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Casper Kinnek

Artist- Growing- Found
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 17 Inch Swishy Wenge Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
6/24/2038 (23)
Casper honestly had no idea what he was even doing here. Today had been ten shades of a mess he wasn't ready to deal with. He didn't want to go back to the dorms. He didn't want to think about the roses, or in one case the lack of, he didn't want to think about what he'd sent or what he'd gotten. And he didn't want to be at the dorms. He sat at a table, just generally feeling miserable.

He almost wanted to go find Sebastian. But what would even be the point? Cas had no idea what they were. He'd tried to start something with Lysander, and that had ended horribly. He just didn't trust Sebastian, and no relationship would ever survive without trust. Cas had an entire year here without the Slytherin. He knew already that whatever Sebastian thought he felt would be gone long before Cas graduated. He sighed, shutting his eyes. Maybe he should just go down to the arts room and paint for a while.
It was Seb's last event in this school and it was Valentine's day, Seb sent Casper a red rose and to say the least, of course, he knew who sent him that red rose, Seb would be absolutely dumb not to understand it. And while Seb usually didn't go to any dances except for those ones when he just wanted to see Cas. And now, after the note, Sebastian totally had a lot to say to Casper and probably he was not gonna say even the half of it. "Hey," he shortly said after approaching Casper, hoping that he was in a good mood. "You look outstanding, as always," he added with a small smile.
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Cas sighed softly at the voice that broke into his reverie. He didn't want to see Sebastian. He looked up, meaning to tell him so. But his breath caught when he took in the sight of the older boy. He had always thought that Sebastian was handsome, but this... "Wow," he managed softly. "You look... wow," Casper stood, unsure what he was doing, and hesitated a bit in front of his chair. "What are you doing here?" He managed to ask, swallowing nervously.
Seb' waited for Can't reaction and then chuckled at it, he found it adorable how Casper's breath was taken away. "You know, I'm considering to grow a beard and a mustache," he joked a bit, sliding a finger over his jaw with a bit amused smile. "Good question. Wanted to see you actually," Seb easily admitted, for him it was getting a bit easier to talk with Casper. "Can I invite you for a dance?" He put out his hand, hoping to not get turned down.
Casper swallowed nervously, trying to regain his composure. "I mean, sure, whatever," He tried to sound nonchalant about it. If he wasn't going to be seeing Seb after he graduated, then it really didn't matter what the Slytherin did. He flushed a deeper shade of red as the older boy told him why he was there, trying to ignore the way his heart fluttered. He hesitated as Sebastian offered out his hand and asked for a dance. Casper started to reach for it but stopped, biting his lip and letting his hand hover halfway between them. Did he really want to do this? Cas peeked up at Sebastian, his heart stuttering in his chest as he did. "I hate you," He managed weakly, setting his hand in Sebastians. Casper was so weak.
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