Open For the Flower Queen

Rose Holland

🍬Honeydukes Asst. | Impulsive | 2049 Graduate 🌹
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Laurel Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
7/2031 (30)
(Yellow rose, open after Rowan)

Finding the next person was both easy and difficult at once. It was easy because Rose knew who the girl was, but also difficult because Ainsley was also delivering roses. So when Rose spotted her wandering in a corridor, she quickly headed over to the older girl. "Hi Ainsley, Happy Valentine's day!" Rose said with a bright smile. "I have a rose for you, delivered by a Rose!" She grinned, adjusting the flower crown on her head before holding out the yellow rose. "Here you go!"
Ainsley felt like she had walked the length of the castle a dozen times over looking for people, trying to get all her deliveries finished as quickly as possible. It was tiring, but seeing the smiles on people's faces was more than reward enough when she finally managed to find the right person. Her search was interrupted though, by the sound of her own name, and Ainsley looked up cheerfully, pleasantly surprised to see Rose. "Happy Valentines Rose!" She said in response, smiling brightly. Her eyes widened slightly when she was presented with a rose, taking it happily. "Oh! Thank you so much!" Ainsley said cheerfully. "A rose from a rose..." She smiled, opening the card to see who it was from.
Rose grinned as the girl wished her a Happy Valentine's day back, then took the rose from her. She was clearly delighted with the rose pun Ainsley made, and gave her a thumbs up. "That's my line!" She joked, grinning. She hoped the girl liked her rose. "Thanks for helping me get all the roses for the event ready, by the way." She said with a smile.


Ainsley took a moment to smell the rose, enjoying its sweet scent as she read the note. Ainsley had seen a few of the kids she had sold wands to around school and enjoyed the knowledge that she got to be part of their magical journey, but she hadn't really spoken to any of them other than Aonghas, and certainly hadn't expected this. It was a lovely surprise though, and Ainsley smiled as she pocketed the note. She looked back up as Rose spoke, smiling happily. "Oh, it was my pleasure! Thank you for organising everything, it's so wonderful seeing the castle this busy!"
Rose beamed at Ainsley as the older girl thanked her in return. "Not a problem, I loved organizing it! And Lizzie Taylor helped a ton." She said honestly. "I should get going and deliver my next one, see you later, okay?"

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