Garden Roses

Immy nodded. She liked most music, she didn't really mind too much about it all. She just liked listening to music. It always cheered her up when she listened.

"Anything. Fast, slow, upbeat, not so upbeat. Anything at all" Immy said, her taste in music did vary a lot. "I was a little annoyed to find out my i-pod didn't work here in hogwarts."
Lauren smiled at Immy she too, liked all kinds of music. It made her feel good when she was down. "Wow, an ipod?" Lauren asked amazed. "I was never allowed one of them." said Lauren rather disappointedly. Are they good? & how come they dont work in hogwarts?" Lauren asked.
Immy shrugged, she was a little unsure of why they didn't work. She guessed that it was probably the magic or something. Something strange and magical. Immy smiled at the thought. Everything was strange and magical.

"I saved up for an ipod. Took a little while" Immy said. "I'm not actually sure why my ipod can't work here at Hogwarts. Interesting that it doesn't work here."
Lauren though about this for a moment and then suggested: "Maybe its because of the enchantments here at hogwarts".

"How has your week been? Got lots of homework?"Lauren asked wondering if it was just her who had a lot.
Immy smiled and nodded. That was most likely what it was. Enchantments. Enchanting enchantments. Immy looked down at her watch and was shocked by the time. It had flown by. She stood up suddenly and grabbed all the books she'd brought.

"I've got to go. I'll see you again very soon." Immy smiled, she bent down slightly and gave her friend a hug before walking back through the gardens and to the school

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