🌹 Rose Giving Friendly Yellow

Senna Overby

💫 unofficial quidditch club 💫
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Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Fairy Wing Core
07/2045 (16)
yellow for @Gregory Friend

Senna knew rose deliveries could be difficult and since she wasn't keen on running around the entire castle she had adopted a simple strategy. Shouting. After having gotten something to eat so she wouldn't have to face the day on an empty stomach she jumped onto one of the benches and looked around the great hall, calling out several names on her list. Perhaps if she couldn't find them here she might attract the attention of anyone who did know where to find the people on her list. "GREGORY? GREGORY FRIEND?"
Gregory hated the roses. He had left the room, his hunger winning out and within moments of being sat she heard someone shout his name. His first instinct was to look to the person and then to the slytherin table, almost worried that Cassius might do something, but he wouldn't. Gregory raised his hand, but didn't say anything, hoping that would be enough to grab the girl's attention.
Senna smiled when she noticed a boy raising his hand nearby, jumping off the bench and stepping over towards him. "You Gregory?" She asked just to be sure before picking out the yellow rose with his name attached to it and holding it out for him to take. "This should be yours then."

Happy Valentines!
Gregory nodded but didn't speak. he took the rose and the note. he read the note and felt immediate relief. Just Ezra. And it wasn't a very complicated message. He was just being..friendly. In the way the boy had been attempting to before. "Thanks," he said quickly to the girl in front of him, not wanting to be seen as rude. The last thing he needed was another fight.
Sen nodded when Gregory thanked her, almost wanting to ask why he had seemed to relieved by the rose but fighting against it. She was trying not to be as nosy today. "Sure, happy valentine's." She smiled before heading off.
Gregory glanced up at her and gave a weak smile. "Happy Valentine's day," he said, trailing off a little at the end of the sentence.

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