Friends, enemies, a helping hand

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Rue Undersee

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly 9" Essence of Veela Hair
Bonjour! ^_^

Rue is new to Durmstrang. You probably already know, but she's shy, went through a harsh childhood and never opens up. Stuck in a little shell :(

SO anyway, she's looking for friends, and if a certain application is approved, a shoulder to lean on (And it will be a VERY fun RP! xD )

So, if they're in Durmy, and I don't mind what age, boys and girls, please put up your charries :D
You'll have Veronica as a friend whenever you need her. We've already started RPing lets see how much Rue can trust her.
Thank you :) As I mentioned, she is shy, but our RP could go any way xD
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