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Blaise Masters

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
The title says it all. Blaise needs some friends, some enemies, and maybe even a love interest.

He's 23, loyal, hardworking, and would do anything it takes to protect his friends. He doesn't give up easily, and isn't easily distracted.

So just let me know. :r

- Zach.
I have two people that could be friends with him.

Edward Newton: He's 22 and bisexual. He's slowly realising it was just a phase. He's good with hard work and, if he wants' to, he can be ocussed. He prefers to have fun though.

Candice Torres: She has had a bit of a hard life and just gone through a stage where she was reminded of everything she had blocked out of her memory. She is now very flirty but still fun lovinga and can be immature.
I like both ideas. :o You wanna start the topics or should I?
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