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Hemi raised both eyebrows. He was surprised at the very least at the proposal, it certainly hadn't been what he had expected. It sounded dangerous, it sounded exciting!

It was possible too. As it goes, he knew the Potions Classroom was likely to be unoccupied having seen the Professor pass only moments ago. He too had fallen for the utterly hilarious coin prank.

He nodded, if Charlotte was in then so was he."Alright then." Hemi paused, he should probably knpw the boys name if he was going to join him in some extreme Hogwarts rule breaking. "I'm Hemi by the way, what's your name?"

Silus was proud to see that his fellow schoolmates seemed pleased with the idea. Truthfully, he'd just thought of it in that moment, and now realized how much he wanted to do it. He grinned. "Good to hear," he said addressing the girl. He then turned to the boy who introduced himself as Hemi. "Silus." he said swiftly.

"Now, what is your name?
he asked the Slytherin girl. "I'm assuming you know the dungeons best, so perhaps you should lead us to the classroom."

OOCOut of Character:

I just realized, wrong character. I'm so sorry about that... :blank:
The boy introduced himself as Silus and then asked for Charlotte's name. "Oh, I'm Charlotte." she said, grinning at the adventure that lay ahead of them. "Follow me then!" Charlotte loved being in charge but she had little to no clue of where she was going. She wasn't going to admit that because she was sure it wasn't that hard to find. All she knew was that it was somewhere in dungeons and that's where she was headed.

(New rp here)

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