🌹 Rose Giving Friendly Faces

Soren Gates

Rin- Stylish- Brave
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Poplar Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
4/15/2044 (17)
Soren actually knew the next name on his list. Not that well, but enough that he knew who he was looking for. He walked into the Great Hall, smiling when he spotted Cameron at the Slytherin table. He walked over with a bright smile. "Cameron, hey! I've got a rose for you," Soren told him, holding up the yellow bud.
Cameron hadn't really known what to expect with all this rose stuff for Valentine's, but he hadn't been expecting as much fuss as it was turning out to be. The longer he was in the hall, the noisy it seemed to get, kids getting roses everywhere, and despite his annoyance, Cameron wondered if anyone had sent him any. He'd sent some to Margo and Isadora, but he knew if he'd been particularly annoying one day they could have easily decided not to return the favour.

He looked up where he was picking at a piece of toast when one of his classmates approached with a rose, pleasantly surprised, though he tried not to show it. "Oh, cool, I guess. I mean, whatever," he said, hunching his shoulders for a moment and then shoving out a hand for the rose.
Soren smiled and sat across from Cameron, offering out the rose and the note for the boy. "I think we share classes sometimes, I'm Soren," he offered out his name as well, giving the boy his friendliest smile. Soren hadn't talked to Cameron much yet, but maybe this was his chance to fix that.

Happy Valentine's Day

Cameron took the note furtively from Soren, glancing over his shoulder to check if any of his housemates were watching before reading the note. "Oh, yeah, I recognize you," he said distractedly, checking to see if he could spot Margo across the hall before looking back at Soren. "You're the one with all the siblings or something right?" Cameron vaguely knew there were a few kids in their year with twin or triplet siblings which sounded overwhelming to him. Things at home had only ever really been him and his mum and he wasn't sure what it'd be like to have someone else always around at home and school too.
Soren chuckled lightly. "Yeah, thats me. One of three. There's Sadie," He pointed to his sister back at the Gryffindor table. "And Slate." He pointed towards his brother sitting with Ravenclaw and smiled. "Do you have any siblings?" He asked, thinking it was the friendly thing to do.
"Your brother's name is Slate?" Cameron said dubiously, wondering if it was some sort of weird nickname. Then again, some of the kids at school had weirder names he guessed. "Nah, only child," he answered, fidgeting with the note in his hands. He'd always wondered if his parents would have had more if his dad hadn't died but there was no point dwelling on it. "Isn't it annoying sharing your birthday with two other people, though?" He asked, keen to change the subject.
Soren nodded, deciding not to encourage the tone Cameron had used. "Yep! Slate Gates," He confirmed. He smiled as Cameron said he was an only child. "That must be quiet," He offered, folding his hands under his chin. He chuckled at the question and shrugged. "I mean, it can be, but it also means more cake and presents," He countered. "When's your birthday?" He asked, curious now.
Cameron didn't hide his snort when Soren confirmed his brother's name, shaking his head in amusement. "Well I guess you guys know which of you isn't the favourite," he said, sobering somewhat when Soren decided to describe his homelife as 'quiet'. "It's whatever," he said with a shrug. It wasn't like Cameron would know the difference really. Isadora had a sister but her house seemed pretty boring and quiet too. It was a bit weird making small talk with someone like Soren, but Cameron didn't totally mind, deciding to tuck Margo's note away in his pocket. "If it was me I'd just buy you guys one preset, you could share," he said with a smirk. "My birthday's in July, it kinda sucks cause it rains a lot," he said, turning to pull his feet up onto the bench as he talked.
Soren's brow furrowed slightly. He almost scolded the kid for picking on his brother, but it mostly seemed like a harmless joke and Soren didn't want to feed into it. He instead smiled at what the boy said, nodding along easily. He chuckled at Camerons words. "I mean hey, if it's a cool present," he teased, before lighting up when Cameron told him his birthday. "Hey, that's cool! You're only a few months younger than I am, my birthday is in April," He told the Slytherin with a bright smile.

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