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Leonardo Orr

lonely; serious
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Curly 11" Flexible Cypress Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
06/2043 (18)
Leonardo Orr was rather relieved that his white hair had faded within the time frame that the older boy had promised, since it meant he didn't accidentally have white hair for the yuleball. The hufflepuff was looking forward to this, he'd managed to get another date and was really eager to have a good night with them. Admittedly he didn't know them, but he hadn't known Gwen before the yuleball date the year before and that had still gone rather well. He was sure it was more fun if you knew the person better but he thought it better to have a formal date to the dance. It was still note a real date, given that he didn't like the girl, Anais like that, but it would still be date adjacent. He was stood at the entrance to the great hall, at exactly when he was to be there, he was wearing the same suit as the year before, but he wore it better, he'd filled out a little that it looked just fractionally too big for him. He didn't appeared bothered by waiting, and was just content to do so, knowing that provided the girl hadn't changed her mind she would be there soon enough.
She had forgotten how hard to get ready without the means of muggle inventions. To curl her hair, she had to borrow some old timely curlers instead of an iron curler and just went with the flow of how she wanted her hair done. Although, it was rather a relieve when her older sisters had taught her how to apply make-up at a young age. Ready and set, Anais double check herself on the mirror. When everything was accounted for, she went on a journey down the Great Hall.

It wasn't a joke when going down for their everyday meal was a journey even if their common room was on the first floors of the castle. Arriving at the Entrance Hall, the Hufflepuff girl fixed her dress as she landed the few steps of stairs. Looking up from her dress, she managed to quickly noticed Leonardo. Anais quickly walked toward him, thinking if he was waiting for a long time.
"Have you been waiting?" She asked nervous. She didn't think it would be that long to get into her dress and do her hair and face.
Leonardo wasn't waiting long at all when the girl, Anais finally appeared. He gave a little smile at her and then shook his head. "No, not long," he assured her. He held out his arm to her, so that he could at least be a gentleman about this, even though it did make him rather nervous. He wanted to do this well, and ensure that Anais had a good experience too. "What would you like to do first?" this was her first time to the ball, so he would rather go with what she wanted to do than what he wanted to do. Especially considering he didn't really mind what they did first.
so sorry. For some reason it’s not giving me a notification for this topic
“Great!” She really hoped it was the truth. She didn’t want a bad impression from him. Although, Anais was sure that he was nervous as well. Seeing as he acted like he’s from the 1880’s. The Hufflepuff girl wrapped her hand around Leo’s arm. “It’s a ball. I suggest we break our dancing shoes.” She had a bit of practice with Richard these past few days. Hoping that’ll actually help her with her 2 left foot. “But be warned. I might step on your feet far too often.” She chuckled nervously. It wasn’t a lady like but hoping a magic would happened to tonight.
Leonardo nodded and while he was a little nervous about dancing, it wasn't like he didn't know how to do a basic dance. He gave a little smile and moved towards the dancefloor. "It'll be fine, I'm not much of a dancer either," he told her honestly, since he didn't think he was much of a dancer despite knowing how to do a basic dance. He stopped and then moved to be in front of her, so that they could dance. It was pretty of formal, but he knew that comparatively with others he just was. He wondered for a moment if he should apologise for being so formal.
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