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Sapphire Michaels

Clever- Mischievous- Snarky- Photographer
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Who Cares?
Pear Wood, Unicorn hair core, 14 inches
12/23/2033 (27)
First off: I over-plot. A lot. I build an entire world in my head and I love seeing where that world can go. If you want to interact with my characters, be warned, I will be constantly plotting in my head what the two (or more) can do or be to each other. I thrive off it. I love having in-depth characters and watching them grow and interact with other people. My characters are my babies. But enough about me. Please meet:

This is Sapphire Michaels. She's my current favorite. Her bio is here: Sapphire Bio Right now the best prospect for closest friend is Alkander Avaskidaras, but he's been off for a few days. She's interacted with other students but none enough to build or suggest a solid relationship of any kind just yet.

Next we have my shy little angel:


This is Kira Wolf. Her bio is here:Kira Bio

I haven't built as much for her, but I do have a few things that may develop into more in the future. I'd love to give her some more attention though.

I'll post my other girl when I have more for her, but for now I'd like to introduce you all to these two darlings.
Hi! I'd love to RP with both of your characters :)

Sapphire would be roommates with my first year Slytherin, Dominique Malone (bio) so we could maybe do a thread with them? Domi is usually friendly on the surface but she's a total drama queen and would do anything for attention, so she can get a bit backstabby. She's not the nicest or smartest person.

I also have another first year who could be friends with either of yours, Acacia Dunn. (bio) Acacia's sort of the opposite of Domi - she's a total sweetheart who just loves to spend time with her friends. She's just been forced by her parents to move to NZ from the US, so she doesn't really know anyone here and is looking for friends. She's very loyal and kind, so she could be a good friend to either of your kids.

I heard you were talking to Daph about Kira and the twins, but I wanted to mention my Taylor family as well. Lizzie (bio) and Caro's (bio) family runs a magical ski lodge in Queenstown, which is really close to Kira's family inn. Lizzie and Caro are both a bit older (5th and 3rd years) but they could recognise Kira from the family business, so if you want anyone to show her around and be a bit of a mentor (or a possible business rival, we could go either way with it :lol: ) that's an option :)

(Also, don't worry about overplotting at all! I'm always planning way ahead for my kids so we're on the same wavelength there :lol: )
Heyyy person! I actually just posted a thing in the library for the three of us (mean creepy twins) but I think you can never have too many friends. I think Kira could really benefit from one or both of your Taylor kids, she's been searching desperately for something familiar. If you want you can PM me and we can discuss plots and things.
Nice! I'll send you a PM :)
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