Friends? Foes? Anything?

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Ellie Sparks

Well-Known Member
Maple 12 3/4 Inches with Essence of Silver Thistle
Attempt #3 :r ?

Heeey Guys ^_^ ,

Well, I've been coming and going with Ellie, not knowing quite what to do with her! I moved house at the start of the new school year, and as such didn't have any internet for a long period of time. When I finally got it back, I'd kind of given up hope with Ellie, she had fallen too far behind, she had no friends and she was just no fun to rp anymore :( So, long story short, I abandoned her :correct: . I decided I would keep only my newest character, as she was a first year and I could still catch up with her and develop her. But now I really regret dumping Ellie. She was my very first character on here and I used to have a great time rp'ing her, when she had friends and reasons to rp :lol: . So, for like the third time, I'm going to make an attempt at bringing her back, and this time I'm definitely going to keep her back :lol: . I have reasons for her missing a whole term of school, too!

Before I ditched her, Ellie was going through a rough patch with her dad and had been for almost a year. After her mum's death in second year, her dad found a new girlfriend almost instantly and they married soon after. This really upset Ellie and she was a total emotional wreck for a while, she was stressed and depressed, still grieving for her mum, until she got herself together and began to take all her emotions out on her dad! They argued for months until Ellie had finally had enough and moved in with her grandparents, In Scotland. This was in the summer before she started her fifth year. After she moved, she totally lost contact with her dad and she was angry that he hadn't tried to contact her, he was her dad after all. A few days after the start of the first term in 2023, Ellie's dad took a heart-attack and was taken into Hospital. For a while it looked like he wasn't going to make it. Ellie left school to be with her dad in the Hospital, she was scared and angry with herself. Her dad was un-responsive for a good few days and the doctors were sure he was going to die. Ellie was a total mess, again. If her dad died, she'd never get to talk to him again, get to tell him she was sorry for all the things she'd said and blamed him for. The last words she'd said to him before she'd left for her grand-parents were 'I hate you'.
But, after a few pain filled days things turned around and Ellie's dad was on the road to recovery. He dumped his new wife, who'd been totally controlling him (she's a Veela, a nasty women whom Ellie hated with a passion and made a point of making sure she knew it) and Ellie moved back in with him, her brother and little sister. Instead of coming back to Hogwarts, she wanted to stay with her dad and look after him until he was fully recovered and things were back to normal. Now, after almost 5 months, this is the case, and Ellie will be back at Hogwarts for the second term!

:lol: , It's all a little confusing :tut: But anyway, I'm looking for all sorts of relationships for Ellie.
I need friends, best friend/s (she lost a best friend in 3rd year and this added to her stress and depression, she's not had the greatest of life's so far :lol: ), perhaps an enemy or two, and a love relationship :lol: She's sixteen now and hasn't had a proper boyfriend since second year :jesse: no wonder she's stressed :lol: !
I'll take whatever I can get really, when it comes to rp's, I just want to get back into the swing of things again!

If you're interested in rp'ing, please post here or pm me, I'd be extremely grateful :D

- Nicole.
YOUR ELLIENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Zuka will be there for you if you want her.
Ruki could always use a little dusting off. He's neglected due to me working an awful lot. :(

He's a transfer so is still un-sure of the school, with not knowing how long he will stay before his parents pull him out to move half way across the world again. The larger the social circle for him the better, as he will feel welcomed; and he can fit in, and forget about his parents wishes and focus on his own future. Being under-confident, he needs people there for him.

I have some good plans for him but no time to even focus on them, or Tony for that matter. It sucks being tired and working odd hours. :(
Zukaa :hug: ! Oh yaay, would you like to rp ^_^ ?

Tony: Aww, that's kind of the same with me and Ellie :lol: Over the past year I haven't had much time for her :erm: But I'm going to make time :D Would you like to rp?
Make it and I'll be there. Just one thing though I may be on much today because it's field day on center and I wont have the option of getting on line come 9:30
Hi Ellie, glad your back :glomp. Only one I could really offer is Maddiie Holland as a friend. I'm not sure if you would like Link Woods, although he close to your age he still up for an rp. Only reason I say Maddiie cause she lost her mom to,, think it was fourth or 3rd year not sure. Well she was killed by a DE, still doesn't know the full details but yeah. Lost a parent may gain a new one :r lol. As for Link, well he's just a freewill minuplator. Bad Link, trying to become a DE, but its up to you really. Oh than I have Maddiie brother Jon or Jay, 15 and 16 year old. So its up to you!lol
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