🌹 Rose Giving From a Friend

Miro Morales-Albertson

🌻 Confident & Impatient 🍄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Miro recognized the next name on his rose delivery list as a girl in his year. Though he didn't know Violet at all outside of knowing her face and name from the classes they shared and of course knowing she was in Slytherin from her school uniform, she was still the person he recognized most from all his rose deliveries so far, and someone he felt confident in approaching. Miro headed back to the entrance hall and looked around, thinking for a moment whether he should look for her in the dungeons but soon deciding to stay in one place and wait, assuming she would walk by sooner or later. He was glad he eventually spotted her, and smiled as he called out to her. "Violet! I have a rose delivery!" He shouted, hoping to get her attention.​

@Violet Stark-West
Violet had heard about rose delivery day. she hadn't signed up to deliver, or even sent any. but part of her was enjoying the chaos that the deliveries unfurling around her as she went about her day. she was just heading through the entrance hall on her way to get something to dink when she heard her name. she paused for a second looking around wondering if she ad misheard or maybe there was another violet in the hall. but she looked and saw one of the boys from her classes, miro, if she remembered right not that she had had much to do with the Gryffindor, but after two years you got to know most peoples names. she paused for a second longer just to make sure it was her was calling for and she was not going to get embarrassed by taking someone else's rose. once she was sure she walked over smiling. "hello miro. thank you. umm. happy valentines day I guess" she said not quite sure how she was meant to react.
Miro was relieved Violet turned around and approached him after he called out to her. It definitely made it easier than chasing after her indefinitely to deliver her rose, not that Miro wouldn't mind running around endlessly as that was one of the reasons he had decided to deliver roses in the first place. He smiled as Violet wished him a happy valentine's day. "Happy Valentine's day to you, too." He replied, quickly reaching to his basket of roses to find the yellow rose meant for her. "This one's yours." He said as he offered the rose and accompanying note to the Slytherin.
Happy Valentine's,
Violet took the rose miro offered to her. thank you she said. Opening the rose and reading the note. Whoever had sent ot had not received a rose off her as she had missed the cut off. She smiled thinking of summer. She would have to remember to thank her friend and dorm mate. are your deliveries going okay? she asked.
Violet took the rose miro offered to her. thank you she said. Opening the rose and reading the note. Whoever had sent ot had not received a rose off her as she had missed the cut off. She smiled thinking of summer. She would have to remember to thank her friend and dorm mate. are your deliveries going okay? she asked

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