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Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
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Sexual Orientation
Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader couldn't really believe that this was to be his final year of schooling. After so much time dedicated to it, so much studying, revision, so many lessons, pieces of homework and sleepless nights, it was all going to culminate in this, this final semester. He had been working so hard and all of it wouldn't matter unless he managed in this semester. Not a couple of years ago that would've sent him on a serious spiral, but he liked to think he was very better adjusted to it now. He knew that there would be some sleepless nights in his horizon, but hopefully not too many. Hopefully not so many that he wouldn't be able to study or work properly. He had mostly written his head boy speech, even if there was time for things to change, he didn't want to get caught out in his revision, needing to catch up on it. However, it was the beginning of his last semester and he was glancing around at the great hall during breakfast that morning thinking about how much he would likely miss this place, his time at Hogwarts hadn't been the best, but it had been good. He would miss the breakfast probably and the unlimited access to coffee. There wasn't much on his agenda for the day, a rare occurrence, but he was hoping to just take a little of this semester to look back fondly on his time at Hogwarts.
Ava wasn't sure what she should be feeling right now. She'd been talking to the school counselor, and she... felt a little bit better, but she still had her worries. School was ending. That was... something, really. Something she wasn't sure she was prepared for. So much had happened to throw her off. She'd lost a lot of people that had meant the world to her, her stay at home with her dad hadn't been as climactic as she'd hoped. She did enjoy the year at home, sort of, she felt closer to her family. At least, some of them.

She had fallen asleep in the early hours, and had accidentally slept in. She made her way down to the great hall, tired and really just wanting to go back to bed. She was still in her pajamas- that is to say, fluffy sweats with snowflake designs and one of Vader's shirts. She yawned, rubbing her eyes. She hardly paid attention to where she was going, just naturally drawn to the one place she felt safest. She slid in next to her best friend, cuddling into his side, and sighing in content.
Vader glanced at who joined him at the table. Noting that she hadn’t bothered putting on a school uniform or day to day clothes. He just moved his arm so that he could bring her slightly closer into his side, while still being able to eat and drink his breakfast. ”So whats on the agenda for you today Ava?” he asked with a little smile, he wasn’t sure what she had planned if anything, but it was just a way to make light conversation as they spent time eating breakfast.
Ava looked up to Vader with tired eyes. "I don't know," she murmured. "What are you doing? I might just follow you and doodle on your arms or legs or something," She half mused, glancing around for breakfast. She saw an omelet with cheese, bacon, and onions that looked really yummy so she took that, picking up her glass and getting some nice chilled milk to sip on. "I was thinking," She looked over to him, "Have we ever decided where we wanted to live?" She asked, looking up to him.
Vader nodded, ”I don’t really have anything planned,” he said to her, ”I might much later in the day go to meet up with Ajax and go over more accio stuff, but nothing else,” Vader told her. He poured himself a little more coffee and took a light sip, ”Maybe we could spend some time outside? Chilling outside in the sun,” he told her, at the question he frowned, ”What do you mean? I thought we were travelling for a while as you checked out art schools?” he knew she wanted them to live together but it wouldn’t make sense to spend time looking for a place if they’d be moving around..right?
Ava yawned, nodding. "Okay. Maybe we can grab a blanket and just chill out in the grass somewhere." She offered. She wasn't going to pass out sunbathing. No way. She hesitated as she went to take a sip of her drink, moving to swat at his arm lightly. She hadn't forgotten they'd already discussed this, that would be silly. "Oh, shush," she grumbled, blushing a little and rubbing her eyes. She really did need more sleep. She stole his coffee, grimacing as she took a sip. "Remind me when we eventually start apartment hunting that we need a coffee shop nearby that will give you a loyalty discount," she teased, putting the nasty drink back. "And they need cookies and hot chocolate for me," she added, already thinking of dream places they could live. Somewhere with a view, a bit of a glass ceiling, top floor. She smiled just thinking about it.
Vader smiled and nodded. ”Yeah, for sure, it’ll be good,” He said in agreement. It would be nice, a nice chill day for them to spend time in this their final semester. He gave a little smile and nodded, ”I’ll get a french press or a coffee machine, that way I won’t spend all my money on coffee,” he joked but there was a little smile on his face just thinking about how chill it would be to decide his own hours, to not be ruled by his classes. He would always have responsibilities, but he could definitely decide those a little easier when he could pick his hours and what work he did when. ”We’ll need a room to develop pictures in,” he said with a little shrug, it wouldn’t be a big deal but it would be a good room to have, they’d also need a place for Ava to draw in.
Ava chuckled, nibbling on her breakfast. She giggled at his thought. "I could take some side classes to be a barista," She teased, nudging his leg. "Make you all kinds of fancy coffees," she smiled, waking up a little more as she ate. "I was actually thinking, would you be against us sharing a room? We can have our own beds, maybe like a blanket divider if you wanted, but I won't promise whatever we get I won't just crawl in your bed with you a lot," she mused.
Vader laughed lightly, ”Well, it might add some variation to my coffees, I usually don’t do anything to them.” Vader gave a small smile and a nod. He listened as she spoke and hesitated, he got why, they had shared beds before, he wouldn’t mind it. ”But...what about when Goku comes over, to spend the night and stuff?” he asked, his tone was nervous and tentative, he wouldn’t mind sleeping in the same room as her and wouldn’t if he didn’t have a boyfriend. He didn’t want to upset Ava by saying no, but he also wasn’t sure it would be fair to make her sleep in a living room if he was over and he didn’t want the three of them to be sleeping in the same room. He loved Ava dearly but he would need some privacy with his boyfriend.
Ava laughed lightly, nudging his arm. "Something has to make your coffee good" she teased. When he mentioned Goku, her eyes widened. "Oh, that's right, I didn't think about Goku." She laughed again. "Fine, three bedroom. I'll double my room as an art studio too," she mused, nudging his foot with hers. "I still get sleepovers sometimes," she teased.

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