GAK is finally here

OOC First Name
I must say, this forum looks very well made. I've been lurking the past few days finally decided to join. I hope I made my username right, it looked like everyone used their RP names as their usernames, but I'll change if that's wrong.

Anyways, I'm GAK on every other forum. If you're not on the snowglobe, you probably don't know me. haha.

Can someone tell me where I start? Do I need to post a character profile or what?
Hey there GAK, welcome to HNZ! I'm glad you decided to join. :)
Your name is definitely right. ^_^
A good place to start is working your way through parts of our Site Documentation.
As to beginning, you can post a Character Development (you don't need to, but it can be useful) and start roleplaying in the Unsorted Roleplaying Area. Sorting is coming up soon, so look forward to that. If your character isn't going to be a student character, then there's a lot of things you could start doing whenever you're ready. :)
Welcome GAK! I'm Donna ^_^ Pleased to have you here on our wonderful board :)
Hey GAK. Long time no see bro. Haha. You probably already know who I am. :shifty:

Welcome to HNZ man. :)

Welcome to HNZ. I hope you have an awesome time here! :)
Hey GAK! Great to have someone new on the board :hug: Look forward to RPing with yoU!

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