🌹 Rose Giving Friendship is shared memories

Ivy Cullen

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Curly 12 1/2 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
13 (08/2050)
Classes were out for the day and Ivy knew she had to get her boot in gear to get the last roses delivered. four left to go and she hoped that they wouldn't be to hard. two of them were quidditch players that she should at least recognise and the other two were Gryffindors so worst comes to worst she could deliver them later. After spending the day inside the castle she decided to try looking outside. even if she didnt find anyone the fresh air and sunshine would be nice. she extend the doors and was walking across the courtyard when she saw one of the people she was looking for. "Hey, your vanity right? the Slytherin beater? I've got a rose for you" she said.

@Vanity Mettlestone
After her encounter with June, Vanity was done with today. She had left the dungeons behind in hopes of avoiding the older girl, thinking about the first rose she had gotten that day. She was at least thankful June hadn't delivered that one, as it was a pink one and seemed to be genuine. She wondered who "hm" was, guessing it had to be someone's initial. She headed to the courtyard, hoping some fresh air would clear her mind. She blinked when a girl approached her, she looked like a firstie. Vanity nodded. "Yeah, that's me." She said, wondering what sort of rose she could expect, she was still wondering if June had sent her a mean one, like she had done.
Ivy's smile widened as the girl confirmed that it was indeed vanity that she had found. "just give me a mo" she said as she shuffled through the notes. before selecting the correct one and handing it over with a yellow rose

Dear Vanity,
I want to thank you for all the moments we had together. Everytime they remind me how good looking I am and you are not, how smart I am and you are dumb. And how glad I am to not have such an loser brother.
So thanks, for all that.[/spoiler[

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