Friends are the key to happiness, right?

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Jeremy Thorne

Emergency Dept Healer | Hattie's Dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
I hope you agree and want to help me develop Jeremy a bit :jesse:
So, Jeremy is going into his second year. He did really well in school last year, earned all Os and all that good stuff. was at the expense of developing friends :cry: It kind of made Jeremy sad when he went home for the summer and had no one writing him owls or no friend's coming over. Instead he was stuck with his parents :doh: for the whole summer while his sister was at some academic wizarding summer camp. This meant he spent a lot of time at the ministry in the U.S. being bored to death :(
This year, I'd like Jeremy to make a couple of friends so the above doesn't happen again ;)
Jeremy is a bit quiet though once you get to know him you'll discover that he's a genuinely nice guy who knows a lot about a lot. He reads a lot but he's currently really into playing muggle sports, especially soccer. He doesn't really get along well with his family because he thinks they think him doing well in school is the only reason they will love him. He's a bit of a follower only because he doesn't have the confidence to be a leader not because he doesn't have the skills.

So, I'm looking for:
Friends I'd like him to have a male best friend but females will be fine for regular buddies
Enemies- Male or Female
A mentor- A male please.
Perhaps an older student in Ravenclaw house (though I'm not picky) who wants to take Jeremy under their wing and get him out of his shell.
Crush- I was thinking it would be interesting if Jeremy could have a crush on one of the older students. Maybe he'll send a couple of anonymous flowers or something and when she finds out he's just a kid, she can let him down gently or not so gently xD Any volunteers??

Anything else???

Briony is in the same year and house as Jeremy.... I know she isn't older but what about if she has a crush on Jeremy, but he likes someone else?

We could RP them being friends and such and see how it goes for them...
Sasha could be a friend. They have a lot in common.

She likes to read and play soccer, although she doesn't have anyone to play it with. She is nice all the time. She has gotten over her "What will the popular people think about this?" stage. She has family issues, too.

How does it sound?
Im up for that crushness ... xD, it just sounds fun and I'm not offering this character who is posting but a fellow Slytherin too. She's not that evil and has a soft heart if she knows you better, she's just annoyed at the people who hates Slytherin because some of the people there aren't that bad. Her name is Ally, she likes Quidditch and is the Slytherin chaser, she's friends with this character who is posting.
I have Stephanie.She's a transferee. She's also quiet and nice. It's hard for her to find new friends in the school and she can't adjust well.

She's up to crush :r
:o Wow!

Briony: That sounds great. I'm going to pm you with a plot I've sort of got going on already that I think Briony may tie in well with.
Kenz: This sounds cool too. Would you like me to set up an rp or would you like to?
Sasha: I think they'd make good friends. Maybe they can meet on the lawn or something? I can set up an rp for them if you'd like.

Lexi: I think Ally would be perfect. Maybe Jer can see her when she's playing against the Ravenclaw team and that's when his crush will develop?
Stephanie: I think we should see how they rp together b/c I'm not sure I want to have Jeremy crushing on so many girls :lol:
He is a 12 year old guy tho' so I don't think it'd be too unusual :p
I'll be waiting for your pm. I'm excited. :D
I've got Hamza who can play in well with being Male Best Friend. He is very courteous, polite, nice, outgoing, caring, etc.
Wow, a lot of replies... I guess that's cause there's hardly any boys, and when one wants a crush... You get swamped :p

Ok, well I have Keira, who could just be a friend.. for now. Muhaha.
Hamza: :) Absolutely! Let's see how they get on tho' Would you like me to start an rp?
Hayley: :glare: A Slytherin? As an enemy? I definitely can't turn that down :p
Keira: :unsure: Should I be worried? j/k That'll be great. He needs to know more people in his year. Shall I start an rp for them?
Jeremy Thorne said:
Hamza: :) Absolutely! Let's see how they get on tho' Would you like me to start an rp?
Yes, please go ahead and start an RP. :) Let me know once you've posted a topic via PM.
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