Closed Full of Surprises

Celestyn laughed lightly. "Who says I want to win," he joked back since he liked the affection and kisses. Why wouldn't he always aim to get more of them. Why wouldn't he want more of them, or challenge his girlfriend in such a way that more of them would be given. He gave a little smile. "I'm glad it suits me,"
Cassi laughed lightly. "Celestyn," She tried to turn his head to face her. "Why don't we make this a dinner to go and have it back at my place?" She asked. "I've got a pretty nice kiss print pattern going here," She smirked playfully. "We should see if I can expand it."
Celestyn raised an eyebrow at Cassi and then smirked. "Oh but I'm just about to eat," he said with a smirk, knowing that this was going to be what he did, he loved spending the time alone with her, and though they had come out for dinner there really was nothing in him that was against leaving and heading back to home. "but maybe I can be persuaded,"
Cassi pouted, walking her fingers up his arm. "Well, what would it take to convince you?" She asked, with a coy smile. "We could curl up on the couch, feed each other dinner," She mused, tracing her fingers along his bicep. "Watch the snow and keep each other warm by the fire."
Celestyn raised his arm to the waiter as she spoke, asking quickly in finnish for the man to pack it up for them. "Only if we can also drink that lakka that I bought you," he had already agreed to it, was getting the food packed up. He was ready to go. He stood up and held out her jacket for her.

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