Friends and stuff

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Taylor Haze

Taylor goes by Haze, and needs some friends, potential boyfriends, and best guy friends.

Haze is a punk girl. she doesn't like people telling her what to do, hates school, and always fought with her parents.
Haze isn't is very mean person most of the time, but she doesnt take crap from people. She is a half-blood, who lived in the U.S. Her mother was a muggle, her father a wizard who failed to mention that fact to her mother till long after Haze was born. Her mother took Haze when she was 8(right around the time she found out Haze's dad was a wizard)and they moved from Houston, Tx to Seattle, Washington.
Haze likes having fun with her friends, and loves the idea of magic. But adults in general can get very irritable, very fast. When her mom figured out that Haze was a wizard(when she got her Hogwarts letter), her mom aranged for Haze to move in with her dad(who moved to New Zealand after the break up).

If you think they could be friends or more, post.
I could offer Corey as a friend if you like. He is really laid back and could get along with nearly anyone. He would try and make her smile all the time and try and be a close friend, someone she could come and talk to
Brielle and Haze: Friends?
Brielle is a muggleborn witchl. She's pretty easy to get along with unless you catch her in a bad mood. Maybe Brielle and Haze could start of not liking each other, then when they start Hogwarts they find that they have more in common than they thought, or something?
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