Old School Week Flying

Aonghas Fergusson

listless; robe-maker; father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
not interested
Oak Wand 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
8/2036 (24)
Aonghas had gotten a brand new broom over the break. He hadn't bothered to tell his dad that he quit the team, and just kept the broom and had brought it to the pitch. He was no long on the team, but he could still fly. So he got on the broom and flew up into the air.
Lucas had been disappointed not to make the Quidditch team this year, and hadn't touched his brand new broom for quite a while after being rejected. But now in the second semester, he was thinking that if he could get a lot better and practice, he might make it next year. So he took his room to the Quidditch pitch and flew into the air. He spotted another boy already there, one he recognized from the team. Hesitantly, Lucas flew closer to him and waved.
Aonghas looked to the boy who waved at him. He. was a younger hufflepuff, and someone he hadn't had too many interactions with, but someone who was or had been on the team at the same time as Aonghas had been. "hey, that a new broom there?" he motioned to the relatively new looking broom the boy had.
Lucas nodded with a shy smile. "Got it at the start of the year." He said hesitantly. "But I didn't make the team." He added, shoulders slumping a bit. "Weren't you on the team?" Now that he thought about it, he didn't think he'd seen him in the last few games Hufflepuff had played. Had he been wrong?
Aonghas gave a little nod of appreciation to the broom, "That's a pity," he replied before nodding, "Aye ah wis. What position did ye go fer?" perhaps he could help the kid get better which he could do if he knew which position he had tried for.
Lucas nodded, but still frowned a little in confusion. "You were... but you're not anymore?" He asked, wondering if the boy had been kicked off the team. Maybe the people in charge of the Quidditch team were just sort of mean. "I went for seeker." He admitted. "It seemed cool..."
"Nope," he replied, but he didn't go into much more detail. He looked at the boy, "Ye've got the size fae ah seeker, why dae ye think ye didn't get it?" he could maybe help him. Almost half his family were involved in quidditch in some capacity, he knew a lot about it by proxy as well as having played.
Lucas was happy to hear he had the right size for a seeker. He guessed that meant seekers were supposed to be small, which he was. He sighed. "An older boy got alternate seeker." He said with a shrug. "Maybe it was because I never played before Hogwarts, or even flew before, or even knew it existed." He admitted.
Aonghas nodded, "Maybe," he replied. Perhaps it was, "Show me how you fly?" he said, gesturing lightly to the pitch, clearly looking to give him some notes or pointers on his flying.
Lucas was a bit sad when the boy sort of agreed with him. He didn't entirely, but he also didn't dismiss Lucas' concerns. The boy nodded as the boy suggested showing him his flying. He flew off, trying his best to fly fast like seekers did. He dodged a few imaginary players, then flew back to the older boy. "What do you think?"
Aonghas watched him as he did a quick lap of the field. He watched him dodge a few imaginary things and then flew back to him. "Okay the form is good enough, I 'hink ye need tae work on getting faster, dae a lap of the field as if ye were chasing a snitch that's always one hair away from ye," the teen told him. "Nae obstacles, just ye and the snitch,"

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