friends, fears and ice cream sundaes

Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
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Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)
Briar was feeling something she could not remember feeling before. she was feeling fat. through her teenage years she had exercised so much that there was never an ounce of fat on her it was all muscle now though she just felt heavy. four months pregnant and her stomach was already protruding noticeably though she tired to keep it hidden at least at work for fearing the rest of the term on desk jobs. her bra size was increasing too and although she would never be classed as busty they felt uncomfortable when she ran (that she still tried to do every day). and she was actually getting a little fat deposited around her body, just a little bit, not too much, mainly on her face bum and tum and arms. The previous night she had spent in london in Dedericks apartment as there had been some pretty bad weather at her property and it was just more comfortable even if the constant surrounding of people made her feel cramped.
Another reason she had stayed in london was that she had arranged to meet up with a good friend who she hadn't seen in a while. she realised that she hadn't even told her she was pregnant and knew he wouldn't be happy if he had found out through a third party though she was doing fairly well to keep it quiet due to dread of being put on 'light work'.
it was an abnormally sunny spring day though it was still rather cold and briar was sitting outside Florean Fortescue's eating a sundae made with strawberry ripple, banana and chocolate fudge ice cream, and topped with a range of different berries chocolate chips cream and caramel sauce and drinking a hot up of coffee. she had made sure she arrived half an hour early so she could be sure that she would be there and seated by the time samuel arrived. as she ate and drank she kept an eye on he street for samuel incase he hadn't seen her and not got her note of location.
Samuel thought he'd have traveled all of Europe by the time he was twenty one. Now that he'd finally turned twenty one, the last thing he wanted was to leave France. In fact, the only thing he left France for nowadays was to meet up with friends. Even then leaving his home in Paris was a stretch. He'd grown accustom to the place, to the point he had to drag himself away for as little as a few hours. Even as he apparated to London, he was annoyed he had to leave, but he would gladly tolerate being away from home if it meant an hour or two with Briar. The idea of friendship was still a foreign concept to him, especially friendship with someone like her, someone so different to himself, however slowly but surely he'd been growing used to it. He was nervous to see her again, but alternately excited. What he didn't understand was why she'd organised to meet at an ice cream parlor of all places. Either Briar had no idea he'd been vegan since he was young, or she had simply forgotten. Surely there would be something dairy free on the menu he could order; hopefully they'd have coffee. Samuel didn't know where the ice cream parlor was exactly, so he'd apparated to a nearby landmark. The part-veela had never been to the UK before; he already knew it would be difficult to navigate his way around. Though the place was only a block or two away, he'd find it sooner or later.

After a few short minutes navigating his way through the chilly London streets, Samuel finally found the place. He had Briar to thank for it; her mane of red hair caught his eye immediately. He'd notice that thing from a mile away. "I didn't know you liked ice cream." He mused, seating himself across from her. Samuel knew they were meeting at an ice cream parlor, at least that's what he thought the place was. The last thing he expected was to see his friend with such a huge serving of the stuff. Regardless, it was good to see her again; they really needed to hang out more often. Briar was probably the only person he could have a decent discussion with, since their opinions on things were so different. "They serve coffee here, right?" Samuel glanced around each shoulder, not noticing Briar's cup of coffee. He hoped he didn't have to sit here and watch her eat all of that ice cream, it would probably make him feel sick if he didn't order anything.
Briar had been sitting for a while before she saw Samuel. It was a funny story how they had met and although she was a little ashamed of the night she was happy with the friendship she had for out of it. As although Samuel was not like herself or usual friends he was a nice guy. Sometimes a bit of variety in company was always a good idea, and when she was tough and really down to earth he was sort of a cultured arty influence on her, slightly. "Samuel" she called when she saw him though he had probably already seen her. She pulled out a seat as he neared that he took saying he didn't know she liked ice cream. He was right. "i don't usually but today I just really felt like ice cream" she said taking another spoonful of the sweet creamy goodness, the kind of thing that usually she wasn't keen on in a food. "do you want some,and yes they do coffee and some other food too if you aren't in the mood for ice cream" she said offering him the bowl and spoon incase he wanted some she knew he was vegan but icecream wasn't meat, right? "it's been ages. How have you been? Anything interesting?" she asked. Starting the topic on him, she was starting to get sick of topics getting stuck on her, if they got any worse she would seriously get a T-shirt and write on it the answer to all the questions everyone ,even strangers, especially strangers, seemed to ask im due in August, I don't know if its a boy or girl and don't care, other than randoms asking me questions I'm doing fine, no you can't touch my tummy and ending with a It is NOT exiting on the back. She had done the same when she had been 'outed' as a werewolf though she had somehow felt better about that.
Samuel averted his gaze as Briar had a spoonful of ice cream. He'd been told that as a kid he used to love ice cream, and couldn't resist the stuff. No matter how many times he'd been told this he refused to believe a word of it. All it did was cause him to feel sick, and cringe at the very least. Even merely looking at ice cream made him uncomfortable. So when Briar offered him the bowl and a spoon he simply shook his head. Not wanting to say anything rude about her offer, Samuel directed his attention towards ordering a coffee. He needed something to keep his mind off what Briar was carelessly shoving into her mouth. In the future he'd be sure to avoid eating with her, he wouldn't dare to imagine what she was like eating meat. Samuel returned to the table moments later finally ready to talk to his friend. Until his coffee got here he'd have to avoid looking at Briar's ice cream. Though he didn't think it would be too hard. "Not going to lie, my life has been pretty boring lately." Boring by Briar's standards, at least he thought so. "I've mainly been focusing on art, so I haven't been going out as much as I used to." He sometimes wished he had more time to himself but thanks to his career it was pretty much impossible. Not that he wanted to go out much anyway. The party scene had gotten old pretty quickly, and he was more than used to being single now. Focusing on his career was currently the better option. "But what about you? How's everything going in your life?" Samuel asked, the last thing he wanted was to talk about himself more, since he thought he was boring. Briar on the other hand was so much more interesting than he could ever hope to be. Samuel was far more interested in hearing about what was going on with her right now.
briar could tell samuel wasn't looking at her when she ate. was she really that much of an animal? she didn't care if she was to be honest. she often thought herself as a bit more beast than human. even before her bite. she let him order the coffee and took a mouthful of hers as he did. it was a nice mice having a little ice cream in her mouth then flushing it with coffee, sort of a hot and cold thing. she listened when Samuel said that life had been boring. she was sure it hadnt his life sounded interesting thugh cirtainly not one she would choose for herself. "my life has been pretty same old same old to be honest. mainly working running and quidditch." she said nonchalantly waiting as his coffee arrived. she waited a moment. for him to take a mouthful as he looked like her needed it before saying one more thing. the most unusual (though not necesseriily the most exiting thing) thing that hadd happened to her. "there is one thing that has happened." she said "close your eyes and give me your hand, don't worry I don't bite" she said chuckling slightly at her own joke. she had just felt the kid kick just like its mum it didn't like staying still and although she wasn't exited about it she may as well make the most of whatever situation showed its self to her. she took his hand and put it on her lump that was rapidly growing though now it was hidden by a table. after a fe moments she let go and waited for his reaction.
Samuel raised an eyebrow at his redheaded friend, he wasn't sure whether he should give her his hand or not however he reluctantly closed his eyes and gave her his hand regardless. He knew Briar wouldn't bite at least and trusted her that much, but why on earth did she want his hand? He opened his mouth to ask about it but was quickly silenced before he had the chance to utter so much as a single word. Where Briar was holding his hand was undoubtedly her stomach but what he was feeling didn't seem natural at all. His mind automatically assumed the worst thing he could think of and the furthest thing from the truth. "Okay." He shot up out of his chair, moving his hands behind his back to avoid touching whatever that was again. Samuel exhaled in an attempt to calm himself down but somehow ended up feeling worse in the process. "Briar." He said in a stern tone laced with the anxiety he couldn't help but feel. "I know you like eating raw meat but please for the love of merlin don't eat it alive!" He was already uncomfortable thanks to the ice cream she had been scoffing, and knowing he was making a scene in a public place only made matters worse. Samuel didn't think about any other reason for Briar's stomach feeling so inhuman, his mind could only focus on how freaked out he suddenly became at something so foreign. What was he to do? She hadn't said anything about it, he felt like he deserved an explanation since he had reacted in such a way. In fact he'd probably leave if Briar didn't explain herself soon.
Sorry wrong account
Whatever reactions Briar was expecting this wasn't it. samuel practically jumped out of his chair. if it wasn't something she was so unsure and scared about she would have thought it to be hilarious. actually she still found it hilarious. she started to laugh before she realised he was serious in his thought that he had eaten something alive. "no Idiot. It isn't something i've eaten" she said rolling her eyes and still laughing. when she realised she had to tell him what it was she tried to stop and just about managed to before the expression on his face made her start all over again. the terror was something similar as to how she felt about it. a group of people walked past the table and with the laugh still silently coming out of her throat she let them pass whilst she thought how to say it. she took a mouthful of her coffee trying not to look at samuel as his expression would probably make her start laughing again and spit it everywhere. thankfully she slowly started to calm down. and took a few breaths before trusting herself to talk. "Unfortunately it isn't something i have eaten Samuel." she said again, thinking how that would be a much easier thing. just wait a few hours and the whole ordeal would be over. her voice dropped low as she spoke again. "I'm pregnant" she said "It sucks. I don't want to have a kid but i have no choice" she said. it did suck but there was more to her unwillingness to have children than just not wanting a child. She didn't want a child which was true, but she didn't want to make them a werewolf, she didn't think she and dee would be good parents for it and she didn't think she could be a good mum. her own mum had dumped her in the middle of a forest to die when she was just a few hours old.

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