Closed Formative Experiences, Formulating Ideas

Solomon Tofilau

'Sully' | Life of the Party | Experimental Charms
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (Bi (Chloë))
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Chloë)
12/2036 (24)
The weather was slowly but surely warming up and Sully had managed to drag Aisa outside to the lawn under the pretense of getting some homework done, though he figured they both knew that was a lie. Why did they even get homework at a boarding school, it wasn't like they could take it home and work on it.

Mulling over the idea of referring to it as 'dormwork', Sully was laying in the grass, his textbook spread out open across his face to help block the sun. It was still a bit damp and cold out despite the sunshine, but Sully wasn't going to let it bother him. He'd been busy thinking about dances and dates a lot lately, especially after finding out two of his muggle friends back home started dating at the start of their school year. Sully was almost 15 and hadn't had a proper serious date yet. Or even a kiss yet. "Have you kissed anyone before?" He asked Aisa, sliding his book just low enough to peer over at her over the top of the book.
Aisa was sitting in the grass, quietly working on one of her assignments, ignoring Sully definitely not doing his own homework next to her. She had known he wasn't going to actually work on anything for school, but at least he was decent company for as long as he could stand not hearing the sound of his own voice. Aisa's quill scratching on the parchment halted abruptly as Sully asked her a question out of the blue. She frowned, her gaze fixed on her parchment even though she could tell he was looking at her. "What kind of question is that?" She responded, then started writing again.
Sully had been thinking about dates and kissing and stuff a lot over the holidays. He'd gone to stay with Sia and she'd mentioned some girl she'd been seeing and set the whole conversation off. Apparently he couldn't tease her about anything just because he'd never kissed someone, which was totally not fair. Apparently Aisa didn't share his enthusiasm though, refusing to answer the question while she worked on some assignment or the other. "Oh come on, are you embarrassed?" He wheedled, propping himself up on his elbows, textbook forgotten on his chest. He didn't think he'd seen Aisa hanging around with anyone he thought she would kiss, but she had gotten that weird rose last year, and who knows. Maybe the Gryffindor girls all practiced kissing or something in their dorms.
Aisa sighed and finally looked up from her work to meet Sully's gaze, raising her eyebrows slightly. "No." She said, putting down her quill. "Just doubting it has anything to do with your homework." she told him with a roll of her eyes. "It's also my business." She added after a pause. "Just so you'll stop asking... no, I haven't." She said, her mind drifting to Adorah who she wouldn't mind kissing. But she really had no clue how to go about that, nor did she want to really examine that thought too closely. She also didn't want to think about the weird moment with Sully after she got that rose last year, and she wondered for a moment if he was almost trying to recreate it or do something similar. But then again, she was too curious not to ask. "You?"
Sully groaned when Aisa tried to make the conversation about dormwork, wondering how he ended up with two best friends who both loved books so much. "Homework's boring, this is interesting," He said, tilting his head when Aisa admitted she hadn't kissed anyone either. "Yeah, me neither. It's not like it's a big deal or anything," He said nonchalantly, laying back down, arms pillowed behind his head. Secretly though, Sully was glad Aisa hadn't managed to hit that milestone before he had. Not that he cared, but it seemed wrong that Aisa would be out there kissing and dating people before he did. "We should all play spin the bottle or something and just get it over with," He added, half-joking, though the idea already had some gears turning in his head.
Aisa raised her eyebrows more. "Me kissing someone is interesting?" She asked him, though it felt like a dangerous question to ask, but it had let her mouth before she could think about it. She snorted when he said it wasn't a big deal, a small smirk appearing on her face. "Sure, that's why you're asking me out of the blue." She said sarcastically. But at his next idea, she grimaced. "Is that... really how you think about it? Just getting it over with?" She asked him, tilting her head a bit. "So... anyone will do?" She asked him, wondering what he was thinking.
"Sure why not," Sully said with a wide grin. "We never did work out who sent that rose aye?" He added, stretching out more in the grass. It pained him to say it, but even with his own mysterious admirer from last year, Aisa's dating life seemed a lot more interesting than his own. Not that he cared if she dated or kissed other people, but it was fun to tease her. "Yeah, I dunno. I don't think it should be a big deal or anything," He said, shrugging his shoulders. There were plenty of kids in their year Sully would be fine kissing or even dating. It was all fun anyway, he was sure. "Why, would you have someone special in mind?" He asked her with a sly grin, making a few kissy faces at her.
Aisa sighed as Sully brought up the rose, looking up at the sky for a moment. "Clearly it was just a prank, still not convinced it wasn't your idea of a joke." She said, though she did actually believe he hadn't sent it. She frowned a bit. "So... why bother with a game? Why not just kiss someone random then, if it doesn't matter?" She asked him, glancing at him sideways. She had a suspicion that maybe he wanted to kiss someone in particular, but just wouldn't tell her. He was clearly thinking about it. She swatted at him with her book as he started to tease her. "You were the one who brought up kissing in the first place." She pointed out. "Clearly you've been putting a lot of thought into it."
Sully laughed when Aisa mentioned her rose from last year being his idea. "Nah, my jokes are actually funny," He said smugly. Aisa still didn't seem very keen on the idea of Spin the Bottle, which Sully thought was lame. He'd already half decided he was already gonna do it, but it'd been more fun if she played along. "Because it's a fun game," He said defensively. "Plus, it's more fun if it's random in a game. Otherwise I gotta walk up to some kid and ask to kiss them and stuff which is lame," Sully said, trying to imagine that trainwreck of a conversation, ignoring the fact that he had no idea who he'd even ask. He laughed when Aisa smacked him with her book, squirming away a bit. "I mean yeah, haven't you? Can't hide behind your camera at all the school dances forever," He sing-songed at her. Sully figured it was perfectly normal to be thinking about dates and kissing and stuff by now. If anything Aisa was the weird once for acting all cagey about it. Not that she wasn't always kinda weird.
Aisa snorted as Sully said his jokes were funny. "Since when?" She muttered, loud enough for him to hear it. He kept insisting on his spin the bottle idea, and Aisa knew him well enough to know that she wasn't going to talk him out of this. He was too enamored with it, probably because he wanted to kiss someone. Maybe someone specifically, but she wasn't going to ask. "So you're just trying to get your first kiss without having to actually tell someone you want to kiss them?" She asked him, unable to help needling him a bit more. "Are you really happy to kiss someone random?" She asked him, though as she pondered it, she realized it really wasn't that big of a deal. "Kissing is overrated, I think." She added. At the notion that she was hiding at school dances, she scoffed. "Some of us have responsibilities." She told him. "Besides, I probably wouldn't even be going if it wasn't for Accio.'
Sully laughed at Aisa's joke, shoving her gently with his elbow. He shrugged when she suggested he just wanted to play spin the bottle so he wouldn't have to ask to kiss someone. "I guess so? It's just a bit of fun it's not a big deal, aye. And besides, maybe you'll get to kiss someone you like if you come too," He said, wiggling his eyebrows at her. He stuck out his tongue when Aisa went on about responsibilities, making a point to yawn loudly as she spoke. "Yeah sure, you're very busy and important," He said with a grin. "You should be going to have fun, jeez," Sully shook his head is mock disbelief. It was a wonder Aisa ever got out to do anything. Sully was sure if he wasn't around she'd probably spend all her time at school reading or something.
Aisa sighed at Sully's logic. She shook her head disapprovingly, even if she was, deep down, a little curious about how such a game would go. "Who said I like anyone?" She asked him a little defensively. She scowled at his next words. "I'm not saying I'm busy and important." She told him, wondering how he could miss the point so much. "I'm just saying these things aren't really my thing. I wouldn't enjoy the dances without having something to do, a reason to be there." She said with a shrug. "What else am I going to do besides take pictures? Dance?" She scoffed at the idea. "I'm not making an idiot out of myself, thanks."She paused. "And I'm not sure if I'm participating in your game." She said, though she knew she probably would.

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