Fourth Years, Lesson Two

Noel had to admit he was an bit nervous for this class. It felt wrong to perform an unforgivable curse on an student, but he knew the reason for it. And he didn't done it out of hatred or the wrong reasons so that was what he had told himself this morning. As he saw that everyone was inside he cleared his throat. '' Hello and good morning everyone.'' He greeted the class with an friendly smile. He had to work extra hard to make people at ease today. '' It is not often allowed to cast any of the three Unforgivable Curses, as you have learned in your previous years. You know the consequenses if so.'' The brown haired man told them, while looking strictly around the room. '' But since the Hogwarts Board of Governors and the Ministry of Magic find it important, that you learn about these curses, an exception has been made.'' He than explained them, they needed to know it was not his idea. '' I will demonstrate to you these three curses over the next couple of weeks. And today we will start with the Imperius Curse.'' He than walked around in the classroom, looking over to the students. '' Some might think it is the least dangerous out of the three, but if cast with the vilest intent, this curse can become quite dangerous. And you'll soon learn why.'' Noel than explained and turned his back to the students, taking an deep breath.

He than turned around as he took his wand and looked at them with an friendly smile. '' Those of you who signed the consents forms, would you please come forward?'' He waited for the students and watched as they gathered at the front of the classroom. Once they had lined up and made sure everyone could see well he gave an reasurring nod. He thought it was very brave of the onces and was sure to reward them for it. He than raised his wand arm and said calm. '' Imperio.'' For each volunteer. He than looked seriously. '' Dance on top of the desk in front of you, please.'' He than told them in a kind way but commanding. And watched the students climbed onto the deks and did exactly like he told them too. And looked at the rest of the students who were watching how they reacted. Perhaps it looked funny, but it was horrible in a way. '' That's enough. You will stop now.'' Noel than spoke. And they did as he told too. He than would end it soon, and told them friendly. '' Please lie down on the floor and don't move anything.'' He than said commanding. And saw how they lay motionless on the ground until he lifted the curse. He was glad this was over, but kept his face straight. He gave them some time to sit and gather themselves before he continued. '' Thank you volunteers. You can sit down again. For your brave help you can come see me after class. I have some delicious candy as a thanks and you will recieve extra house points.'' He than told them, as just a small token of appreciation. As everyone sat down again he looked over to the students who were placed under the imperio curse. '' Now, volunteers. Can you please share how you felt whilst under the Imperius Curse?'' He than asked them, curiously wanted to hear from them and good for the others to know who were just watching. He nodded and continued.

He than stood before his desk and leaned towards it. '' As you could notice. The Imperius Curse allows the caster to take total control of the person you cast the spell on. Only through exceptional strength of will can one resist the curse and defend themself.'' He than explained to them. '' The best way to prevent another from casting this curse onto you is to disarm or completly disable the caster before it is too late.'' Noel than finished the explanation. And moved on to the homework assignment. '' For homeowrk, please write an essay about the Imperius Curse and hand it in before next Thursday.'' He than finished off. He dismissed the class and handed over the candy to the volunteers. And sat down after his desk again.

Those who are interested in having the Imperius Curse placed on their characters, please roleplay accordingly. You will receive extra housepoints. Others, please write your character's reaction.

For homework and extra credit, write a short essay about the Imperius Curse.
Week two arrived and June was glad with how the first week had gone. She even had time to deliver roses, it seemed handy and helpfull to participate to let her chances of becoming prefect become even bigger. She followed professor Castillo's advice in this. It had been entertaining but also horrible, she remembered why most Gryffindors were stupid too. And she had another target to make sure he would regret his actions.

The blonde made her way to the classroom and knew what they would be doing today. She had thought about what Noel had said previous lesson. June figured there was sure some housepoints to be earned by being an volunteer. She found her spot in the front and made herself ready for class. June was certain that Noel was not comfertable with this. And found it interesting to see how he would deal with this. The blonde stood up, she had signed the consent form, because she wanted those housepoints. And in a way she would want to watch Noel putting the curse on her and see how she would feel. It would all be information. When the professor made himself ready June took an deep breath and watched him in the eye. When she was told to dance on the desk in front of her, she did it directly as was asked. And stopped as he told them to doo. Next thing she lied down on the floor and layed still. When the curse was lifted June looked around confusing. Gross, she was lying on the dirty floor. She stood up directly and felt an bit weird. And sat down as she tried to clean herself an bit. '' It was strange.. I couldn't resist your actions. And it seemed like I couldn't have my own thoughts about it.'' June than said. She at least knew this was an horrible spell. But indeed an powerfull one. When the lesson was over she left the room after looking at Noel once more.

Defence Against The Dark Arts Homework
June Davenport
Imperius Curse
The Imperius Curse which has the incantation Imperio, is one of the three unforgivable curses. I experienced my own how it felt to be under the curse. I was given instructions by the caster, and did it without questions. It seemed impossible or you didn't even thought about resisting it. The imperius curse can make someone do terrible stuff like hurt people or murder even. I'm wondering how you could tell someone was under the imperius curse, and if someone would murder someone if the person will be punished. It was than under the influence of someone else.
Horror Zhefarovich entered the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. He had volunteered for the Imperius Curse demonstration, knowing it was a unique opportunity to experience and understand the spell firsthand. As he took his usual seat near the back, he noticed the slight nervousness in Professor Waldgrave's demeanor, but the professor quickly masked it with a friendly smile. Horror listened, his expression impassive but his mind fully engaged. The gravity of the subject matter was clear in Professor Waldgrave's strict tone as he explained the purpose and exception made for these lessons. Professor Waldgrave's explanation of the Imperius Curse intrigued Horror. While some might consider it the least dangerous of the Unforgivable Curses, Horror understood its potential for manipulation and control. He knew this lesson would be critical in understanding how to defend against such a spell.

When Professor Waldgrave called for the volunteers to come forward, Horror stood up without hesitation and joined the others at the front of the classroom. He maintained his calm composure as Noel raised his wand and cast the Imperius Curse on each of the volunteers. Horror felt a strange sensation wash over him, a lightness that seemed to disconnect his mind from his body. When Professor Waldgrave commanded them to dance on the desks, Horror's body obeyed without question, moving with an unnatural fluidity. He could see what he was doing, but it felt as though he was watching someone else control his actions. After a few moments, Professor Waldgrave commanded them to stop and lie down on the floor. Horror complied, his body moving effortlessly to follow the instructions. He lay motionless, aware of his surroundings but unable to move until Noel lifted the curse. When the spell was broken, Horror took a moment to gather himself before returning to his seat.

When Professor Waldgrave asked the volunteers to share their experiences, Horror spoke up, his voice steady and measured. "It felt like my mind was detached from my body," Horror explained. "I could see and hear everything, but it was as if someone else was pulling the strings. There was a sense of calmness, almost euphoria, but also an underlying dread knowing that I had no control over my actions." Professor Waldgrave continued the lesson, emphasizing the importance of disarming or disabling the caster before they could cast the spell. Horror took mental notes, understanding the gravity of what they were learning. The lesson concluded with Professor Waldgrave assigning an essay on the Imperius Curse, which Horror knew he would approach with the same meticulous care he applied to all his studies. As the class was dismissed, he left the classroom with a deeper understanding of the Imperius Curse and a renewed determination to master the skills needed to defend against it. This experience, unsettling as it was, had only strengthened his resolve to become a formidable wizard, capable of facing any challenge that came his way.
Loki Styx entered the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom with a composed demeanor, aware that today's lesson would delve into the Imperius Curse. He did not sign the consent form, but he could watch how others perform under the curse. Loki listened as the professor explained the significance and rarity of witnessing the Unforgivable Curses in action. The explanation about the necessity and the exception made by the Hogwarts Board of Governors and the Ministry of Magic only heightened Loki's interest. This was advanced magic, and understanding it was crucial. When the professor called for those who had signed the consent forms, Loki watched, setting his quill down to observe. The power of the Imperius Curse was both fascinating and terrifying. The ability to strip away a person's will so completely underscored the importance of understanding and defending against such magic. The volunteers informed the fourth years of what they went through, which he wrote down.

Professor Waldgrave continued, explaining the mechanics of the curse and the necessity of exceptional strength of will to resist it. Loki noted this with interest, already considering strategies to strengthen his own mental defenses. The advice to disarm or disable the caster before the curse could be cast was practical and would be a crucial part of his studies moving forward. The homework assignment - a detailed essay on the Imperius Curse - was exactly what Loki had hoped for. It would provide an opportunity to delve deeper into the curse's history, mechanics, and defense strategies. He made a mental note to begin his research immediately, eager to explore every facet of the curse. After the class was dismissed, he packed his belongings with his usual meticulousness. The lesson had been enlightening, and he felt a renewed sense of purpose. Mastering the knowledge and defenses against such dark magic was essential, not just for personal safety, but for the broader goal of maintaining the superiority and control that he and his family valued so highly.

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