Friends for Angelina

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Angelina Rochers

Active Member
Hi all,

Angelina needs friends and so she can RP with them. They should be a year or two older then her, same age, or a year younger. Both male and female friends. So Is anyone willing to be her friend?

Angelina Rochers said:
Taylor Mercer said:
I have Michael, he's 19. I think. Or 20. :p
Kul. Angelina needs as many friends she can get her hands on.
Does Michael work? if yes were? we could just meet anywhere he likes.
He is currently training to be a Healer, so probably if they just met anywhere. :)
Angelina Rochers said:
Lexi Rodriguez said:
Anywhere you want...
How about the Leaky Cauldroun as it is in Obsidian harbour the same place as the daily prophet office that would be a reason fatima has come there for a nice tea or coffee perhaps.
Sounds great, could you start it?
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