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Tony Alraur

Well-Known Member
Welcome to our little meet and greet picnic. Whilst you are here, we encourage you to share a little information about who you are; what you do; what you enjoy; Along with anything else you wish to share with us, such as your favourite quote; or who your role-playing characters are.

We understand many of you will already know each other, and will chat over IM daily; but for the rest of our members, mostly the newer ones, they won't really know.

You are free to format your post as you wish, either with a paragraph or a list. The choice is yours.

Since I'm going first, I have for you an example:
[ul][li]Name: My real name is Tony. I lacked inspiration when I registered.</LI>

[li]Location: Redcar, in the North East of the UK. I live in a small two-room flat, which I hate. I'm dreaming of the day I can purchase a house to move in to.

[li]Employment: I work as a Chef in a hotel / restaurant / bar, just around the corner from me. At the moment I have Wednesdays and Saturdays off, although I have worked the past two weekends in full; and I shall be heading back to college on a new course on Wednesdays. Which sucks.

[li]Education: I have two diplomas, a first and a national, which are worth the same as five A-Levels I think; and I have an NVQ 2 in Professional Cookery. I also have a Dreamweaver 8 certificate, which I took because I didn't want to sit in a centre all day; mind-numbingly bored for weeks on end. And I have a full UK driving licence too, which I count as a qualification; since you can be dis-qualified.

[li]Memorable Moments: I guess passing my driving test last year, after spending a lot of money; and giving up on it for ten months. Being employed for the first time ever is also memorable. And so is seeing my nephew after he was born, (just before Christmas last year). Absolutely brilliant!

[li]Favourite Place to be: Contrary to the fact I barely ever sleep, and if I do it's not well, I really enjoy snuggling up in my quilt. I just love to wake up, and then curl up and lay there.

[li]Hobbies: I enjoy relaxing when I have the time to do it. I also love to cook, as well as eat. If I can, I head out for a drive every now and then; but I'm often to busy to have the opportunity.

[li]Most Spoken Saying: If it's not quality, it's likely to be rawr.

[li]Favourite Quote: I don't actually have a favourite quote, so I can't put anything here. This line is empty.

[li]Time Spent This Year: I borrowed a book from the library some time ago, and read; which I hadn't done for years. I enjoyed the book, which is good. Apart from finding work; passing courses; watching movies; and now role-playing, my year has been pretty dull.

<LI>[li]Characters (Feel free to keep secret ones secret): The current characters I have here are as listed: Tony Alraur; Laura Alraur.[/li][/ul]

As mentioned earlier, you can simply copy the example above and share a little about you to the rest of our community. :)

Have fun with this, and we look forward to finding out who you are. The team at MESSI. :hug:
Name: My name is Nicolas.... I like to be called Nick... I will answer to:
[li]"Ginger" (Although I abhor that name and will beat anybody to a pulp who tries it :) )
[li]McNick (Sounds sweet, amirite?)
[li]Other stuff[/li][/ul]

Location: ...Ontario.... Canada

Employment: I'm a full time student and part time lover. :r Alrighty... welllll, I go to school and work at my church a little bit, too. :)

Education: Self-educated. :r (I don't care what the education system thinks, they've helped me little to none. :r )
I'm in highschool now... so I have ~0 education.

Memorable Moments: Well... just this past Friday in my "Business Leadership" course (best thing evar for HNZ stuff :r ) we had to list traits we'd look for in employees and my list looked like this:
[li]In to me
Then we had to share our answers with the class! So I got this one girl to raise her hand and answer "subservient" and the teacher toally put it up! :D Yay us!

Favourite Place to be: Nowhere? Everywhere.

Hobbies: ... the... internet....?

Most Spoken Saying: Currently: "EXCELLENT!"

Favourite Quote: I can't think of one at the moment... fav. Bible verse is 1 Timothy 4:12....

Time Spent This Year: Not sure what this means... my favourite time spent this year? Probably worship at CY09

Characters (Feel free to keep secret ones secret): ...this account?
Awright, here goes nothing (I should SO be studying right now.)

Name: My name's Camilla. I'm one of those people who's character names is nothing like their RL names.

Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Known as the Capital of the Sunshine State. I don't get out much, though, now that I lost my sunglasses. I still live at home with my family (I'm 18) but I'm thinking of moving out in the summer.

Employment: I have two part time jobs. I work as a checkout chick at the supermarket near my uni (although I haven't worked there in over 3 months) and I also work as a party hostess at Hungry Jacks (that's Burger King to most people). I dress up as a fairy, pirate or clown and deal with a bunch or bunches of kids every weekend.

Education: I'm a full time university student, but my degree has very few contact hours (I'm doing Arts, majoring in English Literature, and am probably going to start a degree in Secondary Education next year). I'd like to be a high school English teacher. I'm only a first year student, I went to high school at an all-girls school until last year. Which was...interesting, to say the least.

Memorable Moments: Memorable? Hmmm. Finishing high school and spending a week in Sydney with a few close friends instead of going to the coast to get drunk and bashed up is definately up there.

Favourite Place To Be: Why, HNZ of course! Aside from that, I like my university campus. I like sitting at the cafe next to the library with some friends, sitting around chatting and drinking coffee. And my bed, because I never seem to get out of it.

Hobbies: I play Pokemon? Ahahaha. I don't really do much. I make grand schemes to write but they never get off the ground. I like reading but the purchase of my laptop is in direct correlation to how much reading I get done. Oh dear.

Most Spoken Saying: "I should so be studying right now." Or, "I am hardcore procrastinating" or variants thereof.

Favourite Quote: Just read the whole books of Jane Eyre and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through The Looking-Glass. Enough said.
Also: "No fist but mine bruises the face of my angel. FALCON..PUNCH!" - Captain Falcon in There Will Be Brawl (Look it up. There's a link in my sig. It is amazing.)

Time Spent This Year: Hmmm. I spent the first half of the year in a daze. University and all, went right over my head. Now I've started trying again (except right now where I am clearly not finishing this speech which I have to present soon) and am doing alright (except in World Religions, which is coincidentally what this speech is for). So that's pretty much been it. I got in to my first relationship this year and that's working pretty well, we've been together for 6 months (even if I'm starting to get more settled and less excited and happy by the relationship). And I've truly discovered who my real friends are.
I also turned 18 recently but I've only been out twice, and once I was home by 10:30.

Characters: Ohhhh boy. Where do I begin? Well apart from Violet Bellamy, there is Angus Greenwood, Lucinda Buckley, Charlotte Wilson, Professor Isolde Glasson, Wallace Montgomery III, Christobelle Montgomery, Katerina Ivanova, Sergei Ivanov, Antoinette Greenwood, Martine Laurent, Markus Schwarz, Ruby Bellamy, Alice Bellamy, Emery Winters, Nikolai Ivanov, Nathalie Ivanov...I think that's all.
# Name: Alexis. However, when I turn eighteen I'm going to legally change my first and last name to try and rid myself of any memory of my biological father.

# Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

# Employment: I'm a student and don't have a job just yet.

# Education: I'm in high school and as Nickers has said, our high school education is pretty poopy in Ontario, due to the Student Success Program but.. I don't want to ramble and basically give you all the whole essay I wrote on it last year (It was awesome if I do say so myself.)

# Memorable Moments: Oh boy. This one is difficult but I suppose, the most memorable moment I've had so far was when I was going into grade ten, so a little over a year now.
My best friend, who I consider my little sister, came over to Ottawa from a small town I lived in for a year and we had a great time together. I'm extremely sad that we've lost contact but I still love her, a lot, and wish I could see her.

# Favourite Place to be: Huntsville, ON, CAN (small town I used to live in) or Torrence|Bala Bay, ON, CAN (location of my camp).

# Hobbies: Martial Arts (Goshin Jitsu to be specific), swimming, canoeing, kayaking, reading & writing (duh I wouldn't be on here otherwise) and stressing myself out :p

# Most Spoken Saying: Love you, ho bag! *inside joke*

# Favourite Quote: It is an inside joke so I'm not even going to bother :p

# Time Spent This Year: Not completely sure what this means.. but I really enjoyed camping this summer. It was so fun.

# Characters: Joceline Richarde, Abbey Lurken, Rosaline Jenane, Nusa Mauven, Evelyn Bao.. and a lot more :p
Patricia Rogers :o Surprise, surprise, I wasn't original :lol: But I go by Pat, Patty, Pat in the Hat or Pattycakes on here mostly (and Trishy-bum is unfortunately starting to catch on). Although in RL I go my, Tish, Tishy, Trish or Trisha, anything is fine by me

The Middle of nowhere. :lol: OK it's outside a small town called Draperstown, in the heart of the Sperrin Mountains, in Co. Derry, Northern Ireland :lol: Too much info but meh :p

Currently, nothing. I have no job but I am due to be a full time student soon, I register for Uni on Tuesday and start full time next Monday.

OK to start I went to St. Eoghan's Primary School from 4 for seven years. Nothing interesting here, I was a slow bloomer.
Next was St Colm's High School for 5 years. A lot better, actually learned quite a bit, got 9 GCSE's (7A's and 2B's) Along with other things such as my GOMLs (French and Irish Certificates) My Key Stage 3's two level 6's (Maths and Science) and a level 5 (English); although they aren't really important.
After that I got 3 Distinctions in my BTEC National Diploma in Travel and Tourism, which is the same as 3 A's at A-Level. Also, four other qualifications from tech from part - time courses, A Certificate in Airline and Airport: Customer Care Services; Passenger Service Angent Skills, Cabin Crew Operations and A Certificate in Starting Your Own Tourism Business

Memorable Moments:
Umm nothing too special, performing on School Choir of the Year for 3 years with the school choir (we never won but it was always fun) getting Prefect in 5th year in High School. Getting the GCSE Hospitality Student Award in 5 year also. Getting Student of The Year Award both year in Tech. Getting into the All-Ireland Line Dancing Finals, on numberous occassions, it's great everytime it happens. And last year (2008) getting placed in the top ten in one of my solo dances ^_^ Also recently, getting accepted into Uni was pretty big for me :D

Favourite Place To Be:
HNZ, obviously :p At various line dancing events ^_^ With my friends

Line Dancing, if that wasn't obvious yet :r: I enjoy walking, reading, writing, cooking, playing the piano (even though I haven't in ages) and singing (again haven't done it in a while but I suck) GIMPing it up

Most Spoken Saying:
OMG, I try not to say it too much but I can't help it xD

Favourite Quote:
Don't really have one

Time Spent This Year:
Finishing my course at tech. Enjoying the last few days with the girls in my class doing a pile of different fun things that I wish I spent more time doing, beach, zoo, pub etc and loads of random photo moments, more line dancing - All Ireland Finals, getting ready for Uni, still not ready though :lol:

*le sigh* here we *takes breath*
Patricia Styx , and her family members, Thomas Smith, Efeyenia Samartzi (and her parents) Elliot Keaton, Kira Baxter, Jasmin Baxter, Harry Thornton, Nasera, LeAnn Adams, Ivan Petrov, Seraphina Klein, Detrick Klein, Stephen Duquette, Avory McKenna, Professor Jonathan Spenser and Evie Powell - *counts* yes I think that's it, look out, more to come ;)
Name: Rowan :D I'm original, and didn't name my characters after myself xP

Location: New Zealand! Like, the actual one. xP I live in a small town off Dunedin. I'm almost as southern as it gets ^_^

Employment: I work at a volunteer (ish) kitchen, where I make cheap vegetarian lunches for uni students. Am hoping to get a real job soon :)

Education: I dropped out of primary school when I was 9 to be homeschooled, and have been almost exclusively self-taught since I was 13. I am a qualified swimming teacher though :D

Memorable Moments: Hmm. I don't know? Right now my most memorable moments are;
1) My ex. Argh.
2) Seeing my nephew born :) :wuv:

Favourite Place to be: Anywhere with friends x)

Hobbies: Dancing, I'm doing Grade 4 Hip-Hop next year, and possibly Contempory some time in the future. I'm a swim teacher, and I also am captain and coach of our club's underwater hockey team (reigning Dunedin amateur under 18s champions :D ) I also love singing, was in a musical earlier this year, and like to write (obviously), fanfiction being my genre. I'm a reader, an occasional artist, and a sometimes Big Plan Comer Upper Wither.

Most Spoken Saying: GWRRRRRRGHL. Haha. Jess will get it.

Favourite Quote: "Language is my mother, my father, my husband, my brother, my sister, my wh0r3, my mistress, my check-out girl... language is a complimentary moist lemon-scented cleansing square or handy freshen-up wipette. Language is the breath of God. Language is the dew on a fresh apple, it's the soft rain of dust that falls into a shaft of morning light as you pluck from a old bookshelf a half-forgotten book of erotic memoirs. Language is the creak on a stair, it's a spluttering match held to a frosted pane, it's a half-remembered childhood birthday party, it's the warm, wet, trusting touch of a leaking nappy, the hulk of a charred Panzer, the underside of a granite boulder, the first downy growth on the upper lip of a Mediterranean girl. It's cobwebs long since overrun by an old Wellington boot." - Stephen Fry.


Time Spent This Year: With my ex, who I wasted a whole year on. Am currently involved in picking up the pieces and figuring out who I am without her, and finding out how many of my friends prefer her to me overall. Sigh.

Characters (Feel free to keep secret ones secret): Kyle Alcott, Gabriel Blume, and Maria Madison. I was Jessy Talent for a brief time, but I've returned her to the original owner now her life has calmed down. I've also got Ellen Castor, who I'm yet to do anything with, and Ricky Madison, who I'll be registering sometime after sorting closes. ^_^
Wow I ramble way too much. :mellow:

Name: Abigail, aka Abby! (No E, it's a huge pet peeve of mine, and I used to always hate being called Abigail, but now I've grown up a bit). I don't have a middle name which I feel is a huge deal for some reason :lol: and if I could change my name it'd totally be Elphaba. No joke.

Location: Ugh don't remind me, El Paso, Texas, USA. Hardly considered the U.S. at all because we're a backyard away from Mexico. We don't have southern accents, don't wear cowboy hats or boots, etc. all those Texan stereotypes don't apply to lame El Paso.

Employment: Been working at Big Lots, a retail/department store I guess, for over a year now as a cashier/associate a.k.a. the person who cleans up your mess when you don't put things back where they belong! :mad: Ever since I started working there, I've stressed to all my family members that they should please be courteous and put things they don't want back where they got it from! :lol: I also recently sent in an application to be a copy editor of an online magazine, but have yet to hear a response from them. Eeep!

Education: I went to SIX different elementary schools (I think it's "primary school" in other places) and I honestly don't know why my mom kept changing us schools. I graduated from high school in 2008, and this'll now be my second year NOT attending college or "university". The subject of school is a very touchy one for me because both of my summers prior to graduating have all consisted of me stressing to make things work for university and spending oodles of money in the process, just to have it not work out and stay out of school for another year. :erm: Call me crazy but I thrive in school and I wish for nothing more than to be in school right now rather than have the leisure of sitting around all day doing whatever I please. In high school I was always super involved with band (clarinet ^_^ ), Youth for Christ (Secretary), Literary Magazine (Editor-in-Chief), Newspaper (Co-editor), Yearbook (Assistant Editor), regular theatre and tech theatre, and musical theatre! :wub: Yeah sometimes it made me want to pull my hair out, but honestly, I'd still do it again and try to fit swimming in there somewhere (it would've fit too! :( ).
When I do finally go to university, (which better be in January or I'll pull my hair out!) I plan on majoring in Journalism, and minoring in either Creative Writing or Graphic Design.

Memorable Moments: One thing I'll never forget was going to Europe when I was 16, flying on a plane for the first time ever ALL ALONE, and having to navigate my way around a foreign country (Italy) trying to find my teacher and my group. Then navigating around an even foreigner country (France) getting to the airport to fly back alone again while my teacher & group left on another plane in another airport. :wacko: Still, it was the best spring break EVER and I'll never forget it!
Also, going to New York for the first time ever and getting to see my most favorite person in the world, Leighton Meester! :woot:

Favorite Place to be: Anywhere but El Paso! But mostly, NEW YORK! I've always known I belonged there, and when I went there for the first time ever last year, I just knew I belonged there. I mean, I have THE WORST sense of direction EVER, I still wouldn't be able to tell you how to get from the corner store to my house, no joke - but when I went to New York, I TOTALLY knew my way around and it just all came naturally to me! It's crazy but just a sign that I belong there!

Hobbies: Writing (focus on poetry), scrapbooking!, CELEBRITY GOSSIP, graphics making :p , RPing, duh!, swimming, being a complete fangirl, mhmm.

Most Spoken Saying: I think it's safe to say that it's "OMG!" or "zomg" :oy:

Favorite Quote: I got it! and it's from one of my most favorite people in the world! "I love New York. You're never alone but you're always on your own." - Leighton Meester

Time Spent this Year: On the interwebs. HNZ, catching up on my celebrity gossip, googling images, graphics, or doing school stuff like applications.

Characters: Isabella Chaos, Wendy Chaos, Scorpius Knight, Leia Evans, Isaac Chambers IV, Summer Chambers, Hannah Chambers, Charles Chaos (Ministry Official, Unspeakable), Daphne Chaos (dead!), Pamela Macey (Shopkeeper), Valeria Trevi, Vince Channing, and Victoria Chambers, all family members. Yeah, that's it for now, no secret characters anymore. :)
- Kelsey
- Kels
- Super-Temper
- Ducky.
- Kelsey Ruth
- Kelseypanties
- Smelsey

Brisbane, Australia. I have recently moved, and my scenery has changed from mountains and ocean to English country garden and traffic.


Up to Year Eleven at an all girl's school. I dropped out for a health reason, and now I am looking to study Interior Design, Landscaping and/or performing arts. My dearest wish though is to join the circus. Not even kidding. I'm not talking about performing, more set and costume design. xD

Memorable Moments:
Holding my little neice Cassandra for the first time. She's 16 months old now, and now quotes game show catch-phrases like "No deal!".

Favourite Place to be:
My old home. I was born there and spent the first 15 years of my life there, so even though it's a run down old box on stilts, I adore it and I wish I could so back.

- Reading
- Dancing/singing/acting
- Chewing bubble gum
- HNZ xD
- Designing homes, gardens and clothing. My favourite program to use is The Sims (2 & 3) xD
- Wearing nice clothes
- Dying my hair
- Spoonerisms and Anagrams.
- Daydreaming

Most Spoken Saying(s):
- Awesomesauce.
- "Ach!"
- "Oh, flummox me"
- Aye.
- "Bugger it!"
- No sh*t, sherlock.
- You arsenugget.

Favourite Quote:
I really have too many to count. Here's a clever one though, for your entertainment:
"One should never trust a woman who tells one her real age. A woman who would tell one that, would tell one anything"
- Oscar Wilde, A Woman of no Importance.

Time Spent This Year:
Sleeping as much as I can so that I can dream, and spending my waking hours day-dreaming.

Artemis Blackmoore-Yearling,Gregory Yearling,Samuel Sykes,Merry Forrester,Panda Tormaigh,Pippin Piper,Audel Ater. Gosh, that was a list. Probably not to most of you, but I had to code this stuff!
Name: Alexis Joyce or Alex, Joyce, Joy, Lexi

Location: Zambales(province), Subic(city), Matain(barangay), Phillipines(country)

Employment: I don't work, My Mom says 'NO'.

Education: I went to Living Stone Kindergarten when i was little, then at St. Columban College in my elementary, St. Anthony's School in my high school(they are all catholic schools) and First year College at Ama Computer Learning Center, sister company of Ama University. My course is Computer Graphics and Animation. Then i joined Youth Ministry in my last year in high school, I was going as the 3rd woman in a play but i was replaced it was a Christmas play.

Memorable Moments: When I graduated in High School just a few months. My tears where flooding the school, I can't help it.

Favourite Place to be: At my house, At seven eleven, At school, At mcdonald, Jollibee, Chowking and every fast food restaurant.

Hobbies: Reading, HNZ, Texting, Doing banners, Watching Tv, Singing, Dancing, Eating.

Most Spoken Sayings: Its complicated, I always say bad words...

Favourite Quote: Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you

Time spent this year: School stuffs, hanging out, exams, and passport arranging

Characters: Lexi Rodriguez, Ashley Cooper, Nessie Wolfe, Darl Jay Romanban, Clover Alfred, Eunice Grasglow, Lee Min Ha, Sasuke Uchiha, Alexia Rodriguez, Angelbert Swifts, Andrew Cooper, Fatima Alfred, Katherine Bishops, Bouquet Simons, Frances Spade, Stella Garcia, Patrick Cooper, Teresa Montville, Chelsea Seth, Natasha Owen, Elouise Possible, Mikkie Rogers, Angelica Toralba, Mikkel Von Gaunt, Ally Crysin, Shane Alfred, Mae Margarette Owen, Tom Cooper. That's All...
# Name: My real name is Lexi... and I dislike my name. xD

# Location: Inverness, Scotland. Yarp, I live in the most northern city in the UK. It actually gets prettyyyy hot up here in the summer.

# Employment: I do have a part-time job on Satuday's working in the Nail Salon in town... making tea's. >.> That's probably going to be my job for life. Lolage!

# Education: Well I did pretty well in my standard grades. Buuut I had to retake all of my exams (not coursework) in England, cause I moved down there for a short period of time and found out we would be moving back up. But my English grades or 'GCSEs' are the ones that are official and I got...[ul]
[li] English - A*</LI>
[li] Maths - B
[li] Chemistry - A
[li] Physics - C
[li] Biology - A
[li] Drama - A
[li] Textiles - A*
[li] Dance - A
<LI>[li] Art - C[/li][/ul]

Yes I did not fail at any subject! Go me! But now I am going to college to study Fashion Design and hopefully take that further. But I also need to get a decree in the Performing Arts as I want to be a drama teacher.

# Memorable Moments: Going bungee jumping illegally... erm ya... would not recommend it, lol.

# Favourite Place to be: Muckle Flugga, Shetland Islands, Scotland, UK. Pure heaven.

# Hobbies: Drawing, taking pictures of myself, posing, acting

# Most Spoken Saying: I see dead people, they talk to me.

# Favourite Quote: One potato, two potato, three potato, four.

# Time Spent This Year: Sitting on here all my life, and doing homework/coursework.

# Characters (Feel free to keep secret ones secret): Mwhaha. I have lots... to many infact... well obviously there's Aurora Merrythought and she rocks!
Real Name: Mike (Michael) hence my main chracters name but I generally answer to Mike or any profantities you may want to throw at me ;) :cool:

Location: Bromborough, in the North West of England. (Near Liverpool, but over the water from it)

Employment: Don't be silly. Still a student :( Although I may be working at Pizza Hut come Christmas time :)

Education: I attend WGSB (Wirral Grammar School for Boys) which has its ups and downs, the ups being that well its a grammar school so a better education sounds more likely compared to what other comprehensive schools, but the down side is its an all lads school but we do have the girls school next door :shifty: and we get to share their tennis courts :arr:

Memorable Moments: Probably going to America (Florida)

Favourite Place to be: I wouldn't say I have one that sticks on. I like to be out and about but also like to just have those lazy days where you just laze about on HNZ :woot:
Hobbies: Errr... cricket and football or soccer to most of you guys, reading, HNZ, watching Movies. School... just kidding :p

Most Spoken Saying: Jeez... Im quite sarcastic so its probably along the lines of a sarcastic comment in a West Country accent along with the incredulous word Awesomesauce and another one that apparently won't catch on or so according to Nick: Hezlo!

Favourite Quote: Probably quite a few or though don't expect me to remember them off the top of my head

The Points are like Velma off Scooby Doo- They just don't matter- Drew Carey on Whose Line is it anyway?

Miss Mullins, you the man- School of Rock
Freddie Jones Shut up!-School of Rock
Stick-It-To-Da-Man-Niosis-School of Rock

So probably every line off School of Rock

Harry Potter 6 Lines: In my life I have seen things that are truly horrific now I'll know you'll see worse

Without you would leave the fate of our world to chance

You have no choice... you must not fail

Time Spent This Year: HNZ :woot: , School :correct: , Cricket, Football (Soccer) The Internet, Cinema/Movies, tennis

Characters: (Feel free to keep secret ones secret): Professor Tom Fletcher, Mike Goulding, Adrian Goulding, Ben Goulding, Chris Goulding and Drake Damico

The dream: Well I want to move to America. I've always wanted a big house and have wanted to become a lawyer. If for whatever reason I couldn't become one then I want to be involved in the law in some way, maybe in the FBI. Although an English teacher does seem pretty cool as I really like English and Im classed as as gifted and talented for English (dont see how they worked that out but no complaints there =)) ) I want to be married and have at least 2 children when I'm older (probably no more)and I want to be one of those Dads that are always there for the their kids(but whose Dad doesn't?) so basically a family man :) Again this may seem like ages away but it doesn't hurt to plan it out right?
# Name: I'm Emma :D (lemonemma on skype)

# Location: Currently Daegu, South Korea, but come the end of November I will be packing my bags and exploring Vietnam and Cambodia for a month before going home :wub: to Dunedin, New Zealand for a couple of months. Sometime around the middle of next year I plan to relocate again, this time to somewhere in Europe. Likely to be Finland, Spain or Germany.

# Employment: I teach English as a second language to Korean children between the ages of 8 and 17. I love it. Some of the other jobs I've had in my life are eco-tour guide and ATV driver :woot: , actor, call centre operator (ugh), waitress (ugh), cafe assistant :X , sales, promotions, paper-girl, first aider, fire-safety attendant, theatre attendant, research assistant, editor, and library assistant. And I'm only 25. Just.

# Education: Jeez, I feel like I'm filling out a CV here! I graduated from Otago University in NZ with a BA in Theatre Studies, a minor in Marketing Management and DipGrad in Religious Studies. I also attended Oulun Yliopisto (The University of Oulu) in Finland for a year. I have all kinds of certificates like first aid and fire safety and camping and leadership of girls and adults (through Girl Guiding). I did well in High School but don't remember the grades (although I remember the days when they seemed very important and I could reel them off from the top of my head). I went to Kindergarten (ages 3-4), Primary School (ages 5-10), Intermediate School (ages 11-12) and High School (ages 13-18) in Dunedin, New Zealand, and I went to a Gymnasium (High School) in Germany for 2 months as well, when I was 16.

# Memorable Moments:
- Outward Bound, January 2008. I'm terrified of heights to the point I stop breathing, but I did nearly all of the high ropes course (I never said I wouldn't cry!), and I even ran a freaking half-marathon, let alone all the other cool stuff we did, and the friends I made.
- New Years Eve (Sylvester) 2000. Running through a German village, jumping over fireworks seconds before they screamed into the air, greeting people in German, my hands freezing, my beer overflowing and the froth on top freezing solid in the cold night air. I'll remember it forever.
- ANZAC Day 2006, at the Dawn Service in Gallipoli, Turkey.
- Seeing my first Northern Lights in 2005.
- Seeing my first Southern Lights when I was a kid.
- Swimming in the Arctic Ocean in the north of Norway in December 2005.
- Getting my Queen's Guide Award and having it presented by the Governer General. Also my Class Act award and having it presented by the Prime Minister.
- The first time I heard (through the grapevine) that my older brother, who I idolised and despised by turns throughout my childhood, was proud of me.
- When my first poem was published when I was 11.
- Ok, I could literally go on for HOURS, but I'll stop there in the interest of getting some sleep tonight.

# Favourite Place to be: St Kilda beach in Dunedin, New Zealand. It's a five minute walk from the house where I grew up and I spent countless days and nights there, alone, with friends, freezing, burning, laughing, crying. It's also where I proposed to my husband-to-be.

# Hobbies: Writing, hip-hop dance, jazz dance (although I'm a total amateur), reading, playing basketball, painting, playing soccer, walking, tramping (that's hiking for all you non-NZers; not whoring :lol: ), camping, guiding (as in girlguides), teaching, helping people, acting, going to the theatre, learning, travelling, languages, sleeping and cuddling.

# Most Spoken Saying: "Not my fault" Also, I add -cakes or -ycakes to the end of many words. Like "sweetycakes" or "yaycakes." I also add -pants or -face to the end of most peoples' names. Like "Emmaface" or "Emmapants"

# Favourite Quote: "The British were never a very spiritual people, so they invented cricket to give them some idea of what eternity might be like" (probably horridly misquoted) from George Bernard Shore. Also, from one of my students: "My yonger brether always frolic to me. Only one but I'm go mad. I don't want more brother and sisters." That's the exact spelling. :p

# Time Spent This Year: Mostly teaching and sleeping, but also dancing, playing soccer in the hot hot sun, complaining about the humidity, a 2 week trip to Japan, going on weekend trips to different parts of Korea, writing, reading, surfing the internet, thinking about the future, failing to plan my wedding (5 months away, eek), watching baseball games, failing to learn Korean, eating out (gaining weight), killing mosquitoes, trying not to scratch mosquito bites, expanding my mind and generally just being.

# Characters (Feel free to keep secret ones secret): Jessame Rose Trewelly, Beaumont Karhunlappi and Ekky the (hilarious) house elf.

Name: I'm Emily, or Emzies, or Melly, which ever

Location: Glasgow, Scotland. Tis awesome.

Employment:I'm in school, so I haven't got a job yet, but I'm looking for a part time one.

Education: I go to an all girl school in the Westend of Glasgow. Notre Dame High School It's a good school. I went to the primary of my school, from the age of 4 till I was 11, I have two years left of High School, then I hope to go to a university to do something. I haven't decided yet. Too much to chose from. I've just done Standard Grades (OWLs) and I did pretty Well, 5 1's (highest grade) and 3 2's (second highest grade). I'm currently studying, Maths Higher, English Higher, History Higher, French Higher and Higher Human Biology. It's not fun. I'm not a fan of school.

Memorable Moments: A water fight, in the middle of winter, with ice everywhere and freezing cold winter. It was I think the coldest day of year. I got really wet. I would say more, but there are way to many.

Favourite Place to Be: Anywhere but school. My bedroom. On HNZ

Hobbies: Piano, Debating, Reading, Watching Films, Laughing with Friends, Having lots of hyper fun,

Most Spoken Saying: Coolio, Awesome or What the heck.

Favourite Quote: Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. or Yes We Can, Both by Barack Obama.

Time Spent This Year: At school, School, Exam hall or School.

Characters: Imogen Day, Pixie Day, Lily Fossil/Livia Delaney, Oscar Fossil/Lucas Appleton
- Name: Nicole :$ I've always hated it and always wanted to change it, When I was in Primary school I wanted to be called Charlie :lol: and then Melody, then when I grew up a little I really really like the name Ellie (Guess why I called my first character on HNZ that ^_^ ) I thought It was really sweet and unique as I knew noone with that name, but I'm starting to hear about alot of new borns being names Ellie, so I think it's going to be quite big in the next few years. I was planning to call my first daughter that (If I have any children, which I plan to :lol: ) and as long as it's not over-used I probably still will ^_^ !

- Location: The west of Glasgow, in Sunny Scotland :cool: (ha). It rains far too much, but I've come to love the rain, and although it's getting way too crowded and drives me nuts most of the time, I've come to love Glasgow too ^_^ Although I've always wanted to move to Sydney, because I have family there and have been over a few times, it's an amazing place and if I ever have the chance to live there for even just a few months I'll grab it :sba: !

- Employment: I don't work :lol: I'm In my 4th year at the complete dump that is Knightswood Secondary school, can't wait to get out of the place and join the army :D ! Thinking of getting a part-time chippy job, just so I'll have a bit extra money for the weekend and stuff :D !

- Education: What about it :lol: ? I don't seem to do very well in school, and don't plan to continue my education after 4th year, but atleast I'm doing well in Dance, Admin, English and Maths (even though I'm in a low class! atleast I'm doing well in it :lol: ) so I hope to be able to get a pass between 1-3 in my Standard Grades for those subjects, as for most college courses you need 3 standard grade passes between 1-3 to get in, as I plan to go to college at sometime in my life, probably after I return from the Army (If I do return :lol: ) as I'm really set on joining :D !

- Memorable Moments: Oh god, so many :lol: ! I'll probabaly edit this another time to include it all :lol: when I can be bothered thinking and writing it all out, I'm quite lazy you see :( !

- Favourite Place to be: Apart from my bed, I love being out and about and active, so anywere really :lol: I love being at camps because there the best for stuff like that, Cadets too ^_^ !

- Hobbies: I love dancing, football (although I'm utter pants at it), hockey, swimming and I guess I'd class HNZ as a hobby too :lol: .

- Most Spoken Saying: Hm, well :r I can be quite a clutz and get easily irritated/annoyed so it's usually something with a swear word in it, I swear far too much and am really trying to stop it! But apart from that, there's
;Bloody Hell (Mum moans at me every time I say this, been saying it fo years and years now, think I picked it up from Ron in HP :woot: )
;I'm seriously gonna knock him/her/you out in a minute! (I seem to use this quite alot now days :oy: In a joking way ofcourse, when I'm having the piss ripped right out of me :lol: )
;You havin a laugh :lol: ?

- Favourite Quote: I have quite a few ^_^ ;
;Always be yourself, because the ones who matter dont care and the ones who care dont matter.
;Swallow your tears, hide your frown, never let life bring you down.
;Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. - Marilyn Monroe
;This is me, take me as I am or jog on - Katie Price
There's more I can't quite remember at the moment!

- Time Spent This Year: Time with friends, at Cadets, my summer Holidays, May Camp, Annual Camp and the Scottish :D .

- Characters (Feel free to keep secret ones secret): hehe :lol: Most people know my characters, but they don't know all of them! I've thought about coming completely clean, but think I'll wait a while longer :) .

Name: My name is Lauren Craik (pronounced Cray-ke). My last name is scottish 'cos my dad's side is scottish :p but i dont like my last name 'cos everyone pronounces it wrong. My friends mostly call me:

Location: A tiny town called burntwood which is in staffordshire which is by birmingham in England :)

Employment: Im a student, but I want to work part-time at pets at home. I love that shop :p

Education: Im in year ten (14-15 year olds. Im 15 woo :woot: ) at chase terrace technology college (it's not really a college so I dont why its called that? o_O )

Memorable Moments: Oh my god, i have so many. They are not exactly the 'typical' memorable moments. They are more sort of inside jokes kind of thing :D
•Okay well first was when me and my friends first saw Dan! that was an amazing day. Then the following couple of months screaming when we saw him :p
•The day Mr Warren first came to CTTC.
•When we first saw Joe.
•When we heard Joe was a dad to a baby boy called Seth :p
•My Fifteenth birthday!!
•The day I started High school!
•The day I became best friends with Ellen.
•The day I became best friends with Abbie.
•The day when school said that SATS had been cancelled :woot:
•The day I found out about HNZ :lawlz:
•OMG the day when HBP came out and a whole bunch of us went to see it.
I'm sure there's a lot more but I cant remember all of them and I cant be bothered to right anymore down :D

Favourite Place to be: Home, in my bedroom, at Ellens. OMG Wales i adore it there I think it's amazing!.

•watching tv (especially skins, 90210, GG, Ugly Betty etc..)
Things like that :D

Most Spoken Saying: Erm...
•Hey dude.
•Moat (private joke)

Favourite Quote:
•The greatest thing you will ever learn is just to love and to be loved in return. The best film ever Moulin Rouge.
•You jump I jump right? Titanic
•Jack, Jack. There's a boat jack *then sad music* Titanic
•No, there wouldn't be, would there? And I've never spoken of him until now... Not to anyone... Not even your grandfather... A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets. But now you know there was a man named Jack Dawson and that he saved me... in every way that a person can be saved. I don't even have a picture of him. He exists now... only in my memory *sad face* titanic
Basically all of titanic's lines :)
•When my husband died, people kept telling me not to cry. People kept trying to help me to forget. But, I didn't wanna forget. Bridge to Terabithia
•Ned Freedman: You look like a douche.
Mike O'Donnell: I do not look like a *douche*. 17 again
•I think our hands just made a baby. 17 again
•Rubeus Hagrid: Seriously misunderstood creatures, spiders are. It's the eyes, I reckon, they unnerve some folk.
Harry Potter: Not to mention the pincers...
[clicks his tongue while miming pincers biting] HBP
•"Poof" HBP

Time Spent This Year: Too much time on the internet and too much time watching harry potter movies :p With my friends a lot, going to the cinema a lot actually.

Characters: Lauren Gem , Bea Daniels, Demelza Rogers, Erin Gem and thats it :)

Okay OMG i've wrote too much but oh well. I got carried away on the quotes i have lots :D
Name: My name is Bethany but I tend to call myself Beth, Spike, Rikita, Jim or Whatamdatwartymelon?

Location: England. I've lived in England all my life (the south east)

Employment: I'm a student currently not doing anything. Just waiting for the course to start.

Education: I have a few of this and that. My favourite subject is Enlgish, my best is (weirdly) science, my least favourite is maths and my worst is geography.

Memorable Moments: My eye operation in July.. Which now has caused a lump to grow beneath my eye and it cannot be removed because my eye will fall apart :ill:
Erm.. My first adult Harry Potter fanfic. That got a lot of comments.
When Tom Baker bumped into me and apologized. That was pretty special ^_^

Favourite Place to be: Somewhere cold with some sun, a sea fizzling nearby, lots of birds trying to steal your food.. A few shops selling some very odd things.. Basically, Brighton.

Hobbies: HNZ, Forums, Fan Fiction, Playing the Keyboard, Collecting socks, notepads and pens.

Most Spoken Saying: If you had a brain, you'd be dangerous.

Favourite Quote: I may have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a concrete elephant. - Queenie, Blackadder.

Time Spent This Year: I don't remember 5 minutes ago.

Characters (Feel free to keep secret ones secret): A lot. Sedgwicks, Olafs and a few others.
Ok so it took me a while to get over here but look... I'm doing it now ;)

Name: My name is Linda as you all know by now.

Location: East Cork, Ireland

Employment: Parish administrator

Education: BA in applied Psychology which gets wasted :r:

Memorable Moments: graduating, it took me a year longer than those that I had started with because I dedicated a whole year to travelling and partying :doh: seriously
being there for when Mr. Darcy was born and first day I got to bring him home :wub:
finally getting my driving license two years ago - country life made me =))

Favourite Place to be: the forest near my home is beautiful to walk around and I do it regularly (kind of have to with Mr. Darcy) but it always gives me inspiration

Hobbies: reading, writing, photography, photoshopping, walking and having a good time ;)

Most Spoken Saying: 'you've got to be kidding me' or 'really?' or 'OMG seriously'
it would seem I tend to be the non believer type from those ...hmmm

Favourite Quote: 'No-one expects the Spanish Inquisition'

Time Spent This Year: I buried my father, I watched my best friend bury her baby, I witnessed my mothers first anniversary. My sister got married, my niece got her exams and I got a new boiler and new washing machine. I made friends with my two bachelor farmer neighbours (both really old but very sweet and funny)

Characters: There is Sakura, Arwen, Levi, Thorine, Shalamar, Baojia, Merlina and Nastasia, Lola, Maeve, Goia, Essie, Kyle, Carmen (her family) Fenton, Aries, Harrison, Trinity and of course Andromeda. There are always secret ones of course :r:
Name: My name is Kaitlin as you may or may not know. Around here I mostly go by Kait since that's what my RL best friends call me. My family has a habit of calling me Katiebug.

Location: I am from a town called Dalton in Georgia. If you want to know where your carpet came from, it was Dalton, Carpet Capital of the world. However I go to University in Kennesaw, Georgia. I have an apartment in Kennesaw so that's where I usually am.

Employment: I don't have a job yet. I'm still a student.

Education: I'm majoring in English at Kennesaw State University. I'm currently a sophomore. I am planning on going to law school. Its my dream to be in Congress one day :wub:

Memorable Moments: Oh geez where to start? Let's just say there are quite a few. I always have a story to tell. Mostly they revolve around the fact that I am a klutz. I can't walk across a flat surface without falling at least once. :shy:

Favourite Place To Be: The Beach or Orlando, Florida. Both are within 7-8 hours of Dalton and even closer from Kennesaw. I love the beach because its so warm. I really am a Southern girl all the way. Orlando has Disney and Universal. What more is there to say? :p

Hobbies: Well I was a cheerleader for years and I'm considering doing that again. Tumbling is a hobby of mine. Its so much fun. Also I have a horse and horseback riding is a definite favorite of mine. Her name is Belle. I love her to pieces. I like to read (possibly why I'm majoring in English :lol: ). I just generally like having fun.

Most Spoken Saying: "I'm just saying" or "I mean its whatever" I'm sure there are more but I don't notice myself saying them :D

Favourite Quote: Pretty much anything by Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn. Also like everything from Gone with the Wind. Its my favorite movie/book ever!

Time Spent This Year: I went to Universal with my friends on Spring Break, I went to Disney with my family for a weekend, I went to New York with my mom and grandmother, I moved in with my three best friends, I planned an entire night during sorority recruitment, I got a 100 on my history test, I'm going to the beach next weekend!!

Characters: Kiera Kingsley, Cameron Kingsley, Katheryn Kingsley (though my RL sister originally played her), Sean Kingsley, Arielle Shaffer, and Professor Jacqueline Black
Am I allowed to post here to comment?
Oh well, I shall.
Kiera Kingsley said:
Memorable Moments: Oh geez where to start? Let's just say there are quite a few. I always have a story to tell. Mostly they revolve around the fact that I am a klutz. I can't walk across a flat surface without falling at least once. :shy:

Quoth the cheerleader. :)
Nicolas King said:
Am I allowed to post here to comment?
Oh well, I shall.
Kiera Kingsley said:
Memorable Moments: Oh geez where to start? Let's just say there are quite a few. I always have a story to tell. Mostly they revolve around the fact that I am a klutz. I can't walk across a flat surface without falling at least once. :shy:

Quoth the cheerleader. :)

Yes well, it lead for interesting moments in the competition routine. Though luckily I never messed up in an actual performances :D
The sad part is I wasn't even exaggerating. :erm:

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