For the Old and the New

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Kayden Night

Kaikōura Kea Coach 2046-2053 | Twin | Keeper
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Ready to Mingle
35 (09/14)

Kayden Night is half Native American Wizard and half American-Muggle. He is 16 years old and finishing up his 5th year at Salem Academy for Young Wizards and Witches if that at all is the correct title for the school. Those who once knew him, would think to see a young boy who once followed his sister around like a puppy, afraid to talk to most and only those who really tried to get him to open up managed to get in. Including Shiloh Denton and Sara Moon.

However now that he made those friends and decided to go to school closer to home he is a much changed lad. A very protective brother to his younger sister. He can charm a girl from just a look. Though he is a very honest boy, he isn't very much one for purposely using his good looks that over the years he has grown into. His looks have changed from his round babyish face to a more much angled and Manly build. He works hard on quidditch and is a chaser for his team at the school. He recently was offered the spot as team captian for his remaining years at the school if he wishes to take it, which he most likely will.

This young man needs some friends and plots ^_^ This is where you come in. Where're your character is doesn't really matter. They could happen upon each other somehow and then plan on meeting up again later. If they are in NZ then he could be visiting his sister during a Easter Break at school or something along those lines, just to give you an idea. So a few male mates would be nice to have, while at Hogwarts he only really made girl friends so he needs some guys outside of school to hang with as well.

Girls. Now here is a tricky subject, he has been fought over before by two girls crushing on him, and considering he is going to be Quidditch Captain most likely there are girls all over him at school. However he needs someone special to his heart, which can only be detrimined through some rp. He is also in need of a final.

Best Wishes to you All.

So Hi :D
I have Corey here who I think would get along really well with Kayden. She is also a Chaser and loves quidditch. Plus she is a all around sweet girl even though life hasn't been the easiest for her. She grew up without parents in an orphan edge and had a hearing disability until just recently when she was cured by magic. That being thee case she is coming out of her shell more and is a bit naive to the world of boys. She could be a friend or a romantic interest if your interested, or we could just start a RP and see where it leads. I don't really mind. So let meh now what you think.
:hug: ~Annie

I bring a guy back and he already gets three Beauxbaton girls in a few days where Ron Weasley never got the one he was after! Hah!

I've actually planned with Tenile that Kayden is over at Beuxbatons now with his team for a game so if you're interested we could start another topic off like that, only I feel as if he is going to be quite competative if he knows she's on the other team. But we can start a rp and see where it goes and it could be up to when she tells him about being on the Beaxbatons team!

And because there are three girls for him at the moment and I feel bad about picking off the bat it'd be nice to rp in a thread before I can say "Yes, to the dress, uhm I mean Girl!"

Wow Three! o_O

That's Crazy, :)
I think that we could go with the quidditch game plan xD ironic, anyways I'd like to see where it goes and I'm sure it will be quite interesting when they realize they are on opposite teams. And I totally understand about having options so, my question is would you like to start or would you like me to start?

~Annie :woot:

I know! There happens to be alot of Kayden fans out there I'm glad I could please the population! Hahah just kidding of course.

Sounds like it's a plan! And I've seen around that Corey is going to be friends I believe with Mintzy's Beauxbatons girl and she also happens to be one of the three so you guys could always have something about him in your threads, girl fights are wicked :p just a thought haha

It doesn't really matter to me who makes it, if you have time and want to then feel free. However it can't actually be in the Beauxbatons school cause I can't reply or make topics there :p Haha.
Alright sounds good, lots of interesting outcomes. I shall start and post here when I'm done :p
Sounds Good Annie!

Man poor Kayden needs some guy friends, hinthint People of HNZ :p :p
Gotcha and Thanks :)
Well He seems to be getting along with the ladies quite nicely ;) ;)

However he still needs some guy friends Please.
<COLOR color="#000">Hey there, I don't know how well they would get along but I can offer Nat here for an experimental RP?

She's a generally nice girl, Helps people out when they need it and tries her best to be good. She can get very protective over those she loves and is quite the argumentative type once she gets into a fight.

What do you think?
- Summer​
Teigs - Of course, I was hoping once you come back on you'd see this and post :p Though I've heard she's gotten a final while Kayden's been away :p Of course best friends as always haha. Though the three never posted together I always thought of Georgie/Kay/Shiloh as the three musketeers. haha.

Summer - I'm sure they'd actually get along fine but I'm swamped with friendly girls for Kayden at the moment :/
Yeah i know. Sorry xD Besties for the win!
Hey Steph.
I have a sugstion for you. I hve Chayton Ateara. he is (if I remember right) half blood wizard, quarter muggle and Quarter giant. also he is three quarters native american (I am sure you can guess which grandparent wasnt, a clue would be the big one). he has just finished his sixth year at Orion academy an all boys wizarding school (located in alaska i think) however he is transfering to HNZ next year. he comes form North Dakota. He is a nice boy and despite his size he is rather shy and humble as he is rather self conscious and has been picked on for his size. I can see them probably being friends of sorts.
Let me know whay you think
(there is a link to his profile in my siggie)
Shiloh Denton said:
Yeah i know. Sorry xD Besties for the win!
They should meet up during the holidays and she can be all excited to see him, like she jumps on him and stuff xD
Hey Mia!

I think that's great! I've been hoping to get some male friends for poor Kayden even at HNZ all he had were gal friends. He isn't a very judgemental person so he wouldn't mind the part giant bit, plus he's good with anyone which is Native American, unless they have an awful attitude about it :)
awesome. no chay doesn't have an awful attitude about it at all. he has a worse attitude to his other heritage for making him so different. I would rather not RP until after graduation as i am still getting my head around this semesters layout at uni and don't want too many plots on at once and want to focus on briar until then. but after that it will be awesome.
would you like to start or would you like me to?
Isla Smith said:
Shiloh Denton said:
Yeah i know. Sorry xD Besties for the win!
They should meet up during the holidays and she can be all excited to see him, like she jumps on him and stuff xD
Just saw this, don't know how I missed it earlier and that sounds great! He can be visiting his sister in NZ, if I didn't say this before, since she tends to stay in NZ during some breaks. So this one she can stay there and have family visit! And therefore Kay would be there and Shiloh would run into him!
Briar Rowan said:
awesome. no chay doesn't have an awful attitude about it at all. he has a worse attitude to his other heritage for making him so different. I would rather not RP until after graduation as i am still getting my head around this semesters layout at uni and don't want too many plots on at once and want to focus on briar until then. but after that it will be awesome.
would you like to start or would you like me to?
That sounds fine. And no problem with after graduation, you can make it whenever you're ready so that I don't have a empty thread sitting and waiting on my side haha it tends to make me nervous about the person replying and asking them to and being a bother. o_O
Kayden Night said:
Isla Smith said:
Shiloh Denton said:
Yeah i know. Sorry xD Besties for the win!
They should meet up during the holidays and she can be all excited to see him, like she jumps on him and stuff xD
Just saw this, don't know how I missed it earlier and that sounds great! He can be visiting his sister in NZ, if I didn't say this before, since she tends to stay in NZ during some breaks. So this one she can stay there and have family visit! And therefore Kay would be there and Shiloh would run into him!

That would be so awesome!
Isla Smith said:
That would be so awesome!
Yupper doodles so Who Starts?

OMG 1:40am I should so be in bed, oh wait I am....I should so be underthe covers and asleep, good thing I've got nothing going laters today!
Once I get up later I shall! I've just gotten a book from walmart earlier today and am about to start reading. Hopefully it's good but also makes me sleepy!

Kayden's back!!!! I just saw this now, and I had to post! Obviously, I'm going to put forward Sara, and hopefully-if she doesn't explode when she sees him-they could be friends again? She had a massive crush on him in First Year, but she's got a boyfriend at the moment, so they'd probably just be friends right now. She's changed a bit, though she's still quite a bit hyper ;)

Yeah Kayden's been back since right about when you went on vacation! Hahah! They could totally meet up and be friends, actually him and Kate are going to meet up in NZ maybe Sara can join in as well? Gotta talk with Johanna about that though
Isla Smith said:
Lol hehe
You start :r

For Shiloh

And I just had the thought that actually it'd be more interesting to see Shiloh/Sara/Kay all back together since both the girls had liked him at the same point in time :p
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