Friends, flings, more enemies.

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Aras Ivanauskas

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OOC First Name
Straight 13 Inch Unyielding Elm Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core

So this is Aras, 4th year Slytherin. He comes from a wealthy family of Lithuanian decent and his father runs his own business of buying inventors magical patents and helping them promote their work to the market. Being the middle children of five siblings, Aras had to grow up as independent and ruthless to survive the competition among his siblings and especially with his older brother and sister who will run the family business one day. Aras has different plans for his future that come against his father's. He likes dueling and hopes one day to duel as a professional, making a name of himself.

He's distant, a bit of a loner, with a sharp tongue and hot-tempered. He can be very callous and usually displays very little emotion other than an occasional rough smile, because of the way he was brought up.

This guy needs anything you can offer. Although he's difficult at making friendships, I can see folding up a bit once his trust has been earned by others. Enemies are easier to be made, you just need to cross him when he's ill-tempered. I would also like flings for him. A girl who might openly challenge him or who's independent like him, will have a positive impression on him.

I'm open to any suggestions you might have.

Please leave your ideas bellow and thank you.

Adding also:

Theseas Stratis, Perseas' twin brother. A quiet person on the surface but really ambitious and with no moral restraints to achieve what he wants. He just graduated but he's already settled and works for his family's business of large creatures breeding program. With his older brother advancing his studies in Europe and his twin having no interest in magical creatures, he immediately took over his missing father's job (winged creatures program) and assists his uncle and cousins to whole business.

I'm looking for just everything for him as well. I'm looking forward to your suggestions.
Right so I may have someone for Aras. Her name is Victoria Havelock, she's a fourth year Hufflepfuff, she's cynical, sarky and generally a bit moody. She's a beater for the house team so she's no pushover, she would have no problem standing up to Aras and challenging him if she things he's wrong or even if she's just bored. She's fiercely independent and keeps her social circle small (currently nonexistant) because she doesn't like to surround herself with too many people because she liked to take care of herself. Let me know what you think.
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