Forever not so alone?

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Mizelea Brooks

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Rosewood Wand 13 ½ Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn

Mizelea Amanda Brooks
Hey Everyone! ^_^ Here is my Main Character Mizelea ( You can call her Mizzy, Zel, Leah, Mizel and anything that pops up into your head.) I really need her to have lots of friends and hopefully some love interests.

A quick Summary about her is that:

Mizelea is bubbly and very friendly. Currently, she's one of the Team Captain in Beauxbatons Quidditch Teams. She loves to dress-up and is quite of a shopaholic too. Plays the piano very well, also she could sing. Mizzy loves to smile a lot and I mean a lot. Although her looks may fools you, Mizelea is sweet and really uber smart. She's the type of the girl that could really brighten up your day, as there wasn't a day that made her sad or angry. Is very optimist, own a lot of animals. Back in Texas, her family owns a barn and lots of farms. You can see here anywhere basically as she loves to wander around the streets of London alone most of the time.

I really need some plots for her as at the moment I don't have a final for her,
also any sorts of friends are welcome in her life. I'm very much open for any
special plots and feel free to ask me any question about Mizelea :doh: :p
Thank You So Much! (I hope lots of people would post.) :r :wub:

- -Mintzy​
I could offer Praneil as a friend and flirt. they have met at the quidditch tryouts and didn't get onto the right foot, but maybe they could meet again. he flirts quite a bit, so nothing serious. but a plot and conversation with a little harmless fun would be good if you want.
Hey Mia! :)
Praneil and Mizelea? That's sound good, the two as friends. Though Mizelea isn't the type of person who easily notice that a guy is hitting on her. :p :D Oh and I also have a question, Is Praneil still joining the team or not? :r
she wont notice that he is hitting on her, all the more fun. do you want to start a topic or do you want me to?
as for the team. do you want him on it. he will enjoy it. do you want him to post again in the try outs?
I'd really appreciate if you could start the topic for the two. As for the Quidditch Team, anyone is very much open to join and if you still wish to continue joining feel free to post. :D
Hm... I'll have to think lol..
Harleigh isn't in school yet though...
Well she doesn't really know what she likes...
Once she has friends she will open up a little bit..
She loves to sing :)
Yea Harleigh sings with her brother who plays electric guitar and is teaching her some. They write songs together...
I am not for sure what else I want her to like but she will figure it out.
I have Cosette here, she's 13 years old and attends Beauxbatons. She's really outgoing, talkative and kind, though a complete scatterbrain. I could see Mizelea and Cosette meeting and becoming friends in school.
- -That's sound great! I think the best thing to do is let the two discover each other.. So are you up for RPing the two? ^_^

- -I have no idea what your OOC name is? xD Though I do have a character named Cosette! :woot: Back to the topic, I think Cosette and Mizelea would be really great friends! Should I or you start a topic for the two? :tut: ^_^
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