Open Fond Flowers

Elliot Briar

| '54 Grad | Ollivander's Asst. |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Demi (Alice)
10 1/2 Inch Alder Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
6/2036 (25)
Red for @Chrysander Kaster, open after

Elliot had found the entrance hall was always a good spot to find recipients for roses over the years, and while he knew Chrysander in passing from Hufflepuff, he didn't know the other boy very well. He'd been taking a break, watching the crowd of students pass around him when he finally spotted Chrysander, moving over to him, apologizing as he stepped past a few other students. "Sorry, excuse me- Hey, Chrysander?" He said, gently tapping the boy on the shoulder. "Uh, rose delivery for you."
Roses were the way today it seemed and Chrys had sent a couple himself. He wasn't sure if everyone had received them yet or not, but he was going to try and make it to the kitchens before Sapphire inevitably tried to figure out who'd sent her the pink rose. He was sure she'd have an inkling, but you never really knew, she was quite popular with the boys. He felt someone tap him on the shoulder and slowly spun to find a younger Hufflepuff. Elliot something or other. "Oh hello!" He was in a pretty good mood today, but not to playful which was a good thing for the fourth year. Being stuck with a playful Chrys was sometimes bad for people's health. The veela did so enjoy his games. "Ooooh, it's reeed." He had to assume it was from Onyx then.​
Elliot always felt a tiny bit awkward giving out roses, but even more so with pink or red ones. He couldn't shake the feeling like he was intruding somehow, even though he'd yet to see a rose delivery go badly somehow. "Uh yeah. Here, there's a note," He said, trying not to be unnerved by how pretty the other boy was, passing over the rose and note with a quick smile.

You're family now, boo bear. You surprised me. I thought anyone Onyx brought back would be twice as annoying. Odd that you're somehow... decent? I dont really trust easy. Stick around a bit, yeah? I'd hate to have to get used to a different idiot.
Thank youuuuu,” Chrys said, taking the rose from the younger boy and glancing at the note, “oh, I was wrong, oops,” he was surprised it was from Sapphire. He’d sent her a pink one but, he knew what she was like so sending him a red one really shouldn’t have been that much of a surprise. At least, he thought it was from Sapphire, given it wasn’t signed. She was such a weirdo honestly, but she was fun to play with. “You got many more deliveries?”
Elliot was still a little off-kilter around Chrysander, though he was curious about the other boy's comment as he read the note. "You were wrong..?" He asked quietly. "Oh uh, not too many. Nearly done," He said, raising up his basket in an awkward half-gesture.
"Yup, thought this was from my boyfriend, but it's from my girlfriend instead," he said, folding the note and pushing it into his pocket. Sapphire wasn't really his girlfriend he supposed. But it was the easiest way to describe her, they had fun together. "Oh, well that's good. You can relax and just do whatever. It must be such a pain to have to find all the other people who need roses, right?" He asked, grinning at the younger boy.​
Elliot tried not to let his confusion show when Chrysander mentioned having both a girlfriend and boyfriend. He knew some people did that, though he did wonder if that was ever stressful. He'd found it hard enough worrying about keeping one partner happy. "Oh uh.. okay.." He trailed off. "The worst is finding people I don't know.." He said, before having an idea. "Do you happen to know what house Uno Bear is in?" Elliot was nearly done with his deliveries, but Uno was one of the students on his list he didn't know much about.
Chrys tilted his head slightly as he appraised the younger boy, but thought best to leave him alone. "Uno? Ah, love her, she's hilarious. Yeah she's a Slytherin in my year. Um... she's usually hanging out somewhere she can easily shout things at people when they walk by. Dungeons, corridors, that sort of thing."
Elliot wasn't quite sure what to make of Chrysander's description, but it was a good start as any. Though he did hope he wouldn't get things shouted at him if he found her. "Ah, thanks. Uh, enjoy the rose?" He said, still feeling awkward around the older boy. "I'll... go track down Uno," He said, taking a few steps backwards before giving a little wave and hurrying off.

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