Friends, Friends, Friends

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So this is Florence Saint-Nice Lafayette. She is a French girl, who is the cousin of Charlotte Edwina Williams.

Her development can be found in the unsorted/new developments. I am not linking right now.

Florence is Very kind and honest. Overly polite and incredibly well mannered. Out-going and excitable (at times, with people she is close to). Not very shy. Smart and hard-working. Worries about being accepted, but is often not shown in the way she acts.

Florence is currently in New Zealand visiting her cousin but also she is deciding which wizarding school she wants to go to. Either HNZ or BB

She is in need of friends, to help her decide between the schools. Be her friend at school. Accept her for who she is. So is easy to be friends with, and would never go behind someones back. She is a very kind person.
An admirer, someone who knows who she is. She would have been in a few magazines, because of her mother and her music. And she has won competitions and done concerts so she would be slightly heard of musician. Can be a girl or a boy.
A crush. Has to be a boy. Someone who could crush on her or her crush on them.


[Credit to !narwhalsvsunicorns @caution2.0 for the image!]
I can offer Hayley Huberta to be her friend. She could speak French (yeah I use the online translator soo...) and is from a wealthy family. However, she has an attitude, she's materialistic and is very cold toward strangers. But she doesn't mind being friends with non-slytherin. After all, her twin brother-> Casper Huberta is a Gryffindor.

that Sounds good. And don't worry about French, Florence is just as good at English as she is at french.
So would you like tostart something or shall I?
can u start pls? ^_^
in brighstone village... maybe?
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