Friends Among The Flowers

Toni couldn't help but roll her eyes when Hoshi showed up. She was all over Scorpius in Toni's opinion at least. She was going to say something like 'have a little crush Hoshi' but Toni didn't want to risk bringing Scorpius into it. Not when Scorpius was one of her best friends. Not even Toni was that mean.

As they brought up Hoshi's hair Toni couldn't believe that Wednesday was even saying she really liked the green hair. It was so awful and such a out reaching attempt to have Slytherin pride. Hoshi didn't even belong in Slytherin at least Toni didn't think so. Just another mistake that the sorting hat did. Sam and Hoshi should have been switched house wise.

Brushing off the comment about her own hair. Toni would have said that it was natural because it really was but not then. If she did Toni knew well enough that Hoshi would find a way to turn it around on her. Toni didn't want to deal with that. Not in front of Knight and Sam. She decided to remain rather silent just twirling her hair in between her fingers. Finally thinking about just about everything.
Sam smiled to his friends and watched as the conversation chatted quickly by, Hoshi then joined them, "Hey Hoshi! Your hair is friggen cool!" he laughed, he appreaciated the fact she didn't give two hoots what people thought of her. They then began to talk about what hair colours would suit them, "What would you say suit me?" he asked pretending to push up his hair in a girly fashion

He noticed Toni was rather quiet, he came in closer to her. "Hey, I really am getting good at the stalking." he whispered winking to her.
Toni tuned out for a bit lost almost in her thoughts. She really didn't mind having all these people around her though she wished that Hoshi would just leave them alone. How can Sam and Scorpius actually like her or her hair Toni thought trying to get Hoshi out of her thoughts. She was the last person she had to think about now. So much more was going on. When Sam came a bit closer Toni was pushed out of her thoughts. Smiling at him "Yes you are" Toni said glad that he was here. Toni could remain cool around Hoshi if she was surrounded by people she actually liked.

"But if you dye your hair Sam I may just have to kill you" She teased knowing that he would never do that or at least hoping he wouldn't. Letting Hoshi around someone's hair with dye was just asking for trouble.
Sam laughed, "No far! I said I'd still be with you if you had a cabbage for a head and you wouldn't be with me if I had pink hair...?" he said raising an eyebrow. "But fine. I won't dye it." he gave a fake sigh. "Well, don't dye your hair, its nice blonde." he said simply to her lifting up the piece she was playing with. He gave her a uick smile before dropping her hair.
Toni let out a small laugh "It is completely fair" She said "I would be worried if you dyed your hair pink as if Scorpius dyed his hair pink" Toni said looking over at Knight for a minute before turning back to Sam. As Sam let out a fake sigh Toni shook her head. "you wouldn't dye your hair anyway" She said knowing that it was true.

"But don't you worry I wouldn't let anyone near my hair with dye especially" Toni paused not wanting to finish but not wanting to be the one to start something if someone was going to happen. "Especially people that aren't qualified" Toni said phasing it as nicely as Toni possible could.
Hoshi laughed. "Thanks Sam-kun your about the seventeenth person to say so. I think people like my rebelion. Tourquise might suite you Sam-kun but I think Toni- chan would kill me rather than you." She said in a joking manner. It was easy to ingnore Toni when she was around people. She was starting to think that the insedent with Jake was just a fluke and she could controle herself better now.

Hoshi rolled her eyes. "Believe me I am more than qualified." She siad with a confedent smile. Hoshi had grown up around her mother's salon and her workers. Hoshi had picked up a lot of things from them, even acompanyed her mother to a few fasion weeks to help back when Haruhi was still cool. Probobly why she was so ani-fashion now.
Wednesday listened to a few little conversation tid bits go about. Smiling as Hoshi said she was qualified. "Not the first week of classes but after that I may give a new colour a shot" Wednesday said finally. She liked to be random and what was more random than pink or purple hair. She just didn't want to give the wrong impression to the Professors the first week, but after that it would be fine with her. She just couldn't tell her mother.
Toni wanted to comment about Hoshi calling her Toni-Chan. How annoying that was. But she knew better. Probably Hoshi would seem to use it more for the simple fact that it bugged Toni so. "Yeah Hoshi you are probably right about that" Toni said when Hoshi had said that Toni would probably kill her instead of Sam. Toni mustered up a smile that looked real.

"Sure you are qualified" Toni said a hint of sarcasism in her voice. Toni was a bit surprised at how willing Wednesday was to let Hoshi do her hair. "Well just make sure it is temporary. Just in case" Toni said to Wednesday smiling slightly but looking away to the others. There was something about Wednesday that reminded Toni of someone though that someone Toni couldn't place her finger on. It was so odd yet so much easier to avoid thinking about.
Hoshi moved her head from side to side. "I wouldn't put it past you." She said nothing but humer in her voice. "You just tell me when and where Wednesday-chan and we can do it." She said with a bright smile. "I know that boys won't really go though with it." She said with a wink to Sam and Knight.
Scorpius wanted to protest to Hoshi and tell her that he was brave enough to do it, but he didn't want to be walking around with pink hair on the first week of classes. He laughed and said, "You're probably right, but don't underestimate me," and winked. Perhaps he'd do it if he lost a bet or something of that sort, and he'd do it with dignity. But he wouldn't do it just for fun, or rather fashion.

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