Frrriiiieeeenndddsss, pl0x, and maybe some Indirect Family.

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Chase Blade

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Well. Chase has recently graduated. So. He needs friends.. People who aren't in Hogwarts... Of course.
Just post here, giving a brief description of your Character.

I would also like some indirect relatives. Like cousins and such.

Thanks! :)

- Zach.
He and Stella can be cousins, she's 15 years old and studies at Durmstrang.
You don't have enough family as it is coming to you when Chase and Eden get married!?!? Lol sorry Marie told me to do it so you know what it is like to have someone rain all over your plot topic. Ok you may now continue what you are doing. :hug:

Chase and Alex could always start having rps, since they did graduate in the same year.

:correct: Err, though, we could make a little history from classes, it would make more sense.

Just an idea.. :D
Melodie could RP with Chase and alex, she graduated the year before but she is more around their age. And it's always good to have a girl in the group :p
1) Stella. Sounds cool. .-.
2) Eden. You die now. Anyway. It was fun tormenting Marie before I met her. :(
3) Alex. I like that idea. It would make a lot more sense if we did form a History from the classes. Cause it wouldn't make sense if they knew nothing about each other, considering they were at the same school for seven years, and graduated together.
4) Melodie. Sounds fun. :)

Alright. Seems like we need topics. o-o
Hmm, lets say then...Alex thinks of you as a nerdy geeky type of person, mostly because you pay attention in class and don't get detentions much then.
he's had a few conversations and though it was more during the end of the year, you never seemed to be around other than class.

Hows that sound? :D And you shall form your opinion.

Ooh, I like the idea of Melodie as well. :woot:
Just noticed my topic name spams the Navigation Tree. :r

Anyways. Yeah. Sounds good. Chase'll probably think of you as a goody-goody, or something like that, considering you were Head Boy. ;) But I'm sure they would get along once they got too know each other. :)
Umm, might want to rethink that slightly considering all of my rps for class have Alex doing something for attention seeking or getting into trouble or this megga huge pranks for every lesson in CoMC and Astronomy :p
goody-goody doesn't really fit in but just a pointer. :woot:
{You should read me CoMC in 6th year. Love those rps. And that year in Astronomy. :r }
Mm.. Good poooint. More of a trouble-maker then. :r
Chase-Will you start a topic for us all or shall somebody else do it? And do we assume we all know oneanother or what? :)
We assume we know each other, basically.
Okay, for Stella ... how can they be cousins, from mother side or the father side?
My Mother is a witch, and my father a muggle, so that decision is yours.
That would probably be an idea. Who shall be the one starting?
well it'll be awhile stupid keyboard is stuffed
I just saw this. Chase can always rp with Lily. The should know each other being as they graduated together and were in the same house and all that. :p Alex too. Sumner is back to school so she will be rather bored when she is not working or practicing quidditch. :D
Ella could be a friend for Alex. Basically, she stands up to bullies and isn't afraid to be herself. So, she rocks on in her own way and if someone won't leave her alone about it, she could use her fists. She plays the electric guitar and is very attached to the beach because she lived there for the first few years of her life. Of course, she is a bit stubborn sometimes, and is short-tempered, but overall she's a great friend, as long as the other person isn't a bully or something. You get the idea, she tries to save people from humiliation or pain, even if it causes her humiliation or pain. How about it?
Sure, Lily.

Ella, I like that idea. Would work out great.
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