Girls' Night

Sara Moon

Former 'Claw | Auror | Grieving
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
12 and a half inches willow with unicorn hair
Sara had been looking forward to this night all week. She hadn't seen Faxen in a while; work had been really hectic. It still was to be honest. Her latest assignment was a very big deal, and she was constantly on call. Still, she'd decided that she could really use a girls' night. Her life had become very one-sided since she'd started training four years ago. Her social life had become non-existent. She kept in touch with some of her friends still, and Faxen was one of them. They needed a catch up. So, Faxen was coming over, and Sara was in the midst of preparation. There was a chocolate cake cooling on a tray in the kitchen, crisps in bowls, some dips, wine. There wasn't a set plan for the night, so she'd worn some black jeans and a relatively nice top; blue lace with long sleeves. Knowing Faxen, this could well end up being a night on the town. In the early days of their friendship, Sara and Faxen had partied a lot. Sometimes she wished she were still that carefree, but she had responsibilities now. The brunette couldn't recall the last time she'd had a night out. She spent the week working, and the weekend was occupied with sleep and working out. She'd started reading again also, and had suddenly been reminded how much she'd always loved a good book. She was re-reading "The Wheel of Time" series by Robert Jordan, one of her favourites.

The apartment had honestly been a bit of a mess that morning. Most evenings, Sara returned late, ate quickly and collapsed into her bed without a notion of tidying. She'd spent the day cleaning, and cooking. Baking in particular felt good; she used to bake with her mother and Kate when they were kids and it felt like home. She wasn't sure why, but her little apartment didn't feel like home. She was never there, she rarely had friends over. God knew when she'd last had a guy around. Love had taken a back seat too. She felt as though it would be unfair to expect someone to put up with the amount of work she did, or to expect them to be okay with her going out and risking her life daily. It was hard enough for her family. Her Mother checked in constantly, and whenever she met her Dad, he interrogated her about what she was up to. It was difficult, because she couldn't answer a lot of his questions. So much of her work required secrecy, and she had to be very careful with her choice of words. She was very aware of this facing into a night of catching up with her friend. Unlike her parents, Faxen was a witch and would know and understand more about the threat of the scitorari and other dark wizards. Sara had to make sure she didn't alarm her, or let her in on anything she shouldn't know. Secrecy went against her nature, but it was a necessary evil.

It was coming closer to the time for Faxen's arrival, and Sara was reclining on the couch. She had some music playing; and closed her eyes. Exhausted after a long week, even her excited energy at meeting her friend couldn't prevent the inevitable. Within moments she was in a dreamless sleep, her breath even and calm, dead to the world.
Faxen was looking forward to seeing Sara tonight. Though she wasn't sure what the pair would be doing, the brunette knew that she would have a good time. She had gotten to know Sara as a friend to go out and party with when she had been grieving what might have been with Dymetris if she hadn't given it up. The thought of Dymetris sent a pain through her heart. Even after all of these years, Faxen still had feelings for him. She imagined it was just that way with a first love. Sara understood Faxen in a way that some of her other friends did not because she had also turned to partying due to a broken heart. Sara had been there with her when she had gotten Dymetris' initials tattooed across her her rib cage after two or three too many shots. It had been this tattoo that had ended her relationship with her second love, Lawrence Andrew Cavell. Enzo had been her best friend for ten years, and they had dated for a year. She loved him and he had dumped her for "branding" herself with her ex-boyfriend's name. That had been the straw that ended her belief in true love. Clearly, Faxen was incapable of that type of love.

While Sara had slowed down the partying, Faxen had thrown herself back into it though she managed to contain it to the weekends now. She played shows in bars and clubs, so she knew all of the best ones out there. Her music career was actually going quite well, and she had an important meeting next week with a new record label. Between that and her shop, she was quite busy. The brunette still always made time for Sara whenever she was free. Which she was tonight. Faxen dressed in a long sleeve white crop top and tight red pants. She put on wedge booties and and a long black coat. Winter had arrived in New Zealand. The brunette girl left her house and apparated to Sara's right on time. She could hear noise behind the door. She knocked three times in a row before waiting patiently for her friend to answer the door.
Sara, still in her semi-comatose state was vaguely aware of some sort of noise; it was the television. She tuned it out and continued to sleep, but then another sound entered her mind; somethign much more present. A small frown formed on her sleeping face, and as she became semi-concious, she leapt forward in the seat "J*sus, Faxen!" she exclaimed, half-falling off the couch to open the door. Her hair was sticking up oddly now, and she smiled at her friend. "Hi! It's great to see you!" she grinned, pulling Faxen into a hug; "Would you believe I fell asleep?" she laughed, walking back into the apartment, and running a hand through her messy hair. "I suppose I'll have to fix this mop. Want a glass of wine?" she laughed, getting a proper look at her companion. "You look amazing by the way; I love those trousers." Disappearing into her room for a moment, she emerged with a small comb, some hairspray and a pair of heels. She quickly began to fix her hair. That was the awkward side of having curly hair; it required a lot of maintenance. Luckily it was only the left side that she'd messed up, so she'd pin it back and let the curls fall on the other side. "Okay, I have cake and snacks. We need to eat before going out; line our stomachs if you will." she poked her tongue out at faxen as she finished with her hair. She left the heels on the floor; she'd throw them on before leaving. "So, anything strange or startling with you?" she asked, skipping into the kitchen to pour two glasses of wine. "Cake, or?" She asked, taking a knife.

"That nap has given me so much energy!" she laughed, turning back to Faxen. "I've really been looking forward to tonight, it's been too long since we met; my fault. Work is just hectic." She'd bring in the remainder of the cake to the team; Aurors always appreciated free food; especially her partner Andronikos; he ate at the rate of a mile a minute. How he stayed in shame was beyond Sara. "Wow, I've just been talking at you. You'd swear I've forgotten how to talk to people. Breathe Sara." she added, rolling her eyes at her own excited-ness. She was like a giddy eleven year old, meeting her friends after Summer.
As Faxen was waiting outside the door, she heard a large crash before the door swung open. Faxen grinned as she hugged Sara back, happy to see her friend again. It had been too long. The brunette laughed as Sara admitted she had fallen asleep. It explained the crash and the messy hair. "Yes I can. Working too hard again?" she teased her friend. Faxen knew that Sara took her job seriously and put in long hours. "Sure. You know I love wine." Faxen answered, following Sara into the apartment. She went to the kitchen and poured herself a glass as Sara disappeared back into her room. Faxen stood in the kitchen, munching on the food Sara had laid out. "Already ahead of you there." she said with a smile.

Faxen laughed as Sara said she had forgotten how to be around people. "Nothing much is new with me. I have a meeting with my manager and a record company next week. I guess we will see how that goes. Nothing to report in the romance department." she said with a shrug. Faxen had accepted that she had driven away the only two men who would ever love her. "What about you?" Faxen asked as Sara bounced around the room.
T'was lucky that Sara was comfortable with Faxeen, or the night would've been overshadowed by her own embarrassment at having fallen asleep. "Yeah, I'm a real bore now; extra time, sucking up to the boss. You'd like my boss. He's broody and dark, sort of intimidating. Attractive though." she laughed, pouring herself a glass of wine also, an taking a sip with a satisfied sigh. "It's good though; exciting." Work was actually a frenzy at the moment, but she couldn't say to much. It was quite annoying at times, trying to watch what she said around family and friends. It often made her wonder about how her love life would work out; she would't exactly be able to tell any boyfriends about her day. "I needn't have asked." she replied, glad that Faxen was eating away. She took a crisp, and sat up on the kitchen counter, swinging her legs and smiling at her companion.

"A record company? Faxen that's great! Make sure to remember me when your name is in lights!" Sara exclaimed, jumping down to hug her friend again. Faxen was extremely talented, Sara had known it from the moment she'd first heard her sing. She always felt as though you saw the real Faxen when she sang, the Faxen who wasn't afraid to feel. "Romance is over-rated." she added, rolling her eyes. In reality, she wasn't nearly so flippant. She was lonely, but then she'd come to expect that. When she'd chosen to become an auror, she'd set herself up for a lonely life. "Work is interesting at the moment; can't really tell you much, but I'm on a new assignment now. Still working with Andy and Leonzio though." She paused for a moment, then continued. "Romance-wise; when do I ever have any news in that area?" she laughed, sitting back up on the counter again.
Faxen smirked. "Ooh broody and dark. Exactly my type." she teased, though it was true to an extent. She had been on several dates with men that fit that description. Enzo had a little bit of that in him, though Dymetris had not. The brunette didn't ask about Enzo, knowing that Sara worked with him. She tried not to mention him, not wanting to cause Sara any awkwardness at work. Faxen took another sip of her wine, listening to Sara talk. She missed having girl time. She really didn't have too many friends, and she was busy on her own too with the shop and her hopeful future in the music industry.

Faxen laughed and shook her head. "As if I could ever forget one of my best friends!" she said, shaking her head. "No, I think you are stuck with me." she joked. It was hard to believe that they had been friends for five years already. The brunette laughed and shook her head. "You're telling me! I had my chance and blew it. Twice." she said with a shrug. Love just wasn't in the cards for her. "That's great. I thought you might meet another nice Auror....but no?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. People often found love at work, or so she was told.
Sara smiled at Faxen's response. She knew Faxen had a bit of a tendency toward darker men, but she didn't think they were good for her. She just wanted her friend to find someone who would take care of her, be there for her; not that Faxen particularly needed looking after, but still... She wished her friend were happier. She knew Faxen didn't really believe that she'd find love anymore, but Sara couldn't see that happening. She was a kind, loving person and she deserved to have love. She knew her ex-boyfriend worked in the ministry, but she didn't really know him very well, and tried to avoid him when possible.

"Good to know." she took another sip of her wine. Faxen was important to Sara; she hadn't known the old Sara, the perfect little girl version. She had known her when she went off the rails a bit, but that hardly mattered. She and Keifer had been the two people who'd simply accepted her and she appreciated them; the two people she considered her closest friends. Though she hadn't seen Keifer in quite a while. He hadn't been particularly good the last time they'd met. "Faxen! I know you're dubious, but I without a doubt believe there is someone for you." she frowned, concerned. She hated hearing her speak that way. "And the second time, I am partly to blame for; I should've stopped you getting the tattoo." she added, grimacing. She wouldn't say this to Faxen, but she didn't think Enzo was right for her; if you truly loved someone,and wanted to be with them; you wouldn't get a tattoo of someone else's initials. "All the guys in work, are either married, or have a partner, or have no interest. Dating an auror would probably be perfect, I mean they'd get it y'know. When non-aurors find out what do, there's always a sort of awkward pause where they try to find a polite way of saying 'Are you crazy?' Anyway, I don't really have time. The only auror I actually know well is Andy." Andronikos was her partner, they were friends and that was that.

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