding friends in the other years than her own. "I agree, also I'm not that keen on Astronomy so my Aunt is out of luck there, they called her up since it's she's sort of well known in the field I guess, she'd probably be better at Muggle Studies, she's been teaching muggles, young ones, for years now and Astronomy is just more a hobby now," November said to the younger girl. She wished her Aunt would be around longer, she thought it would be nice to have an adult to go to when she needed. She smiled at the girl's comment about their club, well it wasn't much of a club but it felt nice to be considered part of a club. "Yeah, I suppose so," November said looking at the ground but there was a big smile on her face. It was nice to feel like she was apart of something. "Thanks, I think talking might be the best way to get into his thick skull," November said with a smile, it was nice, this interaction. She thought she could manage to be friends with April. And it surprised her.
April nodded in agreement when the girl said she wasn't that keen on Astronomy. "Me neither, honestly, I think I might drop it next year. Did you?" She asked her curiously, she wondered how many older year were only taking one or two subjects, it felt like true freedom to her to be able to choose which subjects to take. Muggle studies seemed boring too, but she didn't say that to the girl.

She nodded in agreement about the talk getting through his thick skull, and grinned at that choice of words. "Good luck! I should start with my own deliveries now. Maybe i have one for you! I don't think so, though." April hadn't looked at her list too carefully yet, but she thought she would have remembered another month name. "Good luck with the rest, and with that boy."

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