Geovanna Adler

Geovanna Adler-Cade

protective ⚡ DADA 1-4 [ilvermorny] • former auror
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Pan (James)
Knotted 10 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Boomslang venom Core
12/2031 (32)
G E O V A N N A * E D E N * A D L E R - C A D E


You got your passion, you got your pride
But don't you know that only fools are satisfied?
Dream on, but don't imagine they'll all come true

When will you realize, Vienna waits for you?



Theme // Biography // Aesthetic // Relationships

Lyrics from song by Billy Joel
Dividers and some bio coding by Clairey
Wand from
Last updated date 11/02/25


You got your passion, you got your pride
But don't you know that only fools are satisfied?
Dream on, but don't imagine they'll all come true

When will you realize, Vienna waits for you?

geovanna eden adler-cade
DADA professor
st. bernard dog
december 11th 2031
virginia, us
hogwarts nz
brighton, uk
2 + 5 step children
harlow adler + serafin norgaard




Knotted 10 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Boomslang venom Core



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pls deleteeeee also this one mwah ty ily
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July '45] Another Year GoneWith Sara Benivieni and Athena Rey-Martinez Geo has been invited to spent time with Sara, and the Hufflepuff gladly accepts and joins the Benivieni family at their home. Unfortunately, Geo also finds out who Sara is related to, and of course it happens to be the only student she dislikes.</FONT>
[th colspan="2"]Events[/th] [tr][td]June '45] Time Flies[/td][td]With Elizabeth Chatwin The girls haven't spent too much time together during their second year, but catch up over coffee during the holidays. With both best friends updating the other on their years, they vow to dedicate more time to the other in their third year, no matter how busy.</FONT>[/td][/tr][tr][td]June '45] End of Year Feast![/td][td]With Various Another year over already! Geo is delighted to hear Amber and Flavio are amongst the top earning point earners, and Geo decides to chat with the older Ravenclaw, oblivious to any issues she's causing in doing so.</FONT>[/td][/tr][tr][td]June '45] Answering the call[/td][td]With Jessica Cade Taking the advice of a friend, Geo decides to call things off with Jess, and the pair ultimately decide they're better as friends than partners.</FONT>[/td][/tr][tr][td]June '45] Fashion Show: Students[/td][td]With Freya Howard, Amber Chou Wilson, Fleur Worth, Elt, Aminia Macksimov, Yiwen Marionetta, Evelyn Manning and Noemie Vanity Although it's slightly out of her comfort zone, Geo tries to take part in more events held around New Zealand.</FONT>[/td][/tr][tr][td]May '45] Wow![/td][td]With Elvira Rojas and Brendan Fulke On her way to practise her flying skills, Geo comes across a couple of students she doesn't recognise. She quickly befriends the visiting Beauxbatons players, and despite the awkward discussion regarding the school dead students, Geo and her new allys form a bond.</FONT>[/td][/tr][tr][td]May '45] Chameleons[/td][td]With Solomon Mordaunt Geo realises for the first time that she's not the only Metamorphmagus, and Solomon does his best to convince her that she's wasting her abilities. Will Geo accept his theories and stop hiding what she can do?[/td][/tr][tr][td]May '45] We want what we can't have</FONT>[/td][td]With Bradley Ahn As Geo prepares for her exams, she finds a fellow Hufflepuff student with a similar family situation. They both wish they were part of something others call normality, but that doesn't stop them hoping they can change their futures.[/td][/tr][tr][td]May '45] Reconsidering the Situation[/td][td]With April Ward Her ability isn't the only thing in question as the end of term approaches, as the Hufflepuff debates with a friend as to whether the continuation of her relationship really is the best thing. [/td][/tr][tr][td]Apr '45] I know you[/td][td]With Aion Zephyr Geo realises that she's be hostile towards her ability during her second year, but Aion causes her to reconsider the direction she's heading in. She doesn't want to be known only for what she is, but it's a struggle for her to work out how to make it work to her advantage.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Mar '45] Chili Chocolate Chomping Competition[/td][td]With Various Even though Geo doesn't win *Spoiler* she enjoys competition, and will always try to give something a go. Although she feels uncomfortable by the end, at least she didn't follow in Rose's footsteps.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Mar '45] Brotherhood Soccer Tornament Spectator Topic[/td][td]With Odette Harper Even though Geo was denied entry into the Brotherhood herself, she still wants to support her male friends, although it appears she may be one of the happiest girls in the spectators stand if Odette is anything to go by.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Mar '45] Pride Event, 2045[/td][td]With Various Wanting to give her support to all students and professors alike, Geo pops by the Pride Event in the Great Hall, amused to see Professor Pendleton joining in on the action.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Mar '45] Y29 Electives Fair[/td][td]With All Second Years A chance for Geo to finally find out what she needs to do in order to become a qualified Auror, although she may come to regret doing all the electives next year. [/td][/tr][tr][td]Feb '45] Pink Rose for Geovanna Volt[/td][td]With Violette Lao Another rose for the Hufflepuff! It's always extra special though when it's from your girlfriend.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Feb '45] Yellow for a Pink Haired Girl[/td][td]With Alexis Sage Kramer It shouldn't have been a surprise, but Geo wasn't expecting to receive roses of her own, even if it was from her best friend Elly.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Feb '45] Matching Shades of Red[/td][td]With Emma Snow After following Flavio's lead, Geo manages to catch a student she's never met before. Delivering these certainly has their perks, and Geo more than grateful for the new people she's meeting.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Feb '45] A Loud Rose[/td][td]With Aurora Night Geo learns she's not the only person who goes by a shorter version of her first name, as she's introduced to Rory, a Gryffindor who's keen to keep her birth name quiet. [/td][/tr][tr][td]Feb '45] Going the extra distance[/td][td]With Flavio Morales and November Albertson Always glad to see a familiar face, Geo has a rose for her new friend. Although his reaction isn't quite what she had expected, and she hopes she can help him figure out who it's from. [/td][/tr][tr][td]Feb '45] Yellow Rose for a Yellow Girl[/td][td]With Eleanora Cade Geo meets another Cade relative, and although she's not met this one before, she pretty and clearly these genes run in the family.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Feb '45] Take it[/td][td]With Antonio Rey-Martinez Geo is not pleased to see the brother of Athena on her list of deliveries, since she was the girl who disrespected her friend. Has the tension from this year caused Geo to be a little more obnoxious?[/td][/tr][tr][td]Feb '45] Competition [/td][td]With Evelyn Manning Geo meets a pretty older Gryffindor student, glad to be able to give her multiple roses this year. Maybe this delivery thing wasn't such a bad idea, and the holiday wasn't as bad as she once believed?[/td][/tr][tr][td]Feb '45] Just a little something[/td][td]With Rory Fergusson It's not often that Geo makes enemies, but it's difficult for her to enjoy Rory's company when he treats her like someone below him; Not something she plans to forget in a hurry.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Feb '45] Blushing in Red[/td][td]With Leo Benivieni After deciding to give Valentines a proper go, Geo signs up to the rose deliveries, meeting Sara's brother along the way, glad that he didn't find out she had impersonate Reuben to him the year prior.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Feb '45] Explosions[/td][td]With Phoebe Holland Running into the Ravenclaw she scared at Halloween, Geo at least has something pleasant to present to her this time, and gives her two yellow roses during Valentines.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Jan '45] Blub blub[/td][td]With Gabriella Tillington and Matt Rosemary Feeling slightly more confident about changing a section of her body under careful control, Geo makes the most of the remaining sun, until some ignorant students come across her. What could go wrong?[/td][/tr][tr][td]Jan '45] A Quiet Place[/td][td]With Flavio Morales No longer wanting to perform her ability so publicly, Geo takes to the lavatory to practise in peace, only to end up befriending an older, curious Ravenclaw student, whom she hopes won't reject her.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Dec '44] Stop at a Shop[/td][td]With Rose Holland , Diana Holland and Taerin Kendall-Wu This year, Geo has a job. Unfortunately it's difficult to assist a customer while making sure that the others are on their best behaviour, resulting in an awkward encounter with her boss when it comes to the stock check.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Dec '44] Bright Spot[/td][td]With Members of the IC and Gabriel Rosenberg The girls are trying to do their best to enjoy an evening at the Yule Ball, but someone seems to be determined to ruin their fun. Nevertheless, Geo and Jess reveal to the group that they have some important information to share - Incomplete.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Dec '44] Full of Badger Pride[/td][td]With Danielle Corelli and April Ward After another Quidditch defeat, Geo is keen to keep the spirits of those on the team alive. She's introduced to a couple of alternatives on the team, one of which is her incredibly annoying but friendly roommate April. [/td][/tr][tr][td]Nov '44] A Game of Throes[/td][td] With Amber Chou Wilson After impersonating Sophie's sister at the end of her previous year, Geo knows she owes her an apology. It's hard for the second year to come to terms with the fact she may have hurt a few relationships, not just her own, and hopes she can redeem herself.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Nov '44] Flying Endlessly[/td][td]With Elizabeth Chatwin Geo loves to fly, and she can't pass up the opportunity to practise with Ravenclaw's new keeper. The girls catch up and discuss their current thoughts and plans for the Yule Ball, and Geo comes to realise she has someone in mind she wants to ask to go with her.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Nov '44] Drowning in the stars[/td][td]With Jessica Cade Geo had difficulty with her Astronomy lessons during her first year, and they threaten once again to get the better of the second year. Angry at herself for her incapability, Jess finds her in the IC room, giving her some much needed comfort.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Oct '44] Fading Shades of Rose[/td][td]With Vilhelmine Dahl Unsure whether she wants to be known as "The Girl with Pink Hair", Geo switches to her natural blonde locks before spending some one on one time with her favourite Hufflepuff.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Oct '44] Scaly Cinderella[/td][td]With Phoebe Holland , Oswald Brigham and Fleur van Houten Deciding this Halloween not to use her ability for her costume, Geo manages to scare a couple of students involved in a Dragon hunt during the party, dressed as a clown.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Oct '44] Ungrateful Company[/td][td]With Sophie Wilson , Athena Rey-Martinez and Antonio Rey-Martinez Geo will always defend her friends, although she didn't quite realise the bond she and Sophie Wilson had until a first year Slytherin decides to disrespect her property, causing Geo to become angered for the first time at Hogwarts.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Oct '44] Following Quidditch[/td][td]With Ares Jeffreys When the first game of the year doesn't quite go to plan, Geo spots the new Captain and a chance to help. After missing the annual try-outs due to her studies, Geo continues to try and be supportive.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Sept '44] Y29 House Meeting[/td][td]With All Hufflepuff's How fast did that year ago? Geo finds herself attending her second House Meeting, but is surprised when their new Head of House Professor Pratt jokes about dying her hair pink if they win the House Cup for a second year running.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Sept '44] But not too familiar[/td][td]With Gabriella Eva Frankie Jess and Joce On the train to Hogwarts for her second year, Geo and Jess come across a few of the new first years, who already seem to be making friends. [/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][/tr]
<FONT font="monocot"><FONT font="monocot"><FONT font="monocot"><FONT font="monocot"><FONT font="monocot"><FONT font="monocot"><FONT font="monocot"><FONT font="monocot"><FONT font="monocot">

⚡ Charms - O

⚡ Transfiguration - O

⚡ History of Magic - O

⚡ DADA - O

⚡ Potions - O

⚡ Herbology - O

⚡ Astronomy - O




⚡ Charms


⚡ History of Magic


⚡ Madam Malkin's Robes Assistant
⚡ Rose Deliveries
⚡ Student Defence Association
⚡ Chili Chocolate Chomping Competition
⚡ Gladrags Fashion Show

Scary Clown

Thank you Claire!


Geo spent the holidays between her first and second year with Jessica Cade, and she was introduced to her older siblings in the weeks that she spent there. Both girls travelled together on the train back to Hogwarts at the beginning of the year, although they quickly found some new first year students on the train, some of which saw her only for her electric pink hair. Geo was still feeling incredibly worried about her abilities after the incident the year prior with Amber and Wyatt, and even though she thought that having the power to morph into anyone she pleased could have been fun, it clearly came with its own set of consequences. While Geo and Amber make up a few months into the year, Geos still on edge that she might mess things up again by getting over confident.

Much to her disappointment, she was too busy to try out for Quidditch that year, although she tries to continue to support her house team, and she knew she wanted to keep practising throughout the year, and hopefully have the chance to do so during her third year at Hogwarts. While Ares seemed disappointed about their current position, Geo kept her distance as much as she could, after feeling as though shed overstepped the mark with Anthony. This year was also the first one that Geo felt she may be getting an enemy, after catching one of the new first years disrespecting Sophies belongings. Although Geo wasnt aware she was particularly close to the Ravenclaw, she wasnt going to stand by and watch something happen, and she realised that Sophie may be one of her closer friends.

No longer wanting to be known purely as the girl with pink hair, Geo reverts back to her blonde locks, something shes not had since she was a child. She spends quite a large portion of this year confused about what being a Metamorphmagus means to her, including whether she should pretend that she doesnt have the ability at all, as it gets her into a lot of trouble and not many people see past it, at least on initial meetings. During this year she also meets Flavio Morales, who seems like a nice Ravenclaw student, but again emphasises her thoughts that everyone only wants to get to know her because of what she can do.​
She meets up with a seventh year, who again notices that she changes her hair colour frequently, as shes undecided on how she feels about presenting herself, but ultimately she is angered and realises the depth of her confusion about it. Its not until she meets another student with her ability that she questions why shes been so defensive, and Solomon tells her that shes been wasting a rare talent. Although she disagrees that having it makes her better than others, it does get her considering that being known for it isnt such a bad thing, as not many have this chance nor can do anything with it.

This is also the first year that Geo considers having a serious girlfriend for the first time. Although she liked a few people when she was staying at the orphanage, she finds herself drawn to Jess Cade, especially after she comforts her when Geos adamant that she will fail her classes. The girls had always got on since the day they met, and Geo admired her personality and how well she would handle situations. Although the pair got together in the for the Yule Ball, surprising the other members of the Indigo Crusaders with their news, their relationship only lasted for 7 months, as Geo felt that they were ultimately better as friends. This drove a rift between the pair, which carried into the summer holidays, but Geo hopes that in time they will be able to repair the friendship they had. Going forward, Geo is now nervous to date anyone she considers to be a friend, in fear that she will lose the friendship they had before they started going out.

Other points to note in this year, include that Geo didnt like Valentines day but decided to sign up for the rose deliveries as a way to push herself into the festivities. As a result she enjoyed it more than she expected, and while she finds the tradition to be a little odd that, in that there needs to be a day dedicated to showing affection and such, she is now more open to the holiday.​
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June '46] Party HardWith Various
Feb '46] Y30 Dueling Match #5With Gilly Gillespie and Professor Kalif Styx
Feb '46] Light with a sharpened edgeWith Nixon Mercury
Jan '46] Just one for todayWith Lily Cliffeton
Jan '46] As needs mustWith Alana Finch
Jan '46] Assassin - Sudden DeathWith Gwen Owens-Lee and Phoebe Holland
Jan '46] Happy New Year!With Various
Dec '45] One is the lonliest numberWith Perry Wyatt
Dec '45] We've made every mistakeWith Flavio Morales
Dec '45] Only a momentWith Professor Kalif Styx
Dec '45] Have you any dreams you'd like to sell?</URL>
<URL url="">Dec '45] Minty FreshWith Kauri Tipene
Dec '45] You're too sweetWith Ainsley Lynch
Dec '45] Bright SpotWith Gabriella Tillington
Nov '45] My heart just keeps beating fasterWith Perry Wyatt
Nov '45] Daddy IssuesWith Jessica Cade
Nov '45] There's only so many hours in a dayWith Ursula Ciccone
Nov '45] Your dance is my fightWith April Ward
Nov '45] Post VictoryWith April Ward, Anatasie Vernier, Syrus Stilinski and Corrine Lagos
Nov '45] So much foodWith None because she ran away
Nov '45] Passing the messageWith James Cade
Oct '45] Fangs 2 Raven!With Professor Archie Renner and Lizzie Taylor
Oct '45] Why walk when you can slide?With Elizabeth Chatwin
Oct '45] Not on my watchWith Thomas Parish
Oct '45] Fort GillianWith Gilly Gillespie
Oct '45] It's OnWith Flavio Morales
Oct '45] Assassin!With Various
Sept '45] Bumpity BumpWith Joshua Toubia
Sept '45] Waiting AroundWith Jordan Walker
Sept '45] All That GoldWith Tesla Wilde
Sept '45] What's a Quidditch?With Lauryn Woodlock </FONT>
[th colspan="2"]Events[/th] [td]With Sophie Wilson and Elizabeth Chatwin[/td] [tr][td]Dec '45] The other Jess [/td][td] With Jessica Matthews [/td][/tr] [tr][td]<FONT font="monocot">Sept '45] It's the most wonderful time of the year[/td][td]With Vex, Professor Pendleton, Professor Alicastell, Arvel Ayers[/td][/tr][tr][td]Sept '45] Lunch time![/td][td]With Therese Rosenberg and Isaac Lee Kendall-Wu[/td][/tr][tr][td]Sept '45] Y30 Club Fair[/td][td]With Various[/td][/tr][tr][td]Sept '45] Y30 Hufflepuff House Meeting[/td][td]With Various[/td][/tr][tr][td]Sept '45] Y30 Hufflepuff Quidditch Tryouts[/td][td]With Various[/td][/tr][tr][td]Sept '45] Excitable Laughter[/td][td]With Norton Gillespie and Tristan Collins[/td][/tr][tr][td]Sept '45] Dungeons & Dragons: Game 1[/td][td]With Maggie Ryan Rosendale, Alistair Lancaster, Perry Wyatt, Matt Rosemary, Arvel Ayers[/td][/tr][tr][td]Sept '45] Slight N V[/td][td]With Evelyn Manning[/td][/tr][tr][td]Sept '45] You made a splash[/td][td]With Arvel Ayers[/td][/tr][tr][td]August '45] Careers Fair '45[/td][td]With Various[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][/tr]


⚡ Charms - O

⚡ Transfiguration - O

⚡ HoM - O

⚡ DADA - O

⚡ Potions - O

⚡ Herbology - O

⚡ Astronomy - O

⚡ MugStud - O

⚡ Arithmancy - O

⚡ Runes - O

⚡ Divin - O

⚡ COMC - O





⚡ Charms and Ancient Runes


⚡ Arithmancy


⚡ Magical Menagerie Assistant
⚡ Student Defence Association
⚡ Wild Patch Club
⚡ Quidditch Team - Alt Chaser
⚡ Candy Cane Deliveries
⚡ Rose Deliveries


Rollerskating Sorting Hat

Banner made by Claire!



[th colspan="2"]Events[/th]

Sept '46] Room to Grow

With Patrick Vernier

Sept '46] Making Spells

With Gilly Gillespie and Jessica Cade

Aug '46] I owe you

With Elizabeth Chatwin


⚡ Charms - X

⚡ Transfiguration - X

⚡ HoM - X

⚡ DADA - X

⚡ Potions - X

⚡ Herbology - X

⚡ Astronomy - X

⚡ MugStud - X

⚡ Arithmancy - X

⚡ Runes - X

⚡ Divin - X

⚡ COMC - X








⚡ Magical Menagerie Assistant
⚡ Student Defence Association
⚡ Wild Patch Club
⚡ Quidditch Team - Chaser








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[Name Details]
[Name Etymology]

Geovanna is an Italian name, meaning God is Gracious. It was given to her by the staff at St Mary's. It is unknown as to whether she had a name before joining the orphanage.
Volt is a measurement of electricity. All orphaned children were given surnames in relation to their entrance to the institute. Since Geo was found during a thunderstorm, she was appropriately named.
Adler from Adler 'eagle', denoting someone living in a house identified by the sign of an eagle.
Cade is an American surname she's added after her marriage to James Cade.

[Birth Name]
Eden is of Hebrew origin meaning "place of pleasure." In the Bible, Eden is God's garden of paradise for Adam and Eve. Geo's parents named her Eden after running away from the Norgaard' s, and believed their daughter Eden to be a fresh start.

Geo often goes by the shortened version of her name as it's more vague than her full name.


Violet This was the first alias Geo created when experimenting with her Metamorphmagus abilities.

Geo didn't like to go by her full name Geovanna when she was at school, and she found it to be too feminine. She was somewhat a tomboy in her teen years, and was more comfortable keeping her name vague. It also had connections to religion as St Mary's thought this was best for her, but it wasn't something she particularly resonated with. She quite liked her surname Volt, as though this was the name that was given to her by the orphanage due to the way that she was found by them, it was unusual and flowed well with her first name.
After discovering her birth name, Geo decided to use her original name as her middle name, which up until this point she hadn't had and it made her feel closer to her parents. Additionally, despite the danger that is looming about being found by the Norgaard family, Geo prefers to go by Adler instead of Volt and wishes to carry on her family strength. She is confident enough in her own abilities that should anyone come looking for her, she can defend herself and her family but thinks this would be incredibly unlikely to ever come to pass.
Now that Geo is in her thirties, she is married and officially named Geovanna Adler-Cade, however she will often introduce herself to others as Geo Adler because she wanted to be known for her own achievements, especially given that the Cade family is large with many prominent members. When her daughter was born, she named her Eden in honour of her parents, to give her the chance that her parents would once have tried to give her.

[Date of Birth]
Approximately December 11th, 2031. She is currently 24 years old. She was left on the porch of an orphanage during the night, in the midst of a thunderstorm. It is said that whoever placed her there knew that her parents were of magical blood, and wanted to ensure Geovanna would have an upbringing that included the knowledge of magic. There would have been no reason for her to have been left at a magical institute that is intentionally difficult for muggles to find if she wasn't believed to possess magical powers, and the orphanage would have been sought out by a witch or wizard in order to have Geo attend. When her parents were discovered, her birthdate was confirmed as such.

Her true place of birth is unknown, but it is expected to be in the South of England as she was placed into the care of an orphanage in Brighton. While there are not a large number of these institutes around the country, it's possible to estimate the area in which she was born if it's assumed she was taken to the closest available orphanage.


Geo's specific date of birth and location is a mystery, as she was found delivered during the night of the 11th to the doorstep of St' Mary's Orphanage for Magical Children in Brighton. There were no obvious complications to her birth, but she appeared to be less than 24 hours old at the time of her finding. The 11th of December became her official date of birth because the staff believed that her life began when they found her on the porch.

[Blood Status]
As Geo and her former guardians are unaware of her biological family, her blood status is unknown. To Muggle doctors, her blood is type is O+. It is customary for all the children at St, Mary's to have their blood type tested at a local hospital in case of emergency. Fortunately, Geo has never had to require any further information.

[Ward of Court Status]
Ward of Court is a child or young person for whom a guardian has been appointed by the Court of Chancery or who has become directly subject to the authority of that court. As Geo was placed into the Care of St. Mary's she became a Ward of Court until she began at Hogwarts New Zealand.

[Birth Father]
Serafin Norgaard Not much is known of Geo's birth father, beside from the fact that he was part of the Norgaard family, born in Poland and was required by Norgaard Pharmaceuticals to undergo jobs that would take advantage of him and put him and his family in danger. After meeting his wife Harlow, and discovering that they were expecting a child, they ran away to the South of the UK and gave their daughter Eden Adler up for adoption upon discovering that the Norgaard family were hunting them down to try and retrieve Serafin. Serafin did not want his daughter to suffer the same disadvantages or ties to the Norgaards as he had. They gave Eden the surname of her mother as to distract from the fact she was the daughter of Serafin. His whereabouts is unknown.
[Birth Mother]
Harlow Adler Not much is known about Geo's birth mother. She supported Serafin after finding out that he was being used by the Norgaards, and when her family needed a safe place to stay, it was Harlow's idea to move to the UK where she had grown up. Information about Geo's family was found at an old apartment that they had been rumoured to live in but there is very little evidence remaining. The only item that Geo kept from the apartment was that of a family photo containing Harlow, Serafin, and a newborn baby. "Eden Adler 2031" was written on the reverse. Harlow's whereabouts is unknown.

[Distant Cousin]
Agnes Norgaard A former Slytherin student of Hogwarts New Zealand, who has spent the majority of her life going along with her family's plan of her becoming a member of medical profession, despite her own career interests. Agnes was unaware of the extent of the hold that the Norgaards had on the family until Geo revealed these to her, but Agnes had had her own bad experiences with her family. Before Elsie died, Agnes was going to try and leave the country with her, as she gave her the strength to stand up to the Norgaards, however fate had other plans. Agnes is currently working as a medical intern and trying not to succumb to becoming a member of Scitorari and assist her parents in providing care to family members she does not trust.

James Cade The elder brother of her best friend Jess, James was there to support Geo when she started her career as an Auror, and was there to train her and be her partner when they went out on investigations. They quickly became close and Geo would occasionally go over to the house when his wife (and her best friend Leila's older sister) Maddie was out on trips as a Magizoologist, in order to spend time with his children and help James out with his family. After Maddie's death, James closed himself off to Geo for a few months, preferring his own company to grieve for the mother of his five children. During this time Geo was still dating Austin Branning, and had recently proposed to him in order to make their own relationship work as it had been falling apart for some years. Austin realised that they shouldn't be trying to force their relationship and so they had a mutual agreement to end it. A short while later, Geo was once again invited to spend time with James and his family, and the pair grew closer still until they realised they were also attracted to one another. Although they took things slowly to ensure that no one felt as though Geo was replacing Maddie, Geo and James ultimately married.

[Step Children]
Geo has five step children; Bailey, Veronica, Millie, Lumos and Nox. She was part of the children's lives since Bailey was around two years old, and had also been around in the children's lives to support them. She has always made it very clear she's never tried to replace their own mother Maddie Walden, and when they were younger especially, she would recall stories of her own from their school days or when Geo would spend her holidays at the Walden household over Christmas breaks. Although she adores all the children, it's Bailey that she's closest to. As the eldest sibling, Bailey is the one who remembers her the most entering their lives and is keen to follow Geo (and James) in their footsteps toward becoming an Auror.

Eden Adler-Cade When Geo fell pregnant with Eden it was a big surprise to the whole family as they hadn't really been looking to expand their numbers. She knew however that if she were going to have a baby girl, she wanted to honor her parents in some way. Passing down her own birth name to Eden, she hopes that she will be able to give her daughter the opportunities that her own parents had once tried to give her. Since the Norgaards were unaware that Harlow and Serafin had a baby girl, Geo is confident in Eden's safety. Although she's only a few years old, Eden has already shown signs of her upcoming personality.

[Current Location]
Virginia, USA Geo currently lives with James Cade and their seven children in Virginia and has done since 2055.

[Previous Location(s)]
Obsidian Harbour, NZ For a couple of years, Geo lived with her then boyfriend Austin Branning after graduation, until their break up in 2051.
Hogwarts, NZ Geo returned to HNZ for her seventh year and for graduation.
Hogwarts, Scotland During her sixth year, Geo took a year out at Hogwarts Scotland to experience a difficult culture. She believed this would help her be more proficient when she became an Auror.

Hogwarts, NZ From September 2043, Geo resides at Hogwarts New Zealand. During the summer, she usually spends her time with a friend. Before she joined the school she stayed with Leila Walden, and during her first year she spent the summer with Jessica Cade.
The Walden's Geo lived with one of her best friend, Leila Walden, and her family for six months before attending Hogwarts. the girls got on very well together, and Geovanna was quickly invited into their home. Although she was due to be tutored elsewhere, Nancy Walden (Leila's mother) kindly tutored her with Leila instead.
Leaky Cauldron, NZ Geo stayed at the Leaky Cauldron, in New Zealand for a few days. She moved there in December 2042 in order to settle down and feel comfortable with living on her own. However she shortly came across Leila Walden.
Brighton, England December 11th 3031 - December 13th 2042 (Aged 0-11).


Geo is 75% English, 25% Polish

RP English


Knotted 10 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Boomslang venom Core

A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.

The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.

Aspen is a renowned duelling wood, having a great history within the art and exceptional skill for charms.

Wands with a core of boomslang venom are good for use in transfiguration work. It is known to boost jinxes and hexes.

A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.

[Colleagues & Classmates]
[Current Occupation]
DADA Professor
Following in the footsteps of James, who had become a DADA professor a few years prior, Geo decided to take an open position at Ilvermorny school at teach the upcoming Aurors given that she wasn't comfortable being one herself anymore. This took some time for her to not feel guilty about, as she believed that she shouldn't be encouraging others to be in a position she wouldn't be willing to do herself, however she remembers what it was like to be in their shoes and Geo would have stayed as an Auror if she didn't have children of her own to care for. As it's always been her favourite subject, and she has many great influences on the topic, she is fully embracing a teaching position and is hopeful for her students.

[Previous Occupations]
Geo achieved her childhood dream of becoming an Auror. She joined as an Auror in training after graduation, and after three years became a fully fledged Auror. She worked closely with James Cade and Flavio Morales. She worked with the Aurors from the age of 18 to 31, and left the Ministry when she fell pregnant with her third child. Although she's made many friends and experiences as her time as an Auror, she feels guilty about putting herself in harms way when she has a family at home waiting for her.

Magical Menagerie Sales Assistant. Since the beginning of her third year, Geo has taking up a role at the Menagerie. She was originally resistant as she has a fear of animals, something that stems from a childhood event, however she enjoys working in Obsidian with one of her best friends, and wants to over come her fear of them.
Madam Malkins Robes Sales Assistant. During her second year, Geo worked in Madam Malkins, and while it was interesting work it was quite quiet, and she felt she wasn't able to see her friends as often. She will never forget the shift however when two of her favourite Professor's; Pendleton and Styx, came into the store.

Geo had a small number of friends while at the orphanage, but had to start afresh once she moved to New Zealand during the Winter of '42. She enjoys being around those than can educate her about both the world and herself, and while she continues to remain loyal to a close group of friends (The Indigo Crusaders), she loves to meet new people. Sometimes she can be overly friendly as she considers friends to be her family. For more information please visit her history through the years below.
While at Hogwarts, Geo made a number of new friends and after graduation continues to see some of them on occasion. She definitely has some friends however that she's closest to, and some friends that were in her life as a child are no longer.

[Relationship with friends]
Geo's relationship with the friends she made at the orphanage is strong. Although it's difficult for her to trust a new person, once someone becomes her friend she will do anything for them, and will be completely loyal. During first year, the group created the Indigo Crusaders as a family away from the houses as the 4 were separated around the school. Those in the IC are trusted to have one another's backs.
Geo considers herself very lucky to be able to work with her best friends as they too are Aurors, however on occasion she will also see friends from school, including Jessica Cade, Willow Cullen, Arvel Ayres and Analei Louw.

[Best Friends]
Members of the Indigo Crusaders (Jessica Cade, Leila Walden, Sophie Wilson, Vil Dahl and Elizabeth Chatwin) plus Riley Hovegrass.

James Cade, Flavio Morales, Solomon Mordaunt, Jessica Cade and Willow Cullen - She often see's these members on a daily basis at work and loves to work with those she trusts.
James Cade, Killian Fox, Jessica Cade - Although Geo doesn't get to see as many people as she used to, she's glad for those she can still spend time with. She met Killian when their daughters Eden and Aelin became friends at school and she discovered he is also a professor, and Geo also remains close Jess, their daughters growing up together.

[Sex & Intimacy]
[Sexual Orientation]

Pansexual Omnisexual - Pansexuality, or omnisexuality, is the sexual, romantic or emotional attraction towards people regardless of their sex or gender identity. Pansexual people may refer to themselves as gender-blind, asserting that gender and sex are not determining factors in their romantic or sexual attraction to others.
Pansexuality may be considered a sexual orientation in its own right or a branch of bisexuality, to indicate an alternative sexual identity. Because pansexual people are open to relationships with people who do not identify as strictly men or women, and pansexuality therefore rejects the gender binary, it is often considered a more inclusive term than bisexual. To what extent the term bisexual is inclusive when compared with the term pansexual is debated within the LGBT community, especially the bisexual community.

[First Kiss]
Graham Stone St Mary's Orphanage. Geo and Graham have been friends since they were young children at the orphanage, and while what they had wasn't considered much more than friendship, she still considers Graham to be her first kiss because she kissed him on the lips and that's what adults do.

[First Love]

Jessica Cade Jess and Geo dated while at school for about a year. They had started off as best friends but found that they were closer than that and started to date. Geo eventually decided that while she did love Jess, they were better suited to friends and Geo didn't particularly want to feel "tied down" and so broke up with her. This caused a rift between the pair especially as a few weeks later, Jess' father died, which made reconciling their friendship that much harder. Now they are back to being close friends, and Jess helped her during her relationship with Austin.

[First Time]
Austin Branning After a spontaneous New Years party kiss, Austin and Geo dated for almost five years. Austin was a very quiet Hufflepuff and Geo liked to do what she could to help him. Initially, Austin's twin sister Autumn called her out for being a harlot but later this was dismissed upon realising they were serious about their relationship. The pair continued to date while Geo was in Scotland, and Geo moved in with Austin after graduating. Towards the end of their relationship, Geo thought the best way of them regaining the spark they'd had when they were younger was to get married, but Austin saw through this and the pair broke up as they felt the relationship had run its course. At this time, Geo was best friends and colleagues with James Cade, and it was to James that she turned to during their break up.

[Opinion on romantic relationships]
Geo very much loves having a romantic relationship, and has always been loyal and faithful when with someone. Despite having somewhat of a reputation while at Hogwarts, Geo actually has only a small amount of experience when it comes to relationships, although of those she does have, the majority of them have been strong emotional bonds. Geo hopes that one day she will get married, although is unsure of whether she will have any children of her own. For the time being she is happy to be a step mum to James and Maddie's children, and while she doesn't want to replace Maddie, wants to make sure the family know that she's there for them.

[Further Information]
[Star Sign]

Sagittarius The ninth sign of the zodiac, is the home of the wanderers of the zodiac. It's not a mindless ramble for these folks, either. Sagittarians are truth-seekers, and the best way for them to do this is to hit the road, talk to others and get some answers. Knowledge is key to these folks, since it fuels their broad-minded approach to life. The Sagittarian-born are keenly interested in philosophy and religion, and they find that these disciplines aid their internal quest. At the end of the day, what Sagittarius wants most is to know the meaning of life, and to accomplish this while feeling free and easy.
The great strength of the Sagittarius-born is their philosophical, wide-open and curious nature. These folks seek both knowledge and truth, and they are eager to share their explorations with others. Their optimistic and generous spirit makes them a pleasure to have around.



[Signature & Handwriting]

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[Strengths Explained]
[Charismatic] (Adjective) exercising a compelling charm which inspires devotion in others.
Growing up with a large number of other children, she learnt at a young age how to speak to people to best communicate her thoughts and what she could say to maximise her influence on a situation. There is very little that Geo will shy away from, and she's been known to throw herself face first into almost any event. For the Hufflepuff the most difficult thing for her to face, and that will occasionally leave her speechless, would be if those she loved the most were angry at her as her usual reaction of laughing her way out of problems, or being physical, will often be rejected.
[Mature] (Adjective) fully developed physically; full-grown. Like a fine cheese.
Due to her stance on law, and her strict upbringing from the orphanage that prepared her for leaving their care, Geo is frequently considered to be more mature than an average female of her age group. While she can still find herself in trouble, and more often than not will act before she thinks things through, she will often be able to reflect on her past decisions and learn from them.
[Empathetic] (Adjective) the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
Geo isn't very good at showing when she's being empathetic, as she will quickly try to solve the situation with suggestions, however she feels as though she can try to understand how others are feeling.
[Determined] (Adjective) having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it.
Once Geo decides to do something, nothing will stop her until she's achieved it. She's very determined once her mind is set on a task, and she be absorbed by it until it's finished. During her second year she began to work much harder in her lessons, and this combined with her competitive streak makes her very strong willed.
[Observant] (Adjective) quick to notice or perceive things.

[Weaknesses Explained]
[Impatient] (Adjective) having or showing a tendency to be quickly irritated or provoked.
Geo likes to be energetic and productive, and so hates when any paces slow down an become boring. Not one to enjoy wasting time, even if she's trying to relax she will be doing something that benefits a situation. Geo is rarely an angry person, but will become so if she feels frustrated and stuck, and with such short patience she will quickly move on to another thing if she finds the first is pointless.
[Invasive] (Adjective) tending to intrude on a person's thoughts or privacy.
[Competitive] (Adjective)
Usually Geo is quite carefree, however when it comes to the idea of either her career or Quidditch, she can be viciously competitive. In relation to her work, she's known from a young age that she wants to be an Auror, and that she will have to be the best of the best if she wants to make it. Additionally, while she enjoys flying, Quidditch games can be quite stressful if she is playing seriously, as she's trying to perfect herself. She has been known to destroy things (including cake) if she feel things in these departments aren't going to plan as she will feel like a failure.
[Unforgiving] (Adjective) not willing to forgive or excuse people's faults or wrongdoings.
[Stubborn] (Adjective) quick to notice or perceive things.
She is as stubborn as she is determined. Once Geo has her mind set on something it's very hard for her to ignore it. Sometimes this turns out negatively however, for example during her third year she is working incredibly hard to prove she is more than just her ability, despite knowing it will take a toll on her later. Additionally, she likes to believe that she knows what's best for her, and so will often ignore guidance when offered it.
[Likes and Dislikes]

[Favourite Colour]
[Least Favourite Colour]
[Favourite Number]
[Least Favourite Number]
[Favourite Weather]
Rain and Thunder
[Least Favourite Weather]
[Favourite Season]
[Least Favourite Season]
[Favourite Holiday]
[Least Favourite Holiday]
[Favourite Animal]
[Least Favourite Animal]
[Favourite Smell]
Extinguished Candles
[Least Favourite Smell]
Sweaty bois
[Favourite Food]
[Least Favourite Food]
[Favourite Drink]
Bubble Tea
[Least Favourite Drink]
Iced Matcha

[Traits and Idiosyncrasies]
[Optimist or Pessimist?]
Optimist D
espite having a difficult childhood, Geo always believes that things will get better, and that she will be the reason why. She trusts herself to bring her good fortune, and believes she is determined enough to make anything she wants a reality.
[Introvert or Extrovert?]
Extrovert G
eo would definitely consider herself to be an extrovert. She loves to be around people and spend time feeding off others energy. When she is by herself she is often bored, although will often go running by herself as it helps her to de-stress.
[Cautious or Rash?]

Rash Logic is not something Geo possesses much of, and so she will be found to jump straight into situations very quickly and without much thought. This has definitely gotten her into trouble on more than one occasion in the past, but as she is so impatient she finds it difficult to be anything but rash.
[Logical or Emotional?]
As mentioned above, Geo will act on her emotions and without much thought. Although she doesn't get particularly emotional in the dramatic sense, she will certainly flare up in any defensive situations.
[Disorderly or Neat?]
Geo is very neat, as she doesn't like to be tied down with too many belongings either on her person or in her space. In order to be free she likes minimal items around her, and so finds it very difficult to be cluttered and disorderly.
[Work or Play?]
Going to Hogwarts, Geo will have a firm direction on her career, and she is aware that it will be a difficult journey to success. That being said, she also likes the occasional prank and joke, and she can't help but play with friends if they're available.
[Confident or Unsure?]
Geo likes to be confident in everything she does. Sometimes she is shown she is wrong, and will apologies, however she likes to go into situations feeling confident.
[Night Owl or Early Bird?]
Early Birb G
eo is an early bird, and she loves to feel fresh in the morning. She will often find this the best time to run or practise flying. The only reason she will be awake late at night is if she has a deadline to catch up to.
[Book Smart or Street Smart?]

Street Geo is naturally more street smart than book smart. She has good intuition to judge situations as they're happening, and act accordingly, whereas she has to work particularly hard to do well in her classes. Since her third year, she has regular study sessions with Flavio.
[Animal Lover?]
Due to a childhood event, Geo has since feared animals. She hoped that her job at the Menagerie would help her overcome her fears, as she knew that all animals are going to be as bad. She doesn't want to fear them and facing them at work with her best friend will help her enjoy them again.

[Right or Left handed?]
Right handed
Although she can write with her left hand.


[Lifetime Goals]

[Biggest Fears]


[Social Media]
Geo regularly sends Flavio cute ducky pics.

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[Genetic Ability]
[Metamorphmagus] A Metamorphmagus (pl. Metamorphmagi) is a witch or wizard with the ability to change their physical appearance at will, rather than requiring Polyjuice Potion or a spell like the rest of the wizarding population. They are also extremely rare. Unlike Animagi, Metamorphmagi can take a wide variety of forms, changing sex and age, potentially looking like anyone at all, or even just changing a part of their appearances, such as the shape of their noses. Animagi also transform at will, but only into one animal form which is determined by their inner traits. It is never revealed if Metamorphmagi can take the full form of an animal, and Tonks simply describes the ability as being able to change her "appearance".
Geo has been aware of her ability for as long as she can remember, although growing up she was advised against using it. She was taught that it would be unfair to the other children if she were to use her genetic abilities to do things (and was occasionally caught cheating in games and classes) although she was allowed to play with the colours of her hair if she promised not to alter any other aspect of her appearance.
After moving to New Zealand, Geo very much decided she was now free to experiment with what she could do, now that she was no longer under the care of the orphanage. She managed to impersonate a number of people over the 12 month period, however during the end of the year she found herself in hot water when she accidentally came between Wyatt Finch and Amber Wilson, who were at the time in a relationship. Geo came to realise in her second year that she was known more for her pink hair and ability more than any of her other skills, causing her to work much harder in her lessons to prove she had more to offer. She also took a break from her pink hair, something she'd not done at all throughout her childhood, and hid her Metamorphmajiggy from most people. It wasn't until after she had conversations with Flavio, Aion and ultimately Solomon (another Met in the school) that she realised she didn't have to hide it, but should find better ways to represent herself.
In her third year she became comfortable being herself and admitting to others that she was a Metamorph, and no longer used the ability to pretend to be any of her classmates. She spent most of the year experimenting with what she could do such as changing the textures of her skin, although she felt guilty that she was able to change and get away with things when other students could not. It wasn't until her fourth year that she accepted that being a Metamorphmagus was part of who she is and not just an extension. When focusing on herself that meant being able to accept that her alternative bodies and faces were still her, and that she just needs to realise how best to use them.

5 feet and 8 inches

Slim to athletic. Geo has been a runner since attending Hogwarts and keeps her fitness levels high for her workload.
Elio has a scar a few inches long on his right forearm which was caused in his fifth year when he was attacked by Vegeta Arai in the dungeons. It isn't very obvious, but he can tell it's there.
[Distinguishing features]
Her tattoos
Rachel Hilbert

Dark Blue
Light Blue

[Natural Colour]
Light Blonde
Long and slightly wavy. If she's running or at work, she will wear it in a ponytail.

Soft and wavy

Thunderbolt Geo has a tattoo of a lightening bolt on her wrist as a resemblance to her name and where she originally came from.

[Aesthetic: Daily Attire]

[Aesthetic: Dress Down Attire]

[Aesthetic: Dress Up Attire]
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Same Questions, 18 years apart.

17th December 2063, 11:15am
7th July 2045, 10:51am
By Coppellia Sauky

[A day in the life: An Interview with Geo]
We're back with Geovanna Adler-Cade, a woman we first spoke to when she was thirteen years old. Fast forward almost two decades we're checking in to see how things have changed!
Today we meet teen who has wanted to become Auror since she was just six years old. We caught up with the Hufflepuff to find out more about what she's like, behind the scenes.

[What is your real name, birth name, and the name you use most often?]
"My name is Geo Adler-Cade, my birth name is Eden Adler, but I often just go by Geo Adler!"
"My name is Geo. It's technically short for Geovanna but I just, never ever use that name. I don't have parents, i'm an orphan, so I have no idea really whether I had a name before that."

[Do you have a nickname? What is it, and where did you get it?]
"I mean, aside from Geo I think really the only other nicknames I have are mom or babe for obvious reasons. It's still a bit surreal to be called mom or mommy whether that's by my stepchildren or Eden or James, but I wouldn't change it for the world."

"Well yeah it's just Geo. It's just my name shortened and I just ask everyone to call me that instead. I think most people wouldn't know my name is Geovanna though, I only use that for official things when I really have to."

[What do you look like? Be as descriptive as possible]
"Is this so the listeners can imagine me? (She chuckles) I've blonde hair, blue eyes, I'm around five foot eight. I probably look like I haven't slept in years honestly, and while I like to try to keep fit and healthy I'm starting to feel like the last fourteen years of training is catching up to me!"
"Well I'm a Metamorphmagus so I can look however I want really. If I'm not concentrating on anything I suppose I have quite a rounded face, blonde hair, blue eyes. Oh and dimples."

[How do you dress most of the time?]
"If I'm at work I'll usually wear tight outfits and a long jacket, just because I feel confident in it and it looks professional while I can still move around easily in it. At home though you'll definitely find me in a pair of pj's if I can get away with it!"
"I guess I like to just be comfortable more than anything. I will wear clothes I can move around in, since I really hate just being constricted."

[How do you dress up?]
"I very rarely have a chance to dress up these days! If James and I do end up going on a rare date I'll probably wear a floor-length dress. Sometimes we host New Year parties at the house too, and again it will be a dress of some kind. The only time I'll really wear dresses though."
"I rarely ever wear dresses, but I do if I'm going to the Yule Ball or something special. I prefer short dresses since you can still move around in them. And heels. Even if you don't keep them on for long!"

[How do you dress down?"]
"Pyjamas! Pyjamas and wine once the children are asleep."
"On days when I don't even want to leave the common room I'll just stay in my pyjamas and a jumper. I just bought a tonne of Hufflepuff Quidditch support clothes so I'd probably just wear those too."

[What do you wear when you go to sleep?]
"Not much."
"Just a shirt or vest top and shorts."

[Do you wear any jewellery?]
"I only really wear my wedding and engagement rings. Sometimes I'll wear a necklace the girls got me for my birthday one year, but otherwise no I don't tend to wear much jewellery at all."
"I have a few necklaces and bracelets but nothing I wear permanently asides from my earrings. I have my normal lobes and my helix pieced too."

[In your opinion, what is your best feature?]
"Physically or personality? Personality-wise wise I'd probably say either my loyalty or consideration for other people. There's not much I wouldn't do for someone I care about."
"Oh I don't know. Mentally it's that I'm quite loyal I suppose. I love people I can trust so I'd like to think that others see that in me. Physically, it's got to be my hair right?"

[What's your real birth date?]
"Oh I never found that out. My birthday is still the eleventh of December 2031, but whether or not that's true remains unknown."
"Well I was found outside an orphanage on the 11th December 2031, so no one really knows my real date of birth. We just stick with that since apparently I was only a few hours old and it's the closest thing I can go with."

[Where do you live? Describe it. Is it messy, neat, avant-garde etc?]
"So I currently live in Virginia, USA. It's James' home that he inherited from his parents so it's quite large with lots of open spaces. I think there are about fourteen bedrooms in total, so there's plenty of space for a large family. I'd love to move back to New Zealand at some point though, perhaps when the children are older James will pass the house down and we can get a smaller place to ourselves. It's pretty clean and neat, or at least it was when Dakrey was still living with us. Less so now that it's only myself, Eden and James at the house, there's a lot of rooms that are currently unused during school periods, but it still feels homely to us."
"I live at Hogwarts of course! I'm not the tidiest person though so my area in the dorm is a bit messy yeah. When I lived at St. Mary's I was always in trouble for leaving my stuff lying around, it annoyed them so much. I hope I don't annoy too many people now but I have improved a bit now. I love nature so I'd love to have a load of plants in my room too, but I'm also terrible at looking after anything that needs constant attention so I think plants would just die immediately if I looked after them."

[What is your most prized possession?]
"This might sound pretty cringey, but my Auror badge. Even though I've retired it's still been such a big part of my life that just the badge encapsulates so much about who I am as a person that I love looking at it."
"Erm, I don't know if you'd call it mine as such, but me and my friends have a room in the castle that only we know about, as far as I'm aware. Anyway Soph has done some amazing drawings of the girls and as a group, so I guess they're really special to me."

[What's one word that best describes you?]
"Loyal! I love my friends so much, they really are like my own crazy little family. I'd do anything for them."

[What was your family like?]
"I can't tell you about my parents but I can tell you about my current family. James is the most hard-working person you'll ever meet. Everything he does he does it to the best of his ability. Even when he's tied up with work too he'll find a way to look out for his family, none of us ever feel neglected because he's too distracted. Bailey, our oldest, she's quite quiet I think, but she's very observant and good at understanding people. I think she's a natural-born leader and she's also done very well at school. She's definitely the kind of girl I would have loved to befriend at Hogwarts and even now we're close and can be very open which is lovely. Veronica I think takes more after James and Maddie and definitely won't let other people walk over her. She'll tell it how it is but she'll also defend other people which I think is a noble trait of hers. Millie is very shy but she's also incredibly creative. I'm not entirely sure where she got that from but some of the things she comes up with are amazing. I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up working with something creative when she's older too. Lumos is our cheeky guy, I think he tries to get away with as much as he possibly can and I'm sure there are things he's done that we have no idea about, but I also think he's so so sweet and is a nature carer too. His relationship with his little sister is very close and I'm glad she has someone who is as protective over her as he is. Nox is probably the one who is most likely to follow the rules and probably the one we can worry about the least. Although that being said I don't want him to feel like that means we won't give him as much attention so I think it's important to check in with Nox often to make sure he's okay. Then there's Eden who is only four and finds it hard to know what is and isn't inappropriate at the moment, but it will be interesting to see how her personality develops."
"My biological family? I don't have one."

[What is your first memory?]
"I remember being about six and playing with some of the other children at the orphanage, showing them my abilities. I think I probably scared them more than anything though."
"I don't know if this even happened or if it was a dream, but if it was I was about two I suppose, and everyone at the orphanage was having our nap time. I was lying on this fold out bed thing in the dark room with everyone and the guardians were sat between each bed keeping us company."

[What was your favourite toy?]
"I don't really remember having a favourite toy I don't think?"
"I don't think I had any toys. I was much more of the kind of kid who would play with dirt than toys!"

[What was your favourite game?]
"At this point I'd probably say Quidditch. I was on the team at school and I loved playing Chaser, not just because it felt nice to be part of a group and playing for my house, but physically it helped me feel very awake too."
"I loved hide and seek, but I did cheat a bit. I would morph into a member of staff so the seeker would just get so confused. I managed to keep that up for a few years before they finally caught on to why I always won."

[Who was your best friend growing up?]
"I had a close group of friends at Hogwarts, but I would say Leila Walden and Jessica Cade were my best friends. Jessica and I have kept in touch though, and now our daughters are growing up together too which I think is very sweet. She's also my sister-in-law now, and my children's godmother, so there's definitely no getting away from her (Geo laughs)."
"Riley! Oh I love her. We met when we were really young since she was at the orphanage too, but she's attending Hogwarts in Scotland. We still write to each other though, and I'm going to be visiting her at Christmas!"

[What is your fondest childhood memory?]
"Probably just hanging out with my friends in what we called our Indigo Crusaders room! We were all split into different houses so we had what was essentially an old broom cupboard that we called our meeting spot, and we'd decorated it with paintings and memories so that it was truly ours. Whenever we wanted space or just to hang out with our friends we would go to our spot."
"Riley and I, we made a treehouse at the end of the yard, and it was just our place and it was really good to have somewhere to go. It was great to just be outside "

[What is your worst childhood memory?]
"Looking back it isn't as big of a deal as it was at the time, but when I was in fourth year one of my friends gave me an ultimatum and I'd never felt so alone. I remember basically having a tantrum in the trophy room and Professor Pendleton had to calm me down which seems really childish looking back, but I suppose we were all kids once?"
"When I was eight, one the boys insulted Riley and locked her in a cupboard. So I punched him. The worst part was trying to defend myself though, because I thought I was in the right but none of the staff believed me."

[What hobbies do you have?]
"I don't really have time for hobbies anymore, between work and being a parent. I suppose I still like to practice martial arts though and I still try and find the time to attend regular classes. I've started baking and cooking a lot with Eden too since Dakrey moved to Hogwarts, so that's been challenging but rewarding."
"I love to go running, I try and jog early in the morning every day. And Quidditch too. One day I want to be on the Hufflepuff team, it would be so good to play with and against my friends."

[Who is your worst enemy?]
"I don't know if I have one. There were students I didn't get along with at school but it would feel immature to have kept a grudge on them. I suppose enemies at this point come in the form of those who try to undermine my children."
"I don't really have any enemies but I guess I have one person that I really don't get on with. She was really mean to one of my best friends and I just can't stand her. She doesn't care about anyone but herself."

[What annoys you more than anything else?]
"Basically that. People who are really selfish and can't see further than what's in front of them."

[What would be the perfect gift for you?]
"Oh I'd love anything that is related to Hufflepuff. Or Law. Or Nature. I'm really easily pleased I think"

[What's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?]
"The sight of Phoebe Holland's face when I scared her at Halloween last year was pretty amazing. That or the cake Riley made for my tenth birthday. It had four different layers to do it and it sparkled, it was so great."

[What time of day is your favourite?]
"Early morning for sure. When no one else is awake and the day hasn't started yet. You can do whatever you want before anyone else has even woken up."

[What kind of weather is your favourite?]
"Everything thinks I'm strange when I say I hate summer but it's true! It's too hot and you can't do anything. I love rain, but only if it's that type of rain that isn't so light it just ruins your hair nor it's so strong you can't think straight. The sound of rain is really relaxing too."

[What is your favourite food? What is your least favourite food?]
"I love Strawberries and Waffles. I think it's just really simple and you can find it everywhere. Present me with waffles and I'll be your best friend everyday."

[What is your favourite drink?]
"Bubble Tea! I hate anything carbonated but I also really hate water. I think bubble tea, you can have so many flavours and it can be so interesting. I love peach and kiwi though."

[What's your favourite animal?]
"?Oh, I have no idea. I don't have any weird, attachment to animals. I mean sure they're cute but that's about as far as that goes."

[Do you have any pets? Do you want any? What kind?]
"Nope. I nearly bought a pet once, I got given some money for my eleventh birthday, but then I realised I properly couldn't look after it like I should."

[What do you find most relaxing?]
"Oh my god I love silence. I love people and I love noise and excitement but when it's super quiet. I love that. I love a lot of things aha."

[What habit that others have annoys you most?]
"I think when anyone promise someone something, and then they break that promise. I guess it's not really a habit but that's just not right. I'm not sure about a habit."

[What kind of things embarrass you? Why?]
"I guess sometimes I can act before I think, and then if it's pointed out to me that can be embarrassing. No one likes to realise they're in the wrong at the time, especially if it's brought up at the time."

[What don't you like about yourself?]
"Well, I wish I could be more forgiving. Everyone says that because I'm in Hufflepuff I'm meant to be really patience and fair but I hold on to grudges really tightly. I'd like to be able to let go a bit more."

[How would you like to look?]
Geo waves her hands down her body, indicating she's happy as she is.

[Would you consider yourself straight, gay, bi or something else?]
"I'm Omnisexual. Which is the same as Pansexual. I've just always been attracted to people that have really admirable qualities, regardless of their gender."

[Do you currently have a lover? Who?]
"No I don't. There's a few people I really like though, but I don't know if anything will ever happen."

[What is the perfect romantic date?]
She shrugs "I just like spending time with people I like"

[Describe the perfect romantic partner for you.]
"Well asides from the fact they would have something about them that is really admirable, like they're really charismatic or smart or they can seemingly effortlessly cause a room of students to consider things about themselves, I think they also have to have the same sense of humour as me, and be someone I can trust."

[Do you ever want to get married and have children?]
"One day yeah. I'd love a biological family of my own. I think family is what you make it to be, but I'd love to experience being blood related to someone."

[What is more important - Sex or Intimacy? Why?]
She laughs nervously "I have no idea"

[What was your most recent relationship like?]
"The last person I dated was Jessica Cade. She's one of my best friends here at Hogwarts. I love her but we are definitely more suited to staying friends."

[How old were you when you first got drunk? What was the experience like?]
"What! I've never been drunk, I'm thirteen."

[Do you drink on any kind of regular basis?]

[What one act in your past are you most ashamed of? What one act in your past are you most proud of?]
"I don't really want to say actually, you'd hate me. I guess I'm just proud of getting to where I am? Is that even something I can be proud of? That's more for the people who got me here, they're amazing."

[Have you ever been in an argument before? Over what, with who, and who won?]
"Yeah of course. I've been in a tonne. That's what happens when you live with a bunch of other kids. I'd like to say I always win but that's not true."

[Have you ever been in a physical fight before? Over what, with who, and who won?]
"Only a couple of times, though it was years ago so I don't really remember that well. I know I managed to crack the back of my head on a table but I'm not sure if that was during an argument or if I was just being clumsy."

[What do you feel most strongly about?]
"I think the way that people treat others is most important. Anyone who thinks it's okay to act on their thoughts that someone else is below them, that's just wrong. But then, you have that whole argument that if you question someone who's behaving like that, well you're essentially being hypocritical. It's really difficult. I try to help where I can."

[What do you pretend to feel strongly about, just to impress people?]
"Oh. I don't really pretend to like anything. If I don't like stuff that's fine. Everyone has something."

[What trait do you find most admirable, and how often do you find it?]
"Oh why would you even go here? There's so many good qualities in people, I can't pick just one. Again, everyone has something."

[Do you think the future is hopeful? Why?]
"Well I would like to think it is. I try to do my best and hope that I can be successful, and I hope that things continue to develop too for the magical world. I'd love to see more integration between muggles and wizards though."

[What's the worst thing that can be done to another person?]
"Kill them. To end a life is just unforgivable. Although if you're talking about controlling someone's life, if you were to manipulate them too that wouldn't be them acting through their own decisions, so that's bad too."

[What's the worst thing you could actually do to someone you hated?]
"I'm not sure I want to think about that."

[Are you a better leader or follower? What do you think that?]
"I don't know. Probably a leader? I'm too impatient to follow most people, and I think I'm too loud to just stand back and watch something happen, especially if I don't agree with it."

[What is your responsibility to the world, if any? Why do you think that?]

[Is it okay for you to cry? When was the last time you cried?]

"I think it's fine to cry. I'm more likely to just get pi**ed, sorry, angry, when I'm upset, but if crying is your thing then yeah it's fine."

[What do you think is wrong with most people, overall?]
Geo shrugs "People think of themselves too much? And they don't open up enough. If everyone communicated their thoughts a little more and considered other people's feelings then I think everyone would be better off."
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Hufflepuff Scarf
Hufflepuff Pullover
Hufflepuff Lounge Pants
Hufflepuff Hat
Hufflepuff Quidditch Shirt
Chocolate Frog x12
Knotted 10 Inch Study Aspen Wand
Books (various)
Hufflepuff Quidditch Robe
Hogwarts House Chess Set
Quidditch Model Set
Wizard Radio
Heat Orb
Friendship Rings
James Cade Figurine
Protean Book
Quidditch Rucksack
Thermo Pencil Set
Tarot Cards; Animal
Tarot Cards; Traditional
Broomstick Cleaning Kit
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four lines of lyrics to even it all up
four lines of lyrics to even it all up
four lines of lyrics to even it all up
four lines of lyrics to even it all up


Year 2042 - 2043 (Pre Hogwarts)
  • It's almost time for Geo to move to New Zealand, provided of course she gets her letter in a couple of months. As she considering what it will be like to move, she befriends Sara, a inclusive girl whom is quick to welcome her with her family along the pier.
  • Spending the last of her time in England on the beach, she finds a girl who fascinated with drawing called Elizabeth. Through the power of art, the girls realise they're in similar boats and will be soon attending Hogwarts together.
  • Geo is used to her own pink hair, but when she meets someone else with colourful locks she instantly wants to know more. As she watches the girl and her brother she ends up choking on a sugary snack, causing the pair to come to her assistance.
  • After hearing that Geo was to be staying by herself until they began at Hogwarts, Leila Walden doesn't take no for an answer and convinces her family to welcome Geo into their home, leading her to make her first new best friend for life.
  • Geo has finally turned 11 and moved to New Zealand! This is the first topic where the original members of the Indigo Crusaders first meet in the Leaky Cauldron. When best friends Jess & Leila come across a grumpy girl called Sophie reading in the corner, Geo attempts to unite the quartet with a shot of Apple & Lemon, holding nothing back in her introductions.
  • St Mary's have gifted her with some spending money and Geo searches for her first pet. Instead of purchasing a creature however, she befriends a future classmate in Azula.
  • Just because Geo hasn't started at Hogwarts yet doesn't mean she can resist looking at the books available, although it seems as though she's not the only one who wants to explore the literature when she meets Cairo Savage
  • Geo hadn't come to make friends, but that's what she did when she came across Albine in Obsidian Harbour. Things do get a little more difficult to concentrate with the introduction of her brother, however.
  • After living with the Waldens for the last six months, Leila's older sister Maddie accompanies the excited best friends to Ollivanders to purchase their first wands, where they are quickly introduced to the assistant, James.
  • Ready to go and settled in New Zealand, Geo decides to try out some of the shops she's seen but never visited. On this occasion she bumps into another boy around her age, and quickly tries to persuade him of the benefits of sweet treats.
the blue on the beach - united kingdom (sara benivieni)
they're everywhere - united kingdom (elizabeth chatwin)
a day at the beach - united kingdom (amice beckett)
a birthday gift - united kingdom (azula hachisuka)
gaining a sister for the holidays - obsidian harbour (leila walden)
platform 4 & 4/5 - leaky cauldron (leila, jessica cade, sophie wilson)
crispy spines - flourish and blotts (cairo savage)
not remotely - obsidian harbour (albine and kasper frost)
need to find the perfect wand - ollivanders (leila, maddie walden, james cade)
ice cream! - ice cream parlour (elijah zelinsky)
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four lines of lyrics to even it all up
four lines of lyrics to even it all up
four lines of lyrics to even it all up
four lines of lyrics to even it all up


Year 2043 - 2044 (First Year)
  • Attends Hogwarts New Zealand and is sorted into Hufflepuff, much to her dismay. Jessica and Leila are sorted into Gryffindor, Sophie and Elizabeth into Ravenclaw, and Sara into Slytherin.
  • For the first time since being in New Zealand, Geo comes face to face with the girl she met on the Brighton beach. Elizabeth introduces her to her dormmate Sophia, however Geo is unaware that Sophia possesses the same genetic ability as her.
  • The first of seven house meetings, led by Professor Stark. It's the new Hufflepuff's first glance at their new home and classmates.​
  • Much to Geo's disappointed, James doesn't let the Hufflepuff join the Brotherhood, and suggests that she would be better off in the Heta Omega. This won't be the last time Geo tries to join, after all why can't a girl play football?​
  • Finally being able to meet Therese, April, Vil, Ollie and Minerva; the girls she will be sharing a dormitory with, Geo is enjoying the introductions until she accidently assumes Vilhelmine is a boy, pointing her in the "correct" direction down the hall.​
  • It's the first time all the girls have been together at once, and although Sophie and Vil are hesitant to the others intentions. Why would anyone want to befriend the grumpy Ravenclaw, and will Vil forgive Geo for her previous misunderstanding?​
  • Geo continues to meet other members of Hufflepuff, including two friends of Therese, Leif and Troy. Geo does her best to be friendly and welcoming to those she'll be spending her time with.​
  • After following a dormmate out into the Forbidden Forest, Geo realises she's in the middle of an argument. Trying to deflect the situation and disband the group, they're eventually caught by her favourite Professor Haden and his colleague.​
  • Geo's favourite thing to do is go running, but her second favourite thing is food. As she has her breakfast she meets Remy, the youngest of the Lagowski siblings with a keen interest in sugar.​
  • After Hufflepuff win the first match of the year, excited supporter Geo attends the after party in the common room, where it become apparent she knows little of personal boundaries.​
  • Why should Hufflepuff's have to wait until next semester? Sneaking into her friends Potions class, Geo joins the class until Professor Pendleton ushers her out, much to the disappointment of the first year. He could have at least let her borrow the book..​
  • Geo uses her Metamorphic abilities for the first time, showing her friends exactly what she can do by attending the first Halloween party as Professor Pendleton.​
  • Geo reconnects with Elly's friend Sophia, where the pair realise they have more in common than they first thought.​
  • After exploring around the castle she finds three older students lurking in the Dungeons. Pretending to be the brother of her friend Remy, Geo hopes to prank them into believing they've just been caught by a prefect.​
  • Although she's not a fan of the Valentines holiday, she pleasantly surprised to find that Leila has sent her a rose.​
  • Happy to find the friendly face that she met a year ago in Brighton, Geo is given another rose from her best friend Elly, making her day feel particularly special.​
  • Sophie has yet to know about Geo's ability and the Hufflepuff wants to make an impression and morphs into her sister to give her a shock. Too bad Amber's boyfriend finds her first.​
scouting the turf - (elizabeth chatwin, sophia jackson)
Y28 house meeting - hufflepuff common room (various)
Y28 club fair - courtyard (various)
girl squad - hufflepuff dorms (therese, april, vil, ollie, minerva)
birth of the ic - north tower (leila, jess, elizabeth, sophie, vil)
baby badgers - common room (therese, leif, troy)
lurking - forbidden forest (viktor, sybil, isaac, professor haden, professor orbon, wynter styx)
just desserts] - hufflepuff table (remy lagowski)
post-quidditch party - hufflepuff common room (hufflepuff's)
first years lesson two - potions classroom (ravenclaws and gryffindors, professor pendleton)
prepping for a fright - north tower (members of the IC)
so you're a hufflepuff? - fourth floor corridor (sophia)
snake area - dungeons (elizabeth w, leonardo b, lizzie t)
yellow rose for a pink-haired girl - hufflepuff house table (tomas wode)
yellow like your home - fourth floor corridor (sara benivieni)
you don't know me - seventh floor corridor (wyatt finch, amber chou wilson)


Charms - O, Transfiguration - O, HOM - O, DADA - E, Potions - O, Herbology - E, Flying - E, Astronomy - P


Favourite Class: Charms
Worst Class: Astronomy
Extra Curriculum: None

Geo was very lucky when she joined Hogwarts because she was joining with a group of friends that she'd previously already met. After spending the previous few months with her new friend Leila Walden, Geo joined Leila, Jess and Elly, where the four girls hoped to be sorted into the same house. Unfortunately this wasn't the case they were separated, but from this they created the Indigo Crusaders as a way of having a space to call their own. Geo spent much of her first year meeting as many people as she could, from as many different year groups as possible, as she thought that it would be helpful to have contacts that later may come in handy.
Although she initially didn't know anyone else that had been sorted into Hufflepuff, she quickly befriended her dorm mate April Ward. Geo also accidentally mistook Vil Dahl for a boy during their first encounter in the dorms, suggesting she needed to head further down the corridor to the correct department, but Geo managed to patch things up with her later on in the year, and would find that she could open up to her more than most other students.
Prior to joining Hogwarts, Geo Jess and Leila had also met Sophie Wilson, however the Ravenclaw wasn't as accepting of their company for a long time. Geo was persistent however, and despite the arguments they had early on in the year it was revealed that Sophie had believed they were pranking her with their offers of friendship. Eventually she was convinced otherwise, and she and Vil joined the IC.
Geo was very excited to start her lessons, and quickly found that Charms was one of her favourite subjects. She could remember the spells easily, and found that she was learning enough to put it to every day use quite quickly. On the other hand she found Astronomy to be very difficult, and she really struggled to focus on the subject. She wasn't sure how it would benefit her to learn about the stars, and ultimately failed the class as a result.
This was also the first time Geo was able to experiment with her Metamorphic abilities, as previously she'd been told she wasn't allowed to do anything other than change the colour of her hair. In order to surprise some of her classmates, she attended the Halloween feast as Professor Pendleton, the teacher of a class she'd managed to sneak into despite Hufflepuff not having Potions during that semester.
She also tried to impersonate one of her friends brothers, Reuben Lagowski, and she tried to surprise Sophie by taking the appearance of Amber Chou Wilson. This ended badly when Wyatt Finch, her boyfriend at the time, caught up to her just before the real Amber came round the corner. Although this didn't ruin her friendship with Sophie, it made Geo consider why she'd not been allowed to use her abilities at the orphanage.

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four lines of lyrics to even it all up
four lines of lyrics to even it all up
four lines of lyrics to even it all up
four lines of lyrics to even it all up


Year 2044 - 2045 (Second Year)



Charms - O, Transfiguration - O, HOM - O, DADA - O, Potions - O, Herbology - O, Astronomy - O


Favourite Class: Charms
Worst Class: History of Magic
Extra Curriculum: Madam Malkin's Robes Assistant, Rose Deliveries, Student Defense Association, Chilli Chocolate Chomping Competition, Gladrags Fashion Show

Geo spent the holidays between her first and second year with Jessica Cade, and she was introduced to her older siblings in the weeks that she spent there. Both girls travelled together on the train back to Hogwarts at the beginning of the year, although they quickly found some new first year students on the train, some of which saw her only for her electric pink hair. Geo was still feeling incredibly worried about her abilities after the incident the year prior with Amber and Wyatt, and even though she thought that having the power to morph into anyone she pleased could have been fun, it clearly came with its own set of consequences.
While Geo and Amber make up a few months into the year, Geos still on edge that she might mess things up again by getting overconfident. Much to her disappointment, she was too busy to try out for Quidditch that year, although she tries to continue to support her house team, and she knew she wanted to keep practicing throughout the year and hopefully have the chance to do so during her third year at Hogwarts. While Ares seemed disappointed about their current position, Geo kept her distance as much as she could, after feeling as though shed overstepped the mark with Anthony. This year was also the first one that Geo felt she may be getting an enemy, after catching one of the new first years disrespecting Sophies belongings. Although Geo wasnt aware she was particularly close to the Ravenclaw, she wasnt going to stand by and watch something happen, and she realised that Sophie may be one of her closer friends. No longer wanting to be known purely as the girl with pink hair, Geo reverts back to her blonde locks, something she's not had since she was a child. She spends quite a large portion of this year confused about what being a Metamorphmagus means to her, including whether she should pretend that she doesn't have the ability at all, as it gets her into a lot of trouble and not many people see past it, at least on initial meetings. During this year she also meets Flavio Morales, who seems like a nice Ravenclaw student, but again emphasizes her thoughts that everyone only wants to get to know her because of what she can do.
She meets up with a seventh year, who again notices that she changes her hair colour frequently, as shes undecided on how she feels about presenting herself, but ultimately she is angered and realises the depth of her confusion about it. Its not until she meets another student with her ability that she questions why shes been so defensive, and Solomon tells her that shes been wasting a rare talent. Although she disagrees that having it makes her better than others, it does get her considering that being known for it isnt such a bad thing, as not many have this chance nor can do anything with it. This is also the first year that Geo considers having a serious girlfriend for the first time. Although she liked a few people when she was staying at the orphanage, she finds herself drawn to Jess Cade, especially after she comforts her when Geos adamant that she will fail her classes. The girls had always got on since the day they met, and Geo admired her personality and how well she would handle situations. Although the pair got together in the for the Yule Ball, surprising the other members of the Indigo Crusaders with their news, their relationship only lasted for 7 months, as Geo felt that they were ultimately better as friends. This drove a rift between the pair, which carried into the summer holidays, but Geo hopes that in time they will be able to repair the friendship they had. Going forward, Geo is now nervous to date anyone she considers to be a friend, in fear that she will lose the friendship they had before they started going out. Other points to note in this year, include that Geo didnt like Valentines day but decided to sign up for the rose deliveries as a way to push herself into the festivities. As a result she enjoyed it more than she expected, and while she finds the tradition to be a little odd that, in that there needs to be a day dedicated to showing affection and such, she is now more open to the holiday.
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