Fourth Years, Lesson Six

Professor Noel Waldgrave

DADA 1-4 | Loyal | Friendly Professor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 13 Inch Alder Wand 13 3/4" With Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Now that he was feeling better again, Noel decided that it was time to return to teaching. He didn't know why he had become so unwell so suddenly, but thankfully, he was all better now, and right before exams too. Missing a class meant that he would need to scrap some things from the exam, though he was sure that his fourth-year class wouldn't particularly mind that. They'd be busy enough as it was.

''Good morning, everyone,'' the Professor said with a friendly smile, closing the door and moving to stand at the front of the classroom. '' For our final class of the semester, I would like you to do a writing exercise. I will not be grading it and you do not have to hand it in either, but it will be good practice nonetheless. So, let's activate those bright minds again and recall what we have learned about the Unforgivable Curses this semester.'' With a simple flick of his wand, the pile of parchments from his desk floated towards the students. The same things were written down on each of the parchments

Questionnair Lesson Six

1. In your opinion, which of the three Unforgivable Curses is the worst and why?

2. In most parts of the world, the punishment for using an Unforgivable Curse is imprisonment in Azkaban. Do you think this is justified or should the punishment be different?

3. Are there any spells (or other forms of magic) that you think should be considered unforgivable? Explain your reasoning.

Noel watched the students for a moment until he returned to sit behind his desk. ''Take as long as you need, you've got the entire lesson to work on it. Think carefully about your answers, and if you do want to discuss them with your neighbour, feel free to do so.'' And with that he let them concentrate on the parchments in front of them. He was curious the read their essays at the end of the class but was even more curious to read their opinions on these questions.

Roleplay the lesson.
You will receive extra credit for filling out the questionnaire, and additional extra credit if your student discusses their answers with their neighbour (or other characters)!
Please tag @Professor Noel Waldgrave if you want to interact with your student.
June focused all her energy on the last lessons, it didn't took long anymore until the break was there. And June just wanted her fifth year to start so she could be named prefect. Her fifth year would be very important with OWLS also. So it wasn't time to relax and sit back, it was very important the preperation.

The blonde made her way to the classroom. This time her cousin was there and she found her way to the front of the classroom. Making herself ready for the last lesson she would have from her cousin. Which was actually a relief. It had been kind of awkward facing her boggart with him staring at her. And she just didn't liked anyone else of her family of how they thought of her parents. She looked at the sheet on her desk, and started filling it out. It was not hard and she was quickly done. But made sure her anwers were well thought of. As she finished she had to discuss it with an classmate and did so. '' So if you were to be placed under the imperius curse, and you were ordered by someone else to kill someone. How guilty are you than? And how should you be punished you think? Just as hard as the person who placed you under imperio?'' June than disscussed to an random student. And after some time and conversations she left the room.

Questionnair Lesson Six

1. In your opinion, which of the three Unforgivable Curses is the worst and why?
The killing curse is the most final one, you can't chance the outcome and reverse the effect of the curse as it's casted. But the imperius curse can make someone kill too, so it's hard to pick. The Imperius curse can make an innocent person do stuff which are horrible so I think that is the worst one. I would hate to lose control myself too, so can't think of anything worse.

2. In most parts of the world, the punishment for using an Unforgivable Curse is imprisonment in Azkaban. Do you think this is justified or should the punishment be different?
I think you have to look at the situation overall. Some can use them, like an professor here to teach us. But that is dangerous as well, so why can he use it. It's forbidden for everyone. The punishment should not always be Azkaban in my opinion. We have to look at different options as well. Like if someone is placed under the imperius curse and is ordered to kill someone. How would you look at that? He used an unforgivable curse himself, but was placed under one before. And how can you tell?

3. Are there any spells (or other forms of magic) that you think should be considered unforgivable? Explain your reasoning.
Not that I can think of.
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Loki Styx settled into his seat, his eyes scanning the classroom as Professor Waldgrave spoke. He felt a sense of relief knowing that the Professor was back and well. The topic for today's lesson piqued his interest immediately. The Unforgivable Curses were a subject of deep fascination and importance, especially to someone with his background and beliefs. As the parchments floated towards him, he grabbed one and read the questions carefully. He leaned forward, his quill poised over the parchment, and began to write with a steady hand. Loki paused, re-reading his answers with a critical eye. Satisfied, he set his quill down and glanced around the classroom. Some students were discussing their answers with each other, while others were still writing. He preferred to work alone, trusting his own judgment and perspective over that of his peers. After a moment of contemplation, he added a few more sentences to each of his answers, refining his thoughts and making sure his points were clear and concise. When he was finally done, he leaned back in his chair. He read some of his other notes until it was time to leave, which he did. He was definitely ready for any exam.
Horror Zhefarovich entered the classroom with his usual air of detachment, finding his seat near the back where he could observe the room without being disturbed. As Professor Waldgrave began speaking, Horror took out his quill and parchment, his eyes scanning the questions as they floated down to each student. He read through the questionnaire with the faintest smirk, finding the subject matter fitting for his preferences.
1. In your opinion, which of the three Unforgivable Curses is the worst and why?
In my opinion, the worst of the Unforgivable Curses is the Cruciatus Curse. While the Killing Curse ends life instantly and the Imperius Curse strips away free will, the Cruciatus Curse inflicts unimaginable pain without causing immediate death. It tortures the victim, often leading to long-term psychological and physical trauma. This prolonged suffering can be more horrific than death, making it, in my view, the most malicious and cruel.*

2. In most parts of the world, the punishment for using an Unforgivable Curse is imprisonment in Azkaban. Do you think this is justified or should the punishment be different?
Imprisonment in Azkaban is justified for the use of Unforgivable Curses. These curses represent the darkest and most destructive aspects of magic, and their use poses a severe threat to society. Azkaban serves as a powerful deterrent and a means to protect the magical community from those who would misuse such dangerous spells. However, for those who show genuine remorse and willingness to reform, alternative measures, such as rehabilitation under strict supervision, could be considered.

3. Are there any spells (or other forms of magic) that you think should be considered unforgivable? Explain your reasoning.

Yes, there are other spells that should be considered unforgivable. For instance, the use of Dark Magic that manipulates time or resurrects the dead, such as the creation of Inferi, should be classified as unforgivable. These spells not only violate natural laws but also endanger the fabric of reality and the sanctity of life. Additionally, spells that inflict permanent disfigurement or mental manipulation should be categorized similarly due to their potential for irreversible harm and violation of personal autonomy.

Horror set his quill down, satisfied with his answers. He glanced around the room, noting a few students discussing their responses with their neighbors. While he wasn't particularly interested in their opinions, he couldn't help but overhear snippets of conversation. Horror looked over his notes while crossing his arms as he waited for the lesson to end, his mind already contemplating the upcoming exams. Though he hadn't been particularly fond of this class initially, he found the exploration of darker topics like the Unforgivable Curses somewhat appealing. At least he was done for this year. He doubted that there would be dark topics in the future after this.
Bailey observed Professor Waldgrave's return with a sense of relief. It was good to see him back after his sudden illness, especially just before exams. As the professor laid out the writing exercise on Unforgivable Curses, Bailey nodded thoughtfully, considering the weight of the topic.

Taking a parchment that floated towards her, Bailey read through the questions with interest. The Unforgivable Curses were not just theoretical topics; they held moral and ethical implications that resonated deeply.

Throughout the class, Bailey wrote with earnest contemplation, occasionally glancing up to see others deep in thought or quietly discussing their perspectives. It was a solemn yet engaging exercise, a fitting end to their semester's exploration of such grave magic.

When the lesson was over Bailey took what she had written and handed it into to Professor Waldgrave on her way out of the classroom.

1. In your opinion, which of the three Unforgivable Curses is the worst and why?

Imperius, with its ability to completely control another person's actions, feels especially invasive and dehumanizing.

2. In most parts of the world, the punishment for using an Unforgivable Curse is imprisonment in Azkaban. Do you think this is justified or should the punishment be different?

Yes, these spells represent some of the darkest magic a wizard can cast on another. Azkaban is a just punishment.

3. Are there any spells (or other forms of magic) that you think should be considered unforgivable? Explain your reasoning.

Horcruxes, the act of creating a horcrux and splitting ones soul should be considered on the same level as an unforgivable curse because of the dark acts required to make one.

Polyjuice potion. Impersonating someone by taking on their form can lead to doing unspeakable things in their name and ruining that persons life, it should be considered on a similar level to the imperius curse and deemed unforgivable.
Fraser walked into the defence against the dark arts classroom and took his usual spot in the room. He glanced up at the professor as the man got started, and they were to do a writing exercise, answering the questions that appeared on the board. He took them all down before he got started on it. He liked this better than just revising, but he did still very much struggle to get the right amount of concentration for this to go well. For him to get what would be coherent answers to the questions, even if it was to be his opinion. Eventually he got something down for each thing and then was able to pack up and head off.

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